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Uncharted 2!

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  • Uncharted 2!

    Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

    IGN’s home for the latest game trailers, including new gameplay, cinematics, announcements, and reveals.Subscribe to stay up to date and get notified when ne...

    Screencaps(all IN-GAME engine):


    A bunch of re-hosted pics here:

    10-page exclusive info BLOWOUT in January edition of Game Informer!

    - There's a new female lead named Chloe Frazer. GI asked about Elena and Sully's return but they had no comment.
    - The story is about looking for the ships that Marco Polo "lost" while returning home to Italy.
    - Melee combat is more dynamic now.
    - They mentioned they were using only 30% of the PS3's power with Drake's Fortune and are planning to use nearly 100% with Among Thieves.
    - A demo was shown to GI with Drake going through a city (I believe in Nepal), and he's stealthily taking out guards and escaping the city.
    - Nolan North returns to be Drake and Chloe Frazer is played by Claudia Black (Stargate SG-1, Fargate).
    - The Sixaxis mechanics were ditched for such things as throwing grenades.
    - One of the weapons revealed is a rocket launcher that Chloe uses (might only be for the cinematic).
    - There are no load screens.
    - The score is being composed by Greg Edmonson (same guy from the first one).
    - Weapons can be used in any stance (running, behind cover, hanging, climbing a wall, etc.).
    - You can now move while aiming behind cover.
    Last edited by Vector; 12-15-2008, 06:22 PM.

  • #2
    Sweet!! I'll check out the trailer when I get home from work.


    • #3
      I have a distinct feeling that many of you might have been expecting that this day would be coming real soon … Today, we’re beginning to reveal more about our next project here at Naughty Dog – Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

      Surprised, right?

      You can catch the first glimpse of our next game on, which is hosting a video we’ve put together advertising the 2008 Video Game Awards on Spike. Our VGA ad will also premiere on the air tomorrow, Tuesday, December 2, at 9:25 PM during UFC Unleashed on Spike. Oh yeah, that means we have something much bigger lined up …

      The world premiere of our first trailer for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves!

      This trailer will be shown during the 2008 Video Game Awards show, airing on December 14, 2008, at 9:00 PM on Spike. Don’t forget!

      On top of that, Game Informer has revealed the cover for their January 2009 issue today, which features none other than – you guessed it – Uncharted 2. The January 2009 issue will hit subscribers and newsstands in mid-December and will give you the first in-depth look at what lies in store for Nathan Drake.

      Keep an eye out for a lot more about Uncharted 2: Among Thieves in the coming months!

      I have a distinct feeling that many of you might have been expecting that this day would be coming real soon ... Today, we’re beginning to reveal more about our next project here at Naughty Dog – Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Surprised, right? You can catch the first glimpse of our next game on, [...]

      Official acknowledgement by Naughty Dog via the Playstation Blog. Looks like the first full trailer will be revealed during the VGA's.


      • #4
        Awww yeah! It's about time this kick ass game became a franchise! Next we need Uncharted for PSP!


        • #5
          Well, needless to stay, I just started Drake's Fortune over again.

          You know it's a good game when you could play through it 5-6 times and not get bored.


          • #6
            Uncharted and Little Big Planet are the only games that would persuade me to buy a PS3. I heard Uncharted was a blast.


            • #7
              Well, this is how I'd sum up Drake's Fortune:

              A 3rd person shooter with a cover system, hand-to-hand combat system, Prince of Persia-like climbing system, a smart-ass, bad-ass main character voiced by an established, highly sought-after voice actor(Nolan North), a story related to actual historical events and some of the best(if not THE best) graphics on a console to date, all done respectfully in the spirit of genres like Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider.

              It's a very good game. Hence me being so pumped for Among Thieves.


              • #8
                Yeah, it truly is one gorgeous game.
                Now that MK vs. DC is behind us, this is by far my most anticipated game... Which reminds me...


