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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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  • Oh God. Those NVG's look really fucking bad-ass, but they're making me think that the 'Prestige Edition' is gonna be well over $100.


    • I have to admit, while I think this is utterly ridiculous, if UbiSoft packaged a pair of Sam Fisher's NVG's with Splinter Cell Conviction, and they were fully functional, I'd buy it. XD


      • the pack would be really expensive since working NVG's are expensive themselves.


        • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
          the pack would be really expensive since working NVG's are expensive themselves.
          which probably means these are some cheap ass thrown together ones, which is why they created a face stand for them, for display purpose. would be funny if some little kid came running and knock them onto the floor.

          the price is $150 for this edition.
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          • still i think its a waste of money, i can see it now

            "mom you mind if i invest 150 in a game?"

            "walk home dave."

            "Yes Ma'am."


            • Some interesting news from Gamespot was just announced. A custom MW2 peripheral controller, and a 3rd WAW map pack announced. And COD7 may have a cold war setting now.

              Last week, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 made headlines thanks to it being bundled with a pair of fully functional, Infinity Ward-branded night-vision goggles (pictured). Now, it appears another custom piece of hardware is being readied for the recently retitled game. Once again, the news came via the Twitter feed of Infinity Ward director of communications Robert Bowling.

              "In a design meeting for a MW2 controller," declared Bowling. "Need your advice--concave or convex grips for the Analog sticks? What's your preference and why?" Though no specific platform was mentioned, the Xbox 360 controller has concave thumbsticks, while the PlayStation 3's DualShock 3 has convex ones.

              Bowling also did not confirm when--or if--a custom Modern Warfare 2 controller would be mass produced. However, it seems likely given Activision's continued enthusiasm for making peripherals, as evidenced by the Tony Hawk: Ride skateboard and recently redesigned Guitar Hero 5 drum kit.

              In other Call of Duty news, the Treyarch-developed Call of Duty: World at War hit another retail milestone this week. As part of an announcement that a third map pack will arrive in August, Activision revealed that the previous two map packs for the game had reached 4 million units.

              World at War itself has sold over 11 million units to date, and may possibly be the last Call of Duty to take place during World War II. Earlier this year, rumors circulated that Treyarch was toying with a Cold War setting with Vietnam War-era music from Cuba, Africa, and the USSR.
              Sounds pretty cool.

              Last edited by missvalentine; 07-21-2009, 10:49 PM.


              • Can someone explain to me just how a Cold War video game would work?


                • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                  Can someone explain to me just how a Cold War video game would work?
                  I'm not sure, but chances are you won't be hearing Gary Oldman's voice in this game () since Russia will most likely be an enemy. I suppose it would start off in Korean war, than span through the Veitnam war, Cuban missile crisis, and it ends with you playing as the gipper himself screaming " Mr.Gorbachev, tear down this WALL!" That would be a long ass timeline though, kinda hard to maintain a balanced storyline.
                  Last edited by REmaster; 07-21-2009, 11:48 PM.
                  "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                  Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                  • im still happy about including call of duty as a download for the hardened edition


                    • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                      Can someone explain to me just how a Cold War video game would work?
                      Modern Warfare ditched the "historical reenactment" concept so expect some exciting battles in Germany and other parts of Europe. Then again, I wouldnt be surprised if the term "Cold War" was just used to market otherwise generic "Vietnam War" game. Korean War is also pretty difficult to market these days. I doubt COD would beat VietCong and VietCong 2.

                      So yeah, my money is on fictional friction between East and West.


                      • still when does the beta for MP start?


                        • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                          Modern Warfare ditched the "historical reenactment" concept so expect some exciting battles in Germany and other parts of Europe. Then again, I wouldnt be surprised if the term "Cold War" was just used to market otherwise generic "Vietnam War" game. Korean War is also pretty difficult to market these days. I doubt COD would beat VietCong and VietCong 2.

                          So yeah, my money is on fictional friction between East and West.
                          I wouldn't mind a COD Vietnam game, cause outside of PC games, there are no Vietnam based games. The last console based Vietnam game I remember coming out was in 2003 or something. I think a COD Vietnam would be really cool.

                          The Korean war would be a nice place to base a game too.

                          But yeah most likely it will be fictional like with COD4.


                          • Theres nothing fun in a Vietnam War game, the jungle setting is worse than you believe. I doubt theres better ways to do it than Vietcong and that game was a realistic shooter, which wouldnt work on a console. Unless were talking about more urban and open VC era games, but then I would rather play a fictional CQB Cold War era shooter in East Germany or something.

                            I wouldnt mind a "Platoon"-esque Vietnam shooter but I´d rather see it turn into a very specific FPS where the player does what soldiers in Vietnam did and thats just not COD material.

                            Essentially, if were going for a poorly scripted "epic battles"-kind of games with CQB as its primary sellingpoint then Vietnam and COD just wont mix.


                            • First glimpse at multiplayer:
                              "Customized kill streaks. Unlock and personalize your kill streak loadout."

                              11 killstreak: Be the gunner of an AC130 gunship



                              • Sweeeet.

