Originally posted by Corrin
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Welp, Update 1.03 is out for the PS3. Not sure what it does...no word from fourzerotwo yet.
EDIT: fourzerotwo has responded on Twitter.
Can someone go wake up the Sony Japanese team and tell them to turn on the Presence server? Only thing preventing invites for #MW2 PS3...
Sony sent us a message saying only their Japanese team can turn on the Presence server. Odd response, I know.
All issues have been patched. Only thing were waiting on now is Sony to enable Presence server for #MW2 and we're golden
I've been told it should only be a few more hours until they're up and will address.
The Patch you downloaded this morning was all you needed. Once the Presence server is turned back on you will be good.
...WAKE UP, JAPAN!Last edited by Vector; 11-12-2009, 06:38 PM.
Anyone use the Throwing Knife yet? I tried it. Pretty tough to use, takes some luck.
But...THIS much luck?
Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
Those HDDs are darn expensive (the 360 ones).
Do you need to have the console flashed to run an external hard drive though?
Regardless, trying to defend people with flashed consoles by saying larger hard drives is a benefit is like people buying R4 carts for their Nintendo DS and saying it's purely for homebrew.
Originally posted by Big Stu View PostDo you need to have the console flashed to run an external hard drive though?
Regardless, trying to defend people with flashed consoles by saying larger hard drives is a benefit is like people buying R4 carts for their Nintendo DS and saying it's purely for homebrew.
As a matter of fact, you CAN run an external HDD on it. But the USB ports are read only, so you could only view things like photos and listen to music.
The question is, hacking the 360 HDD itself for memory so you can store save files, profiles, installed games, etc on it. That is what I'm talking about, and that's probably what people get banned for.
All an external HDD requires is a formating, in which you should store it up afterwards, and you just plug it in.
Originally posted by WeskerIncarnate View PostThe question is, hacking the 360 HDD itself for memory so you can store save files, profiles, installed games, etc on it. That is what I'm talking about, and that's probably what people get banned for.
People who use "bigger hard drive space" as an excuse for flashing will be 99% of the time be full of shit.
Really I'm snug as a bug with playing (soon Hardcore) Team Deathmatch only. I'm not good at surviving for long periods of time, so capture the point is out of the question. Plus I watched my brother play ground war (18 players Domination + Deathmatch) and I've seen a tactical nuke occur twice. GW is an insane enough mode that one can just stay on the sidelines and achieve a 25KS. I must say the nuke is actually quite chilling, hearing that siren, then everything slowing the fuck down progressively.
As far as classes are concerned, my favorite gun is the FAMAS (that burst is often lights out), followed by the MP5K (though I've been disappointed numerous times; my anxious, erratic way of playing leaves a couple of people still standing so much so that I think it's weaker than the one in COD4), and I'm just starting to get into the SCAR. I really love using semtex and the M79 grenade launcher, and I want to get better with the shotguns. The SPAS is powerful as all get out (it's satisfying using the silencer) and the AA-120 has an insane rate.
1 MORE RANK 'TILL HARDCORE!!Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 11-13-2009, 09:04 AM.
Think i'm upto level 16 now. Was playing Headquarters last night and getting ripped apart by three guys with their level at 40+. Crazy, these guys just didn't make mistakes, you just wouldn't see them at all until you were dead on the ground!
Had fun last night mind. Me and two friends partied up and went into a Domination lobby, full of 13/14 guys all with the same clan tags. They told us they were just boosting, so we should leave unless they wanted to be a part of it. Since i'd gone online to SHOOT PEOPLE THE FUCK UP i was having none of it. Started the game, and was told to move to point B in the middle. So we did. The other team took the position....and BOOM! Rocket launchered the little bastards, their riot shields didn't stand a chance haha! Then their guys on my team were hounding me to stop.
Bollocks to that. This time i flanked them, flash bang from behind and did it all again, great times, plus i was scoring points myself whilst doing it, excellent! Funny how seriously they were taking it though, they kept us in the lobby for the next game as well and i repeated the routine, they were screaming and shouting like crazy down the mic. Couldn't believe people could take a game that seriously.
Yeah man I know what you mean, my frustrations know no bounds but you won't hear me bitch to other people.
I have a clan tag ([BAm]), we're a clan of one. It's so far an empty reference that I'd have to explain if someone asked. To start it stands for BIG ASS motherfuckersHere's where it came from:
Originally posted by Big Stu View PostI'm aware of that, that's what i'm talking about.
People who use "bigger hard drive space" as an excuse for flashing will be 99% of the time be full of shit.
But, regardless, Microsoft's lockdown on accessories for their console is nonetheless annoying.
100 dollars for a peripheral FOR wireless internet? Really?
But back a bit more onto the topic:
I'm installing the PC version now. I should be able to run it decently on medium-high settings. Can't wait.