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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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  • #91
    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post

    This game looks amazing. It looks like the storyline will rely heavily on some events that took place in COD4, as well.
    Shit that looks amazing. My PC kept freezing as i played it though, the graphics look so real, like real life even on some of the character models.

    I don't like the cover art though, they should stay in the same style as with COD4 and COD:WAW.
    Last edited by missvalentine; 05-25-2009, 12:02 AM.


    • #92
      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
      Shit that looks amazing. My PC kept freezing as i played it though, the graphics look so real, like real life even on some of the character models.

      I don't like the cover art though, they should stay in the same style as with COD4 and COD:WAW.
      That box art isn't finale.

      As for the trailer, holy shit that looks amazing. Can't wait for this!


      • #93
        Trailer is really good. I want this game for sure
        Sevket's Game Collection
        PSN Gamercards


        • #94
          It seems Activision just had some kind of press event where they announced a bunch of stuff including Call of Duty going to new genres, Guitar Hero PSP, StarCraft II in 2009, and a new Transformers and Spiderman game in 2010.

          Seems that Modern Wafare's direction into going into a Battlefield 2 sandbox genre is very likely at this stage.


          • #95
            Will probably not go with MW2, but I would expect Single Player portion to use a lot of vehicles as a kind of cautious experiment. COD4 vehicles were already drivable with some modding. If the community feedback on SP vehicles is going to be positive, I would expect first proper all-aspect vehicular MW to be on MW3.

            However, I would not rule out the possibility of slightly enlarged maps and small vehicles such as Hummvees and DPVs. Also, considering IW has already listened to the vocal community and included the "double attachment" perk, one other significantly popular idea was to be able to man the helicopters machine gun.

            Anything could happen, but like I said, Im betting that MW2 will be an "experiment", a prelude of sorts, and Im happy for it. Slow and certain steps, always good, considering the fact that DICE has abandoned the Battlefields home franchise. IW would be the best candidate to take their place.


            • #96

              Lots to talk about with this gameplay demo.

              - The level takes place in Kazakhstan.
              - Soap MacTavish is a grizzled bad-ass veteran now.
              - Ice-climbing looks pretty cool.
              - What kind of weapon is that? The radar-attachment is awesome.
              - The environment looks OUTSTANDING. Gives the impression of a true blizzard.
              - The game looks like it feels EXACTLY like COD4...and that's a good thing.
              - Riding a snowmobile and shooting? Fair enough, but I hope the vehicle thing doesn't become a theme like some have said.


              • #97
                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post

                Lots to talk about with this gameplay demo.

                - The level takes place in Kazakhstan.
                - Soap MacTavish is a grizzled bad-ass veteran now.
                - Ice-climbing looks pretty cool.
                - What kind of weapon is that? The radar-attachment is awesome.
                - The environment looks OUTSTANDING. Gives the impression of a true blizzard.
                - The game looks like it feels EXACTLY like COD4...and that's a good thing.
                - Riding a snowmobile and shooting? Fair enough, but I hope the vehicle thing doesn't become a theme like some have said.
                Once again, the theory (or rather, an educated guess by now) is that the franchise splitting into two will not mean that *Call of Duty* will change. Think of it this way. Call of Duty will still go on with its trademark "4-corner-2~3-chokepoint" level design, along with S&D as its strongest suit. Not to mention, its very likely that COD is still going to use modern combat in its future titles. The MW isnt even a split, its basically (as theory goes) vehicular combat with COD tried and proven infantry combat.

                In short, noones losing anything, and everyone gains something. Its a huge difference from how franchises today are getting exploited (Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, RE, amongst others) and certainly a very, very respectable move.

                On topic, I hope that snow maps in multiplayer will be rare, far and inbetween. Snow might look good on pictures but its bland, uninspiring and plain boring.


                I just saw the footage. Couple of quick impressions.

                -Snowmobile part is ridiculously awesome, my doubts on IW´s ability to nail vehicular aspect have been shredded. Good job.
                -Some of the scripted "Puzzle"-like sequences are nice

                -Same soundtrack

                Severe dislikes:
                -Single Player looks to be as ridiculously stupid and scripted as COD4
                -What is with that radar BS?
                Last edited by Member_of_STARS; 06-02-2009, 01:31 AM.


                • #98
                  This looks so damned awesome, i wanna watch it all, but i don't want to spoil myself like with RE5.

                  I watched up until he planted the charges.

                  I really love how it still has the same feel as COD4 did, i think it's pretty safe to say this game will be at least as good as COD4.


                  • #99
                    Damn, can't wait for this. Everything looks soo good.


                    • New Interview



                      • Direct-feed E3 demo.

                        Weapons in the demo:
                        'Silenced ACR with Heartbeat Sensor,'
                        'AK-47 ACOG,'
                        'AK-47 Grenadier,'
                        'FAMAS Red Dot Sight,'
                        'AUG HBAR Scoped,'

                        If you notice, at 1:13 of the demo when Roach takes out his handgun, he holds the handgun with his right hand over his left hand which is holding a knife -- very Big Boss-like.

                        5:15 - Soap OWNS an unsuspecting Russkie.
                        6:09 - Epic, EPIC shit.


                        • I really can't wait for this. Looks too good!!


                          • New Screenshots.



                            • "Confirmed" weapons list:

                              This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!

                              Assault Rifles
                              - FAMAS
                              - Bushmaster ACR
                              - M16
                              - AK-47
                              - Steyr AUG A2
                              - Imbel MD3
                              - FN 2000
                              - G36C
                              - M4
                              - MK. 14 EBR
                              - G3

                              Sniper Rifles
                              - SVD Dragunov
                              - Walther WA2000

                              Sub-Machine Guns
                              - FN P90
                              - UMP .45
                              - TDI Kriss
                              - H&K MP5

                              - Franchi SPAS-12
                              - W1200
                              - Armsel Striker 12 Guage
                              - Remington 870MCS
                              - Winchester 1887

                              Light/Heavy Machine Guns
                              - RPD
                              - MK46
                              - AUG HBAR-T

                              - USP .45
                              - Glock 18/22
                              - M1911 .45
                              - Desert Eagle or Baby Eagle

                              - Combat Knife
                              - Ice Picks

                              - C4
                              - Frag Grenade
                              - Stun Grenade
                              - Smoke Grenade

                              Gun Attatchments
                              - Red Dot Sight
                              - Heartbeat Sensor
                              - ACOG
                              - Silencer
                              - EOTech Sight
                              - Thermal Scope
                              - Master Key

                              Grenade Launchers
                              - GP-25 Grenade Launcher
                              - M203 Grenade Launcher

                              - Riot Shield


                              • i wonder why the hell they would add a M16 in the weapons list i mean seriously its a shitty gun and does any army even use them? are they even in still production?

                                im glad they added the Famas and the MP5 though, i wonder if its the SD version

                                edit: nope never mind its not the SD version (which is the kind i like but oh well)
                                Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 06-22-2009, 07:15 PM.

