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  • : Taking Shape

    Did any of you browse back in the day? It has been offline for a number of years now, but Im planning on bringing it back finally (paid out the ass to get the domain back (not that it was mine anyway, it was a friends)).

    It will be a lot of work bringing the old content online again, but I do have an old backup of the site. Of course, I dont think FFXII was even out at the time, so lots of new content will have to be written. I dont even remember all of that was well. The site is coded in pure HTML too I think, so it'll be fun figuring out how it worked again, hopefully I didnt break the code when I screwed with it a year or two ago.

  • #2
    I have... never even heard of this site... :S

    Good luck putting it back up.

    Although even if it was originally coded into pure HTML, couldn't you still stuff it onto a web-design program and make life easier for you? >_>


    • #3
      I remember Neo-Midgar. It was a pretty good site, I seem to recall. I was irritated when I found it was down since I wanted details of something or other in XII. Always good to see old sites back.


      • #4
        i have faint recollections of the website, but i wasn't a big "find everything on the internet about any FF you can" guy back in the day, just fan of the games.

        good luck in your thing.


        • #5
          The name of the site sounds familiar, might have been on it once but seriously can't remember much else.
          Good luck with the rebuild though.


          • #6
            I heard of this site but I caint remeber where from it does sound familiar.
            Last edited by Sephiroth; 01-24-2009, 04:22 PM.


            • #7
              never heard of it but good luck man O_^


              • #8
                I remember Neo Midgar, it'd be exciting to see it revived. In fact if you need any help with the project feel free to contact me.


                • #9
                  did the site have links to download soundtracks?


                  • #10
                    Yeah, the site was split between the main bit, music, and anime I believe, not certain I have full backups of the side bits though. Glad to hear some of you at least recognize it, currently waiting on the domain transfer then it'll be good to go.


                    • #11
                      The site is back! The backup was a bit older then I had hoped, but it functions. Forums are setup and working, but not customized yet, so feel free to sign up. Lots needs to be changed on the main site, so ignore that for the time being. Thanks!


                      • #12
                        Slowly updating, the FFXIII page is starting to take shape, including the latest trailer, and exclusive MP3s!
               is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what you would expect to find here, has it all. We hope you find what you are searching for!

