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  • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post

    Has anyone played Splatterhouse and give me a general opinion of it? I see it is rather cheap now, and I did have an interest in it back in November when it first came out. If it is pretty much just mindless killing, that would be fine.
    Splatterhouse is fun if you don't take it seriously. Its a funny button masher thats all it is. The controls are a bit whack but its nothing game breaking. The story is funny and you know how you have collectibles in every game? The collectibles in this game are pics of your girlfriend naked .

    But yeah, its cheap now so I say go ahead and give it a shot. You also get the original first 3 games with it when you beat the game.


    • I could play some Mercenaries, not played it for a while though.
      See you in hell.


      • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
        I could play some Mercenaries, not played it for a while though.
        Anytime you see me playing Resident Evil 5, that's what I'm playing. I've played more hours of Mercenaries than the actual game. Just invite me because if I'm playing with someone who sucks, I will just leave the game. I know it's rude, but if you've been killed by a Reaper 6 times, I start losing patience. I also do not play the Missile Base Level...I find it too maze-like.

        Thanks, I did go ahead a pick it up yesterday. I figured why not. It did look like one of those general games where you just go through and kill, kill, KILL...Which is what I need some days after work.


        • Playing some Nintendo 64 games like F-Zero X, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros., Earthworm Jim 3D, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, and 007 GoldenEye.
          "So many assholes, so few bullets." - Duke Nukem


          • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
            Anytime you see me playing Resident Evil 5, that's what I'm playing. I've played more hours of Mercenaries than the actual game. Just invite me because if I'm playing with someone who sucks, I will just leave the game. I know it's rude, but if you've been killed by a Reaper 6 times, I start losing patience. I also do not play the Missile Base Level...I find it too maze-like.
            Certainly! Safari Chris to the rescue once again.
            See you in hell.


            • The Witcher 2


              • going through my 3rd run of mass effect. then when i unlock hardcore mode im gonna go through my 4th


                • I "finished" RE5 again the other day (if you call getting to chapter 5-2 and watching the rest of the cutscenes in a viewer "finishing"). I don't know what it is about RE5, but once I hit the ruins I start to lose interest in finishing it.

                  Might play Mass Effect 1 again in the future (or even Red Dead, as it's still been bugging me lately). Just hard to find the want to really play anything these days.
                  A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                  • Platinumed Alice Madness Returns and just got Modnation Racers
                    "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                    • Dead to Rights: Retribution

                      I like this game a lot.
                      See you in hell.


                      • Kidou Senshi Gundam vs Gundam Next plus
                        "So many assholes, so few bullets." - Duke Nukem


                        • Starcraft 2. I am becoming obsessed with it. Just finished a match and got a respectable 173,000 score. Second highest was 120,000. 2v2, the Zerg guy I was playing with, the other 2 players destroyed his base and kept defending the expansions he could have moved out to, so he had to move to the far corner of the map, ages away from our base. At this point I had 3 bases, loads of factories, and had a Thor/marine/medivac/BC/Viking army. The guy was scared cos he now had no units and said "defense me please", so I sent a huge mech ball to his only mineral line, cos I knew if he didn't mine it, he was out. Moved the rest of my huge army out (was 200/200 on supply, couldn't build anymore) and killed the cheeky other Zerg's only remaining base trying to nick gold minerals, then moved onto the Protoss players base. They sent an army of a bazillion stalkers/roaches/infestors, but I took them all out and they GG'd. The guy I was with was really chuffed, going "great!" cos he'd assumed he was out as he was nearly mined out with barely any units.

                          I have been placed in the gold league, was hoping to be in a lower one so it's a bit easier. Reading up on Terran strategies now to see what I like best. I quite like Sky Terran.

                          Edit: Just tried my first Sky Terran on Gareth's account cos he's still in the Practice League, worked quite well actually. Quite a few Vikings, one Battlecruiser, lots of cloaked Banshees, a Raven which dropped an auto-turret behind his mineral line. All the while the guy had been Siege Tanking off his main, then they were all just running around not being able to attack my air units and I destroyed his mineral line 15 mins into the game. Trollalololol
                          Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 08-02-2011, 02:52 PM.


                          • Resident Evil: Director's Cut


                            • I am about 6 days away from getting the platinum in MK then I'm going to be taking a big break from that game and play Dragon Age 2.


                              • Continuing my epic campaign of brutal justice against the scum of Grant City.

                                I don't care how mixed the reviews were, Dead to Rights: Retribution is one of those games that's just pure fun. It's what a game should be, crazy, ridiculous, doesn't take itself too seriously yet has a plot and characters you do care about. It takes itself seriously within the confines of the game world, if that makes sense. It's not trying to emulate real life as say, Heavy Rain for example.

                                Plus your dog is fucking vicious.
                                See you in hell.

