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  • Capcom

    When reading posts here, I often notice that people always resort to badmouthing Capcom. For instance, a poster will say that Capcom makes bad games or that Capcom "doesn't care about anything except for making money."

    Now, I am not a business executive, but I understand that a business must make profits to keep shareholders happy, and making profits requires selling products that have an appeal to consumers.

    As for making bad games...I think Capcom is actually one of the better game developers. Now I am not an avid gamer any more, but when I did play a lot of other games (besides RE), I found the best game companies to be Capcom, Konami, Nintendo, Sunsoft (whatever happened to them?), Rare, and a few others that I can't think of right now.

    Capcom has made some fine franchises, such as:

    - Street Fighter, RE, Mega Man, Ghosts 'n' Goblins, DMC, Breath of Fire, Onimusha

    They've also made great individual games, such as:

    - Marvel -vs- Capcom, X-Men -vs- SF, Zack & Wiki, Okami, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Final Fight, Viewtiful Joe, 1942, Strider, Darkstalkers, etc.

    Anyway, with this thread, I am just trying to figure out why people so often bash Capcom. Personally, I've always thought they made stellar products with great graphics and mostly good gameplay. I've always felt I could trust a product with the Capcom logo.

  • #2
    Capcom is the best!!! I always hurt the one I love. Take into account that they often spoil us rotten by giving us the best, most innovative games. Then they back down once they realise it doesn't sell enough, so you're left wanting more like a crack addict.


    • #3
      Well, I don't know about utter blind faith to Capcom, but I just mean that more often than not, you're going to get a good game from them.


      • #4
        "Crapcom," eh?!


        • #5
          I just get peeved cause they throw out alot of good stuff. And like:"LOOK AD ALL DIS COOL STUFF WE MADE!!!! WELL U AINT PLAYING IT!! EVERRR!!"


          • #6
            Well let's see.. They butchered Resident Evil, they butchered Onimusha, they butchered Dino Crisis. From what I hear, they butchered Mega-Man as well. So Capcom, although has a blind following, kinda sucks now. It's new titles like Dead Rising or Lost Planet, seemed like a passing craze. I can't see either of them becoming as big as Resident Evil or Devil May Cry.
            But same could be said about Square-Enix, they butchered Final Fantasy. So Capcom's not alone there.


            • #7
              Actually, MM9 wasn't bad at all. However, yes. RE is ruined, DMC is ruined, Onimusha is ruined, and Street Fighter looks to be heading the same way...

              Oh, look at that. They're all the fourth in their series. Some kind of curse, must be.


              • #8
                Except Dino Crisis 3, which was essentially a Survivor game. After that they kinda... Gave up on it.

                But still, one of the guys I went to school with said he wants to go work for Capcom so that he could make Mega-Man good again.


                • #9
                  Well let's see.. They butchered Resident Evil, they butchered Onimusha, they butchered Dino Crisis. From what I hear, they butchered Mega-Man as well. So Capcom, although has a blind following, kinda sucks now. It's new titles like Dead Rising or Lost Planet, seemed like a passing craze.
                  Whether they butchered all those titles or not is a matter of opinion but your apparent hatred of them is really quite blind. They also created all of those titles. Without Capcom you wouldn't be playing the early games either.
                  You make it sound like they have taken them from somewhere or someone and ruined them.

                  No offense but if I was a Capcom shareholder, I wouldn't be voting to put YOU in charge (that job should be MINE! )


                  • #10
                    They created them in the 90s. I'm a fan of Capcom in the 90s/early 00s. Today's Capcom sucks. I have nothing Capcom to look forward to.

                    Well, hey, you wouldn't put me in charge, that's your loss. I'd make the games GOOD again. If there was another Onimusha game, it would resemble a historically altered Japanese action film, not a cheesy fantasy anime.
                    If there was another RE game, I'd make scary again, and the storyline wouldn't be overdramatic.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                      RE is ruined, DMC is ruined, Onimusha is ruined, and Street Fighter looks to be heading the same way...
                      What, what, never_played_Onimusha, what?

                      RE is changed, but not ruined. Last time I checked RE4 was one of the best games of the previous generation, and RE5 one of the most anticipated titles.

                      DMC ruined? Sure, DMC1 was the greatest of all the four games, but both DMC3 and DMC4 are great (or at least good) games too.

                      And Street Fighter... why do you think it s heading the same way? The game looks great, the game plays great (from what I've heard) and it is still the same, old Street Fighter.


                      • #12
                        It just occurred to me...the RE games are pretty much the only Capcom games I've ever played.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
                          What, what, never_played_Onimusha, what?

                          RE is changed, but not ruined. Last time I checked RE4 was one of the best games of the previous generation, and RE5 one of the most anticipated titles.
                          RE4 one of the best games of previous generation? According to who? Sales? Critics? People who didn't care about the series until it became easy to play?

                          RE was a survival horror game, and it has become an action adventure... Even bordering Action RPG. And as far as I'm concerned, if you take an awesome horror game, and turn it into an action RPG, then you're ruining it. Action games are a dime a dozen. It's hard to find a good survival horror game.


                          • #14
                            RE4 was a critical & financial success, even if it still is one of the weakest entries in the series (to some). Despite its many flaws, it is still a well developed & entertaining game (even if it is devoid of any original ideas, a good story, or believable characters).

                            I think Capcom is a good company. Many of you incessantly bash them without considering the fine games they have put out. It's not like any game company is perfect. Maybe they did put out their best material in the 80s and 90s, but they're still making great games today, like "Okami" and "Zack & Wiki."

                            Now their NES & SNES titles were all phenomenal...


                            • #15
                              Okami was really fun, and so was Zack and Wiki. I think Capcom should stop making series and focus on original IPs. That way, the game can be good while at the same time not taking a series and... well,

                              Consider the older games "ours" and the RE4 generation "the other guys".
                              Substitue "save" at the end with "make". It just makes sense.

                              And yes, I've played Dawn of Dreams, Mr_Zombie. It was an interactive anime. I love how 3 said on the back of the box that it was the final game in the series, and yet Capcom still decided "Hey! Let's make another Onimusha game! *goes to search anime sites and watch The Matrix*"
                              Last edited by Canas Renvall; 11-18-2008, 04:36 PM.

