Figured what happens is they'd take my unit and repair it, but send me someone elses refurb'd unit as a replacement.
No announcement yet.
Xbox 360 Problems
Dunno how the UK service center works (if they really have one of their own), but the Eastern European hub (or whatever) doesn't seem to send out "someone elses refurbs", or replacement systems in general. They only send out your own "refurb" (which is certainly what it is after they've serviced it).
Just an Update, just got the 360 back now from Frankfurt via UPS courier.
As usual it included a 1 month XBL Gold Membership which im going to use on a new account *as I currently share one with my brother at the moment*, however what struck me as interesting is that according to the diagnostics, the DVD drive, Motherboard and "Other" were ticked as having hardware faults and were all supposedly replaced.
Not had time to try it out much but it appears to be running Fable 2 off the bat with no errors, originally it took roughly 20-30mins of keeping the console on for it to run, and even then i'd get disc read errors frequently, same for Gears 2.
Hopefully its a full repair instead of a fudge, in any case, my question *albeit not frigging likely that this happened*, is regarding the motherboard, I heard repairs and new consoles from late October were being fitted with the new JASPER set up, is there any truth to that?
Well, it's kinda hard to tell what's been done to the inside if you can't open it.
But if they ticked the "other", they might've switched the heat sinks or something inside it (I think there was some sort of article on this somewhere, that they're adding a different type of heat sinks in some models sent in for repair).
As far as I know, they don't do "upgrades" of old non-HDMI units to HDMI enabled units (only replacements). So no "very old mobo" switched with "more recent mobo".
I don't think they have a quick setup for swapping the CPU either. Besides, switching motherboard/CPU might affect the power brick you use, as the power bricks and their output changes between the different SKUs too.
Anyway, I'm curious about your new drive! Does it make much noise?
The new drive in my old 360 post-replacement is pretty much noiseless when compared to both how it was pre-repair and my Elite (which is still only a few months old since it got off the conveyor belt.)
My drive is pretty quiet shockingly enough, the console itself is probably only half as loud as it used to be before the problems came up.
At least it loaded data for Fable 2 relatively quick, but i've yet to play anything longer then 10 minutes on it *been busy*.
It was a 360 arcade so it did have the HDMI port etc on it already as before the problems I was using it.
I figured the replacements were like for like anyway after reading up on the JASPER power brick compared to the previous builds, im just hoping the repairs last for the next 3-4 months *when im probably just going to go for a new console when I relocate anyway*