im playing the PC version and so far im doing good
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
While the servers are down I've been trying my hand at Spec Ops and the campaign on Veteran difficulty. Spec Ops is surprisingly deep and looks like it'll be a lot of fun to play co-op with another person online, and Veteran hasn't been as difficult as I expected it to be. I feel like COD4 was much more difficult.
Oooooor...they just didn't expect things to be hammered in the way they have?
Its all very well saying they knew it would be big, but this game has sold DOUBLE the record holder for first day sales in the UK, that would be beyond IW's expectations, they'd have never seen a demand this huge for it.
You'd think people would be grateful for the fact that they're on the ball and working on the fix for it already.
This isn't surprising, but it is disappointing.
The SAME exact thing happened with the launch of COD4 on PS3. The game worked with many connection issues for the first few nights, and then bam. The servers went down, and a patch came up the next few days. If I remember correctly, the servers were down pretty much all day on the Thursday of launch week for COD4 in 2007, and then they came back up Friday night and everyone and their mother played the hell out of the game.
I hope that's not the case this time around. I just wanna freakin' play online!
well i finished the campaignending was great lol apparently the next game is going to be set in Vietnam and made by Treyarch. Its only a rumor (not sure if its old or new to be honest so sorry if this is ancient news lol) but if its true then i cant wait
also there seems to be a trend now lol if the Rmor is true then Vietnam will come out then MW3 will come out
Whatever the ending, it won't be continued in the next game. Modern Warfare is IW's arc, they won't let Treyarch walk all over that at all. That said, yeah, 2010 is Treyarch's year to handle the franchise, so this won't be continued until 2011.
Love this game.
Partied up with one of my usual team earlier for a few games on Domination, first time i've tried anything on Modern Warfare outside of the normal deathmatch scenarios. Felt good that there was actually a purpose to all my running around other than JUST shooting people.
Just had a go at Domination on Estate (amazing map). Basically hung around the house defending point C, was a fucking legend again with the sniper rifle, popping heads, scoring lots of bonuses, can't go wrong!
Am finishing with more kills than i have deaths now as well which is quite refreshing haha
And allow me to put this across as eloquently as i possibly can, i have turned into one efficient killing motherfucker! Used to drive me nuts in the original Modern Warfare when i'd see the kill cam, and some twat is headshotting me from miles out with a machine gun...and then it dawned on me...i was nailing those same kills! Fantastic!
Originally posted by Big Stu View PostOooooor...they just didn't expect things to be hammered in the way they have?
Its all very well saying they knew it would be big, but this game has sold DOUBLE the record holder for first day sales in the UK, that would be beyond IW's expectations, they'd have never seen a demand this huge for it.
You'd think people would be grateful for the fact that they're on the ball and working on the fix for it already.
Though you're right. Many other devs take months or NEVER release patches for their games (Mass Effect *cough*).
I think Treyarch should leave the "Call Of Duty" franchise a bit and make a zombie IP. Nazi zombies was masterful, I think they have the potential to do a fantastic zombie FPS. With all I have read, I'll make time for MW2 on december, 'cause DSC and Lefty 2 have my attention for this month.
"I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key
well for the moment Online is really laggy but they have made one improvement. When the Host leaves the game it doesnt just shut down the game like MW1 but it actualy selects a new host and then the game carrys on rather than restarts! its great. I imagine that online will get a bit less lagy as time passes though.