All this info is courtesy of Yashuu of the Cameras Lens fan forums, thank you Yashuu!!!!
It seems Fatal Frame IV has been confirmed for European market on Febuary 2009.
In the Official Nintendo Magazine Issue 37, page 48, its stated that the games coming out next year. The article comes with a review of the game.
As I said, all info courtesy of Yashuu and thanks to them. also have a pre-order for the game in Febuary, more proof for a release date. Pre-order
CamerasLens Thread
No news on a US date unfortunately. Sorry you guys.
It seems Fatal Frame IV has been confirmed for European market on Febuary 2009.
In the Official Nintendo Magazine Issue 37, page 48, its stated that the games coming out next year. The article comes with a review of the game.
As I said, all info courtesy of Yashuu and thanks to them. also have a pre-order for the game in Febuary, more proof for a release date. Pre-order
CamerasLens Thread
No news on a US date unfortunately. Sorry you guys.
