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  • #16
    No, what I meant is I haven't played any Onimusha game (aside from a demo of O3 on PC that was horrible due to a poor port), so I don't know whether those games were good or not.
    But I disagree about RE, DMC and SF with you. None of them were ruined. Sure, not everyone have to accept what Capcom did with RE4, and that with DMC3 Dante was turned into annoying 'cool' guy, but you can't deny those are still great games.


    • #17
      Oh. In that case, avoid Onimusha 4. Capcom's on a roll.

      Says who? I never liked Street Fighter, so I won't like SF4. DMC4 was a total copout. The second half of the game is going through the same levels in reverse order! RE4 got quite stale once I'd unlocked everything. If I want to see parasites exploding from peoples' bodies, I'll go watch Parasite. Leave that out of RE, unless it's a single case like in RE2 with Ben. Even then, it was another virus that Birkin created. It wasn't some ages-old parasite brought back to life by someone who's addicted to tentacle yaoi.


      • #18
        Viewtiful Joe was fun too.


        • #19
          Capcom makes bad games, I dont think so.
          I dont see how Street Fighter is becoming bad since its been on hiatus for quite some time, and SF4 looks promising. I wont even get started with RE5.
          Games in general today may not be as good as they were in the 90's, but that time era is over, we have to look foward, not back. People complaining about Capcom butchering all their games is pointless if you ask me. GET OVER IT or DROP THE CONTROLLER and go play outside
          Last edited by CODE_umb87; 11-18-2008, 11:45 PM.


          • #20
            Well, that's like saying that people complaining about 9/11 is pointless. Sure it's in the past. But it's still a damn shame.


            • #21
              Personally, I reckon they should of given re4 a different name and started another series in the same world. Make everyone happy.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
                Well, that's like saying that people complaining about 9/11 is pointless. Sure it's in the past. But it's still a damn shame.
                Video games are completely different then the events that occurred on 9/11, of course people are gonna complain about that, but about video games? It is pointless, there is no good that can come of it.
                You can A) Sit there and complain all you want, or B) Look foward to what the future of gaming has.
                I dont see how anyone can enjoy playing video games if all they think about is how much games suck now and how much better they were in the 90's.


                • #23
                  RE4 is a good GAME not a good RE.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
                    Video games are completely different then the events that occurred on 9/11, of course people are gonna complain about that, but about video games? It is pointless, there is no good that can come of it.
                    You can A) Sit there and complain all you want, or B) Look foward to what the future of gaming has.
                    I dont see how anyone can enjoy playing video games if all they think about is how much games suck now and how much better they were in the 90's.
                    So...if we don't enjoy the games we should just happily accept whatever offering is made, because we can't do anything? Or vent our frusration on places like this and to Capcom in the thin hope that something might be taken to heart?

                    I mean, it's not like a lot of people complained that RE4 lacked horror and the folks making the game suddenly decided that maybe RE5 needs some more horror elements.

                    If you accept what you don't like nothing changes. If you try it just might.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                      So...if we don't enjoy the games we should just happily accept whatever offering is made, because we can't do anything? Or vent our frusration on places like this and to Capcom in the thin hope that something might be taken to heart?

                      I mean, it's not like a lot of people complained that RE4 lacked horror and the folks making the game suddenly decided that maybe RE5 needs some more horror elements.

                      If you accept what you don't like nothing changes. If you try it just might.
                      The point Im trying to get across is that it does no good to just complain about things like this, I never said you had to happily accept what is given to you. The topic for this thread is about how people think Capcom ruins games/makes bad ones, which is not necessarily true. After all, if it wasnt for them we wouldn't have games like SF, RE, MM, etc..
                      I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but frustrating about how video games today are horrible doesnt leave any hope either. I personally dont see anything wrong with todays gaming that makes the 90's look any better, just a few changes here and there(RE4), nothing more.


                      • #26
                        Well, I know I prefer older games because they were often longer and harder and had more of a plot to them. Games these days look exceptionally pretty, it's true, but a lot of them seem to sacrafice game play and plot for that prettyness, and lenght overall.

                        This is not always true with every game, of course, and I'd be a fool if I said there weren't new games I loved. There are. Fallout 3, BioShock, Metal Gear 4...all great, great games. But I know the majority of people prefer older Final Fantasy games, for example, and the older Resident Evils. Older Silent Hills. Hell, I didn't even like the last Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibre that much, but that might be just me.

                        I do think there is hope, though, and a lot of publishers seem to be starting to listen to fans to a point. I know I wouldn't mind taking a hit on graphics if I got a longer game. Although I admit, I'm not sure how much longer something like Oblivion or Fallout could reasonably be...


                        • #27
                          I think it was easier to appreciate games back then. Because although, yes, by those standards, the PS1 had great graphics and all that. But it was still a very technologically limited platform. And the amazing thing about it was how much they were able to squeeze out of it. Games like Final Fantasy 9, graphically, pushed the PS1 to its limits, I think. It was just so much easier to appreciate it back then. These days, I don't know about the 360, but I know that I have yet to see a PS3 game where the graphics have been truly pushed to the platform's limits.

                          Oh. And people keep saying, "Stop complaining.." The title of this thread is "Capcom". It's not Capcom Appreciation Thread. It's not Why Capcom is Awesome. It's just Capcom. I would not post in a Capcom Appreciation Thread. But this thread, as far as I see it, is for debating. I don't know why people are so happy with boring old' full page of posts stating the exact same opinion in different words.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
                            Oh. And people keep saying, "Stop complaining.." The title of this thread is "Capcom". It's not Capcom Appreciation Thread. It's not Why Capcom is Awesome. It's just Capcom. I would not post in a Capcom Appreciation Thread. But this thread, as far as I see it, is for debating. I don't know why people are so happy with boring old' full page of posts stating the exact same opinion in different words.
                            What? The title says Capcom, but the topic is about why some people bash Capcom simply because one of their favorite games was butchered. No where does it say anything about Capcom Appreciation. We all have our opinions, but I think people hating on Capcom for the reason being is just silly. I think they have contributed a large majority of good games for the most part.
                            Last edited by CODE_umb87; 11-20-2008, 02:30 PM.


                            • #29
                              Yes, most of those good games were released before the year 2000. I mean, George Lucas had credibility at one point too. And for creating the original Star Wars trilogy, or the original Indiana Jones trilogy, people commend him. But with the crap he releases these days, like the new Indiana Jones movie, he butchered it. And for that, one can easily say that he lost his credibility as a movie maker.
                              Jsut the same, just because Capcom created something good in the past, doesn't change the fact, that today, they're making shallow games with no credibility at all.

