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New Testaments: Coming soon... or I fail.

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  • New Testaments: Coming soon... or I fail.

    The not-anticipated-by-more-than-several-people game is finally near completion. (Or near its due date; guess which one is true.) The project that effectively knocked my Sacred Pie StarFire animation down for the count is coming to a close as my digital media thesis. What I intend to finish for the actual grade is a watered down version of the game I later plan to have available for download on the site my friend and I will have up by that time. The demo, which will be a more improved version of what I hand in, and what I’ll probably get done over the Christmas break, is a three level, one boss, less features, four selectable character version of the game which I’ll upload to some site like Newgrounds and hopefully gain some attention for the site.

    So... it’s due the 16th... two weeks... I’ve still got to get the enemy spawning system working, polish the walking engine, fix the last tier of the combos so that they can be finished (DAMN YOU BOOLEAN OPERATOR!), get the hitboxes working, and finish a couple visuals. All in all, I foresee very little sleep, and no video games, NO VIDEO GAMES! Place your bets! Will I get this done or screw myself by trying to overachieve once more! I guess... I’ll put up preview pics as I waste time doing them when I get stuck and need a few minutes for a break.

  • #2
    Looks interesting ;) Is it all flash?

    PS: You just had to have the fox without his shirt, didnt you


    • #3
      Hah, I only did that because his shirt looks like this in game.

      I'm not good at adding filler to clothes, so when I drew his pose picture, it looked like a detailess brown amorphous blob. The other characters had seams and buckles and whatnot. Also, I wanted the pose pictures to be dressed a bit differently, though the creators of some of the characters vetoed that.

      And yeah, it's all in flash.
      Last edited by Nikovich; 12-02-2005, 04:29 PM.


      • #4
        Mmmm, vector art.


        • #5
          Nice Art.


          • #6
            Okay! Here are some screenshots I sort of promised. These are mocks, but it's what the game will look like.

            So... here we go.

            Claude does a little gardening on a lullabud.

            Dae mixing it up with a buzz bee and a chobin hood.

            Niko stretches high to fight off attacking blats.

            And you didn’t think I’d show Terran not getting owned by a werewolf, did you? Here we see Kaiser honoring Terran’s face with his own version of the SoM werewolves’ signature hurricane kick.


            • #7
              OMFG LOL @ doofus blob! WINNAR! Whens this getting released?


              • #8
                While it does look fun, I'm sure I won't be able to play it for more than... oh... fifteen minutes? I'm not a big fan of "Fantasy" crap.

                However, I heart the art something big. It's just a big win all over the place. Hooray for vector!
                Last edited by Ackart The Fox; 12-07-2005, 02:37 PM.


                • #9
                  All games are fantasy. It's a scrolling fighter with an RPG stat system. The game genre of RPG, yeah, I can understand not liking by not being into fantasy because the story is the main propellant but if you don’t play games because of what their premise is then there’s not much I can do to help you with that.


                  • #10
                    Heres a possible request, Maybe make it so that enemies names appear in the upper left or upper right (along with health bar?) kinda like the Final Fight series and other beat-em up has it. Basically whenever you attack them, or they attack you their health appears along with their name in the upper left. On Final Fight it shows a max of I think 3 people, and if you attack a new guy then the first guy to get attacked dissapears.

                    BTW Whats the doffus blobs name? I must know!


                    • #11
                      I thought about that and decided against it. In Secret of Mana, you don't know what the enemy health is, you only know how much damage you do with each hit. That, I want to add in later, but there is a spell similar to the Diablo identify that tells you the enemy's HP, their weaknesses, and I think what they're carrying. Here, I'll allow for an enemy HP bar once the spell is cast on them, though since you can't target individually, I guess I'll either make it work without prejudice to enemy for a predetermined amount of time, or just all the enemy’s in that section.

                      Forgot to answer your other question, it’s due as my thesis next Friday, but I’m not uploading it until I get in the things I originally wanted for the demo. That includes dodging, unique enemy AI, maybe another enemy or two, and possibly a ukemi and newaza feature. As of now, you have one recovery animation and no one can be hurt while they’re on the ground, though I have made pain animations for them.

                      "Doffus blob"...? You mean the rabite?
                      Last edited by Nikovich; 12-07-2005, 05:42 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nikovich
                        All games are fantasy. It's a scrolling fighter with an RPG stat system. The game genre of RPG, yeah, I can understand not liking by not being into fantasy because the story is the main propellant but if you don’t play games because of what their premise is then there’s not much I can do to help you with that.

                        I wasn't bashing you about it, I was just stating. I don't like Fantasy BASED stories in games. Same as how I don't like reading Fantasy based books.


                        • #13
                          I know but it's a pretty inconsequential thing to base judgment of a game on, especially when the type of game doesn’t even demand a decent story. I mean, the story for RE4 was downright vomitous, but it was a great game because it had completely revamped the way the survival horror genre was played. I know people who will refuse to touch Viewtiful Joe because they “don’t play cel-shaded games” and it’s one of the most entertaining throwbacks to retro styled gaming. Alternatively though, there’s Killer 7 which tries to make it based on its visual style while just barely passing as a game. I just don’t see the point in missing out on good games because of style preferences. Not that my game is good. No, wait... my game is good, will be good. Just not to say prematurely that it’s a must play as of now.
                          Last edited by Nikovich; 12-07-2005, 11:32 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Nikovich
                            I know but it's a pretty inconsequential thing to base judgment of a game on, especially when the type of game doesn’t even demand a decent story. I mean, the story for RE4 was downright vomitous, but it was a great game because it had completely revamped the way the survival horror genre was played. I know people who will refuse to touch Viewtiful Joe because they “don’t play cel-shaded games” and it’s one of the most entertaining throwbacks to retro styled gaming. Alternatively though, there’s Killer 7 which tries to make it based on its visual style while just barely passing as a game. I just don’t see the point in missing out on good games because of style preferences. Not that my game is good. No, wait... my game is good, will be good. Just not to say prematurely that it’s a must play as of now.

                            I'm not saying the gameplay is bad. I just don't like swords and faeries and what have you. I'd take Earthbound over Dragon Quest any day, if you understand that.


                            • #15
                     youll take talking bee's and talking dice's....and this is not fantasy how?

                              Just say you dont like mideval LOTR shit

