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  • No sadly. It's okay, he'll get kinda more annoying but less frequent as the game goes on.

    Cheers Mr. Spencer, I've had no luck using the guide so far but I did note sometimes it's still random or based on time of day and I haven't yet tried the showroom trick thats there which will be worth trying.

    Edit - Re: DNF demo, apparently it's the same alpha code demo which was shown off at PAX September last year, and the final game sports some improvments. Doesn't seem like a sane idea to release such an old demo code because it's gotten a lot of negative comment. I'd say more, but everything else I could would just be a copy of where I read it:

    The Sauce -
    Last edited by Rombie; 06-05-2011, 11:00 PM.


    • Started horsing around with Black Ops on the ps3, I'm not sure if it's just the game itself or my off brand controller but the look stick is very sensitive. On the 360 I have my sensitivity set to 3 and it's just the way I like it, but on the ps3 if I have it at 3 if I just slightly move the right stick it sends my view skyward in like no time.

      Also played some Dead Nation (thank you Sony), and I must say it's quite addictive.


      • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
        I'm only 5 minutes into InFAMOUS, and Zeke is already bugging the shit outta me.
        I lost my first mission because I killed him. ..

        Please tell me if I take the evil route I'll get to kill him.. permanently.
        I completely agree. I only got about 3 or so of the main missions done before I was done. Everyone told me how great this game was, but it really wasn't my thing at all. In concept, it really sounds like a game I would like, but no...Annoying characters, stupid missions, tedious shards everywhere...Beh.

        Dead Nation

        I have mixed feelings about this game: I like the over all premise and the simplicity of the game, but there are times when the zombies just pour out of everywhere it seems. And I'm fine with this...But the controls are just a bit too sensitive for my taste, and I find aiming to be a touch difficult. I would also like to be able to climb on top of stuff and shoot. I know it can be done because there are a few areas in which you can sort of do this.

        I don't know. Fun overall, I suppose. I need to figure out which other free game I will be getting. Obvioulsy, not inFamous. *shudders*

        I do love the Dead Nation theme. I've been hitting replay most of the night...
        Dead Nation Theme
        Last edited by Xander Ashford; 06-06-2011, 01:17 AM.


        • I've been playing through inFamous, not sure if I like it or not.
          See you in hell.


          • You like it. I like it, so you should.


            • I don't know Jon, it's kind of fun but everything about it feels kind of game-y. If that makes any sense? Guess I'm just spoiled by playing games that are more serious in tone like Heavy Rain and BioShock.
              See you in hell.


              • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                I completely agree. I only got about 3 or so of the main missions done before I was done. Everyone told me how great this game was, but it really wasn't my thing at all. In concept, it really sounds like a game I would like, but no...Annoying characters, stupid missions, tedious shards everywhere...Beh.
                It reminds me alot of Crackdown for the XBOX360. After about 10 minutes of missions, I decided it was more fun to just scale buildings.. or jump around on street lamps like some spider-monkey infused Gene Kelly..

                Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                Dead Nation I have mixed feelings about this game: I like the over all premise and the simplicity of the game, but there are times when the zombies just pour out of everywhere it seems. And I'm fine with this...But the controls are just a bit too sensitive for my taste, and I find aiming to be a touch difficult. I would also like to be able to climb on top of stuff and shoot. I know it can be done because there are a few areas in which you can sort of do this. I don't know. Fun overall, I suppose. I need to figure out which other free game I will be getting. Obvioulsy, not inFamous. *shudders*
                Same with me! I did find the aiming way too sensitive. I was disappointed to see the options didn't let you configure it either. I suppose it's something you just have to get used to. My other gripe was that the game was so dark! I had trouble distinguishing street debris from zombies. I guess I was too lazy to manually change my TV's brightness settings. (I hate games that make you change the brightness through the TV and not the game itself. Little pet peeve of mine. ..)


                • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                  I don't know Jon, it's kind of fun but everything about it feels kind of game-y. If that makes any sense? Guess I'm just spoiled by playing games that are more serious in tone like Heavy Rain and BioShock.
                  Mmm, I know what you mean, but for that was part of it's charm for me. I love the ultra-real, ultra-serious games too, but sometimes it's nice to play something nice and simple. inFamous is basically what happens when you pour a comic book into a game, and it's fun for that. It's not complex, at least in terms of plot, and the morality is extremely black and white (with a couple of...interesting exceptions you run into at the end of the game) but it is a blast. And let's face it - unleashing a storm of lighting alone a road to obliterate a bunch of fools, there trucks and anyone else foolish enough to get in your way? Satisfying.


                  • Maybe it's a sign that I'm getting old and the only things that can really hook my attention are games with a mature narrative. That said, I really enjoyed Alone in the Dark: Inferno. Yes it has some control issues but once you get used to them then it's not really a problem at all. If you haven't played it yet, strongly suggest that you do. It's grossly underrated.
                    See you in hell.


                    • I own it - it's sitting in the pile of games I need to play. After Dead Premonition, maybe.


                      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        I own it - it's sitting in the pile of games I need to play. After Dead Premonition, maybe.
                        That game should be your highest priority.


                        • L.A. Noire is what you need to play next, Darkmoon.

                          Phelps. Badge twelve forty seven.
                          Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 06-06-2011, 10:26 AM.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                            Same with me! I did find the aiming way too sensitive. I was disappointed to see the options didn't let you configure it either. I suppose it's something you just have to get used to. My other gripe was that the game was so dark! I had trouble distinguishing street debris from zombies. I guess I was too lazy to manually change my TV's brightness settings. (I hate games that make you change the brightness through the TV and not the game itself. Little pet peeve of mine. ..)
                            YES! I thought it was just me; I have died a few times just because I didn't see what was attacking me, and it usually turned out to be a zombie wandering the debris. They have that option to where you can adjust the brightness before playing, but I just assumed that was for people with older televisions. My television usually just "auto-adjusts" to what I doing...Watching a movie, playing a game, et cetera.


                            • Recently played and beat Demon's Souls. Extremely overrated in my opinion (when difficulty is caused by faulty combat mechanics and level design and not from enemy AI, there's a problem) and didn't deserve the Game of the Year award it received from Gamespot. 5/10.
                              A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                              • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                                That game should be your highest priority.

                                Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                                L.A. Noire is what you need to play next, Darkmoon.

                                Phelps. Badge twelve forty seven.
                                Nope. Deadly Premonition is a must. Is such an underrated gem. Also Mr. Francis York Morgan is quite fun. So says Mr. Stewart.

                                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key

