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    All this info is courtesy of Yashuu of the Cameras Lens fan forums, thank you Yashuu!!!!

    It seems Fatal Frame IV has been confirmed for European market on Febuary 2009.
    In the Official Nintendo Magazine Issue 37, page 48, its stated that the games coming out next year. The article comes with a review of the game.
    As I said, all info courtesy of Yashuu and thanks to them. also have a pre-order for the game in Febuary, more proof for a release date. Pre-order
    CamerasLens Thread

    No news on a US date unfortunately. Sorry you guys.

  • #2
    Nice news.

    Wonder who the publisher is (If it's Nintendo, it might be another case of "Disaster" not coming to the US, unless it sells incredibly well in Europe first).

    And also, ugh, I hope it's just early listing that makes it list as "Fatal Frame" on I'm not a fan of the somewhat cheesy US name for the franchise (Not that the European name made much sense in relation to the games themselves, but they at least kinda snuck up to original name).


    • #3
      Supposedly, Nintendo were working on a new name for the English localization.
      I'm guessing they've changed it to Fatal Frame here then, but does that mean it'll just be "Fatal Frame: Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse", or retain its number...?
      This is very exciting news, I can't wait!!!


      • #4
        Finally. I was getting fed up waiting for this one. I was honestly starting to think it was gonna be another good game that never made it outta Japan.


        • #5
          Wow! YAY!!!
          It's about time!
          I've been waiting so long for some kind of announcement, I was also starting to wonder if it would ever happen.
          I hope Tecmo have used this (long) time to improve the game. I read that the Japanese release was filled with annoying bugs.
          I would still rather play this on PS3 (to join the first 3 games there) but I've got a PAL Wii so I'll be able to get it at last. I hope they make it an option to be able to use the GC controller (I doubt it).

          But YAY!!! it looks like it's actually coming!


          • #6
            The games strictly Wiimote + Nunchuk only right now.
            But you use the Wiimote for the camera and Nunchuk for the flashlight.
            And Tsukiko has made an amaaazing song for it, I wonder if the English version will be put in the English localization.
            And you're right, the game had 3 major bugs, one even crashing the game AND your Wii.
            They're nothing too serious, but hopefully it get fixed.
            Last edited by Gradon; 11-30-2008, 10:00 AM.


            • #7
              I picked up the same nintendo mag last week and read the section you were talking about, it looks to be a decent addition to the F.F series, I just hope the forth title is just as scary, as this is the only game series that keeps me up at night, after playing it lol
              I read that you can draw back curtains to see if theres ghost behind them with the remote, now that is a nice little feature that would make you feel like your in the game, wow can't wait for the next 10 years, what else would we be able to do


              • #8
                And you're right, the game had 3 major bugs, one even crashing the game AND your Wii.
                They're nothing too serious, but hopefully it get fixed.
                One of the reviews that I read, talked about bumping into and sometimes getting stuck on, tiny and/or invisible objects! And it also mentioned various crashing and freezing... They may have been exaggerating but either way, I REALLY hope Tecmo fix it up before we get it. There's no excuse not to.

                Tsukiko has 2 songs that feature on the game. But I havn't been listening to them because I'd rather hear them in the game first (that's how I fell in love with the other FF songs). I hope they use the Japanese language versions but they will probably use the English ones.


                • #9
                  I will have Reggie's head if this doesn't make to the US.


                  • #10
                    finally some good news


                    • #11
                      Jap girls bearing cameras? Who needs that when you can hire the Ghostbusters.
                      See you in hell.


                      • #12
                        Cute Japanese girls with cameras. And it's one of the scarier game franchises.

                        I've broken as many minds with Fatal Frame as I have with the phone scene in the origional Silent Hill.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          Jap girls bearing cameras? Who needs that when you can hire the Ghostbusters.
                          You've obviously never seen how efficient a group of Japanese tourists can be.


                          • #14
                            Nintendo's silence is killing me.
                   STILL has it for PRE-ORDER on the 6th of Febuary, which makes no sense.
                            Where is my game? I'm going to town tomorrow to see if it's out.
                            If not, someone dies.


                            • #15
                              I'm waiting for this game more than anything so I can't wait till its out but it had better be soon xD

