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My friends would be like this
Me:thats a zombie try to avoid it
Friend:hell no im gonna kill it, go down, die, GET OFF!! after 5 zombie encounters later, wheres my ammo gone, this is stupid, this game blows
I don't really care if my friends try the games I like or not. Frankly, if none of my friends want to play RE, then they're the ones who are missing out. But I don't believe in the series anymore, so I don't really care if they get into it, because chances are, if they do, it'll be the new RE, and I'm not gonna support that. I'm not gonna say, "Oh, you picked up RE4? Right on!"
yeah i know 1 person whos got the whole series but he goes off and plays any game, though i have another friend who has just 4 and he likes it a bit, but i mention RE to them their like RE is so this and that(bad mouthing it), those bums should at least give it a chance and play one, its annoying being the only one who plays RE in my group
I know all about it. But hey it could be worse. They could be like, those people who love RE4, and will try and justify how it's better than the classics. I think them having nothing to say about that particular issue is better, no?
I honestly don't see why folks are so focused on the older camera angles and control style. They were simple enough to use, yes, but they weren't brilliant. It was a case of the best at the time. But so long as the game is scary, has exploration and puzzles (Hi RE4. Welcome to fail.) then I'm happy enough.
Personally, I really don't care either way since they're equally easy for me to use.
Well, like I said, I haven't played a single over the shoulder/behind the back horror game that actually scared me. Not RE4, not Dead Space, and not even Silent Hill Homecoming. And that's pretty sad.
The static camera angles gave the game so much effect. It added so much to the scares.
Have you ever heard of Mise en scène? It refers to a particular style used in cinematography. The framing of a shot, the angle, etc, all those things play an important part in giving a movie certain mood or effect. This applies to games too. You play RE, and you're walking in a room, suddenly the camera changes to a shot from outside the window. It makes it look like someone's watching you.
Or the way the camera is positioned in a narrow hallway, it can make that claustrophobic feeling that much more effective.
You say RE4 failed at being scary. I bet you if the camera was independent in that game, and used as well as in some games, like in Remake, RE4 would've been tons more scary.
Possibly. But I always reckoned RE4 failed to be scary because it just throws massive ammounts of cannon fodder at you, along with enough ammo to kill them all plus there pet fish and dogs. And giant cousin Huck.
I suppose Silent Hill's older style is probably the best, though. Over the shoulder for combat and some exploration with the wonderful atmospheric shots is a good mix.
My main complaint about the fixed camera angles is the number of times I got attacked by something the character could see but I couldn't, or the times where I simply autoaimed at an enemy and shot them wthout ever seeing them.
Ugh, this reminds me of the guy who was all like, "You HAVE to see what you're shooting at."
Why? I kill offscreen enemies all the time, it's no big deal. It was Resident Evil. It's what it was about. And yes, the odd time, I got bit or attacked, or whatnot. Tough. That's why there are healing items.
That's the other thing, RE4 was so damn easy. Checkpoint at every door? Enemies were ridiculously easy. It wasn't even fun because of that.
Sometimes, in the classic RE games, I forgot to save, and I barely escape death, and limp my ass to the save room to get a first aid spray. Now THAT'S a rush.
Not every game has to play the same. Not every game has to let you take careful aim at the enemy, or show you exactly where all the enemies are, otherwise what's the point of genres? Might as well make RE a first person shooter.
Ugh, this reminds me of the guy who was all like, "You HAVE to see what you're shooting at."
Why? I kill offscreen enemies all the time, it's no big deal. It was Resident Evil. It's what it was about. And yes, the odd time, I got bit or attacked, or whatnot. Tough. That's why there are healing items.
That's the other thing, RE4 was so damn easy. Checkpoint at every door? Enemies were ridiculously easy. It wasn't even fun because of that.
Sometimes, in the classic RE games, I forgot to save, and I barely escape death, and limp my ass to the save room to get a first aid spray. Now THAT'S a rush.
Not every game has to play the same. Not every game has to let you take careful aim at the enemy, or show you exactly where all the enemies are, otherwise what's the point of genres? Might as well make RE a first person shooter.
i so totally agree with you there.
like in the mansion, you walk around a corner in yellow caution and hear a hunter screach then realise you have not saved in hours, scariest moment ever.