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Feb 09 on Wii

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  • Feb 09 on Wii

    I bought a Wii a few days before Umbrella Chronicles was released (obviously I HAD to have that game) but since then my Wii has spent most of its time sitting there unused and switched off at the wall. I'm yet to buy a 2nd game for the console.
    Like the GC, it's well made, quiet and pretty cool but there's just been NO games that interest me. I've come to think of it as a dumbed down, weak console for casual gamers, children, girls and people with short attention spans.

    But there have been some Wii titles announced that DO interest me and they are all coming in a rush next month!
    I'll be getting most of these games (maybe all) in Feb. Euro/UK release dates and pre-order prices from

    *Fatal Frame 4 (6th Feb) 30GBP
    *Onechanbara (13th Feb) 30GBP
    *HotD Overkill (13th Feb) 35GBP
    *Dead Rising (27th Feb) 25GBP
    *Tenchu 4 (27th Feb) 35GBP

    I'm looking forward to Killzone 2 on PS3 but thats a pretty good list of Wii releases for Feb! Anyone else getting some of these games?

  • #2
    Fatal Frame IV, maybe Dead Rising, and Tenchu 4's Japanese version didn't interest me, it's more about stealth though then fighting.
    Which is maybe why I don't like it as much, I dont want to get spotted and levels over.


    • #3
      Maybe I will
      I think I dont buy wii games since july '-'


      • #4
        only Wii game i have is RE:UC but i want dead rising when it comes out on it..


        • #5
          im still debating on whether to get a wii just for UC, wii really needs more good games, and other than Fatal Frame 4 im not really interested in any of those game, since i could get Dead Rising on my 360 anyway.

          and im looking forward to KillZone 2 as well, XD


          • #6
            To be honest, I mainly play GC games on my Wii. RE UC is really good, and RE4 Wii edition is brilliant and the gameplay is far superior and more enjoyable than the GC version; that's a must buy. House of the Dead is quite fun too. Other than that, not really much to do..


            • #7
              Mad-World is one game to defiantly buy, I can't wait that for the Wii.


              • #8
                Also you should check out The Legend Of Zelda: The Twilight Princess on the Wii, i'ts pretty amazing of course the CG version is much better.


                • #9
                  Just curiosity,but why the GC version is better? o.o


                  • #10
                    I prefer the Wii version, actually. The only problem is, to fit the sword with the Wii controller (since most people are right-handed), they... they made Link right-handed. *cries* Small complaint though. Otherwise the game's just mirrored for the GC version. I still like the Wii version.

                    Oh, and get Metroid Prime 3. And Super Mario Galaxy. Mainly any first-party big-name is a surefire win. And I highly recommend No More Heroes, though that's, like most Suda 51 games, a love it or hate it game. I happen to love it.

                    I also can't wait for Fatal Frame 4, or MadWorld. I also wanna get Deadly Creatures, Spyborgs, Onechanbara, etc.


                    • #11
                      I have the same problem
                      Wii is not made for left-handed people ù.ú


                      • #12
                        To answer your question Tyrant T-002. It's pretty much the same game on the Wii but it's the little things that make it cooler, like on the game cube version Link is naturally left handed but on the Wii he's right handed.


                        • #13
                          Yes,I noticed

                          Its not good to play as right-handed characters if u're left-handed

                          Thats why I'm playing as Sheva
                          Last edited by Guest; 01-10-2009, 11:13 AM.


                          • #14
                            If you only have UC, here's a few other games I recommend:

                            Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
                            Super Smash Brothers Brawl
                            House of the Dead 2 & 3
                            No More Heroes
                            Last edited by Spera01; 01-10-2009, 11:22 AM.


                            • #15
                              Brawl was a lot of fun and if you have GC controllers, then Mario Kart Wii is also alot of fun (it evens the playing field at my house since for some reason I can't get anyone to learn to snake correctly so it's not fair for me to always win because I can boost pretty much half way through every level I still play Wii Sports and Mario Galaxy and Paper Mario. Wish they would make a wiimote patch for the GC's Luigi's Mansion. That'd be interesting to play with the wiimote....