                • #9
                  Why does every sequel have to go a more "Darker" route?
                  I loved Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, and the teaser for Uncharted 2 looked decent but meh.


                  • #10
                    Damn this is just awesome to unexpect to see my favorite title on the PS3 to have its teaser for the second trailer up here. Damn I'm stoked. Naughty Dog are just awesome.


                    • #11
                      You know, if putting out Uncharted games means they'll never come out with another Jak and Daxter game, I'm willing to take that sacrifice.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
                        You know, if putting out Uncharted games means they'll never come out with another Jak and Daxter game, I'm willing to take that sacrifice.
                        I'm not.

                        Uncharted was a massive disappointment for me, and it pains me to say that, as I love Naughty Dog. I didn't think it was a bad game, mind you. Far from it. It just wasn't quite up to the standards of Naughty Dog as a developer.

                        As far as I'm concerned, Jak II is still their best game to date. Hopefully with Uncharted 2, they can reclaim that magic. Having said that, I am concerned about the new stealth elements. Uncharted was pretty generic to begin with, and now it seems like they're only diluting what little originality there was even more.

                        And just for the record, Uncharted is my favorite game for the PS3 (that's exclusive, anyway).
                        Last edited by Archelon; 12-02-2008, 01:31 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                          Why does every sequel have to go a more "Darker" route?
                          I loved Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, and the teaser for Uncharted 2 looked decent but meh.
                          Why do you say it's darker? Because he's bleeding? Or because of what he says? Frankly, he's asking for it if he's going after more treasure, after everything that happened to him in Drake's Fortune...that's what I took the line in the trailer as. Not as a "oh God, the world is coming to an end, CTHULHU!" kind of thing.

                          Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                          I am concerned about the new stealth elements. Uncharted was pretty generic to begin with, and now it seems like they're only diluting what little originality there was even more.
                          Everyone's freaking out about the "new stealth elements" idea. I think everyone's taking it a little too seriously. I feel like people are imagining Drake using OctoCamo. I'd imagine Among Thieves will have something like a fight-or-flight system, to add a new element to the game that Drake's Fortune didn't, and to also take away some of the massive, sometimes boring gunfights that were in abundance near the end of the game.

                          Hopefully, you're presented with the choice of either gunning it out with a TON of enemies, or maybe sneaking past them quietly...and if you do, you're rewarded with it somehow, whether it be more ammo or whatever it is.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            Everyone's freaking out about the "new stealth elements" idea. I think everyone's taking it a little too seriously. I feel like people are imagining Drake using OctoCamo. I'd imagine Among Thieves will have something like a fight-or-flight system, to add a new element to the game that Drake's Fortune didn't, and to also take away some of the massive, sometimes boring gunfights that were in abundance near the end of the game.

                            Hopefully, you're presented with the choice of either gunning it out with a TON of enemies, or maybe sneaking past them quietly...and if you do, you're rewarded with it somehow, whether it be more ammo or whatever it is.
                            I'm not really worried about it becoming Metal Gear Uncharted. I just don't really like stealth elements being shoehorned into a game.

                            And while Jak II is still my favorite Naughty Dog game, I am well aware that the reason they made such drastic changes was because Grand Theft Auto was what was all the rage at the time. As much as I love it, I would have much rather seen what Naughty Dog could have come up with if they didn't feel like they had to copy a popular game's formula just to sell their game, which is what it all comes down to.

                            I'm just afraid the reason they're adding stealth is because it, like a cover system, is the "in" thing to have in third person action games these days, especially with the resurgence it has seen thanks to the release of Metal Gear Solid 4.

                            Naughty Dog is an immensely creative developer. Part of me just wishes they didn't feel the need to copy so many other games to make a hit.


                            • #15
                              I think a stealth element in Uncharted would be great. I always loved those odd few times in Uncharted when I could take out several enemies with a melee attack, before any other enemy notices I'm even there. I always thought there should be more of that.
                              For your favorite PS3 exclusive, you give it a lot of criticism.

