I dunno if everyone saw it or not, but for a short period, people could register in hopes to get early access to the NXE (official launch is on the 19th of November.)
I got in and just installed the new dashboard.
It's pretty nice looking and comes with a rather "epic" introduction sequence.
Looking at it in general, it's basically just a cross-breed between the current dashboard and Sony's XMB. (Just that all the main groups are on the left and goes "down" for additional info when you scroll out to the various sub groups.)
I really like what little hands on action I've had so far. Currently "installing" the 4th disc for Lost Odyssey now, to see how that thing works out (I figured I'd save my final grinding in this one until I got the new dashboard up and running).
It took a total of 7 minutes to install the 4th Disc of Lost Odyssey onto my HDD (read: as some already know, all it does is copy all data from the disc to HDD and access the HDD instead of the disc whenever you play the game. So that's a rough 1 minute pr. GB of data).
I dunno if I just missed out on this feature before, but I just noticed I have an option in my console settings to set HDMI color space to auto detect, Source, RGB, YCbCr709 and YCbCr601.
So far: This is gooood.
I got in and just installed the new dashboard.
It's pretty nice looking and comes with a rather "epic" introduction sequence.
Looking at it in general, it's basically just a cross-breed between the current dashboard and Sony's XMB. (Just that all the main groups are on the left and goes "down" for additional info when you scroll out to the various sub groups.)
I really like what little hands on action I've had so far. Currently "installing" the 4th disc for Lost Odyssey now, to see how that thing works out (I figured I'd save my final grinding in this one until I got the new dashboard up and running).
It took a total of 7 minutes to install the 4th Disc of Lost Odyssey onto my HDD (read: as some already know, all it does is copy all data from the disc to HDD and access the HDD instead of the disc whenever you play the game. So that's a rough 1 minute pr. GB of data).
I dunno if I just missed out on this feature before, but I just noticed I have an option in my console settings to set HDMI color space to auto detect, Source, RGB, YCbCr709 and YCbCr601.
So far: This is gooood.