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New FF13 Trailer

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  • New FF13 Trailer

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    And wow. This one actually has gameplay... like, that hasn't been reused a thousand times over every other trailer they have.

  • #2
    Final Fantasy: Advent Children: Complete thats coming out in Japan comes with the Final Fantasy 13 demo, saw it on CDJAPAN yesterday.
    Either way, I haven't had my eye of this FF very much.


    • #3
      Gameplay looks promising...still, not too excited for this one yet...probably because of how far away it is.


      • #4
        I must be the only one who hasn't cared about the series since it went next-gen.

        You can say what you want about XIII. You can say the graphics look great, or whatever, the fact is, Final Fantasy really died when it went next-gen.

        The last okay FF game in my opinion was FF9. Ever since it went next-gen, it has really sucked horribly.

        And I'm getting really tired of them putting a Cloud look-a-like in every game ever since FF7. It is really annoying now. We don't need a male blond character that has to stand out in a way, like Cloud did. It is obvious they keep trying to do this with every FF game. Cut it out already.

        And while the graphics may be really good, I find that too much stuff going on the screen is not really that great. It makes things confusing and un-realistic.

        When you add too much detail, nothing really stands out that great. There is too much magic, vanishing, and fast-paced action going on to really keep up everything.

        That is how I feel about the difference between classic Megaman and the Zero/ZX series. The Zero/ZX series puts way too much detail into their graphics.

        Some detail is good. But when you over-do it, it gets out of hand.

        Final Fantasy 13, featuring a blond-haired Cloud/Zell/Tidus/Vaan look-a-like. Why am I not surprised??? And the story doesn't even look that interesting.

        One of my co-workers said that he actually enjoyed Revenant Wings better than FF12 itself.

        Square needs to take lessons from Capcom. Graphics don't make a game.
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        • #5
          FFXI was a great game, thank you. Online or not


          • #6
            Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
            the fact is, Final Fantasy really died when it went next-gen.
            Your opinion != fact, buddy...


            • #7
              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
              Gameplay looks promising...still, not too excited for this one yet...probably because of how far away it is.
              Seconded, would be more interested in it, were it not for the mass embargos imposed on Square Enix, the censorship of any new information regarding the game, the xenophobic approach Square Enix use to conduct business *FFVII AC Complete in Japan having the XIII demo only for instance amongst other factors* and extremely delayed release dates in US and especially PAL territories *you can guarantee because of the need to localise in French, German and Spanish ALL PAL territories including the UK will suffer major delays, lets not forget XII coming out nearly a year after US release*.

              Couldn't really care less now, trailer looked OK, but typically Japanese/Square Enix.
              Try something new for gods sake, no wonder the Japanese gaming industry has gone down the shitter.


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                Try something new for gods sake, no wonder the Japanese gaming industry has gone down the shitter.
                This is why I'm holding out hope for Final Fantasy Versus XIII.


                • #9
                  In my opinion, the series spoiled itself when it went on PS2.
                  Final Fantasy 12 was terrible, boring and annoying.
                  The only good FF after 10 was Dissidia.


                  • #10
                    Final Fantasy 12 was terrible, boring and annoying.

                    no no no wrong wrong wrong !

                    XII was awesome.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by A-J View Post
                      no no no wrong wrong wrong !

                      XII was awesome.
                      I did say, in my opinion, so whatever floats your boat.


                      • #12
                        Remember when you used to role play in Final Fantasy? Yeah, me neither. Maybe because we never did. Maybe that's why I don't like it.

                        Anyway, with Dragon Age, the Fallout MMOG, Star Wars the Old Republic and the rest of the Mass Effect Trilogy to look foward to (you know, actual RPGs), I had basically forgotten about this game. Maybe it's the TOTALLY linear gameplay. Maybe it's the EXTREMELY shallow battle system. Or maybe it's the over-acted and hyped storyline. Did I mention that there's no role play in there?


                        • #13
                          Finally, someone pointing out that a linear story with numbers does not equal RPGs
                          (Calling many of those games labeled "RPGs" for RPGs is like calling a book for a table top pen & paper RPG; 'cause there are words and paper involved)

                          And, uhm, yeah, what little of the new FFXIII trailer that is gameplay doesn't actually look very impressive (graphically). And I still dislike their art direction.

                          To quote myself:
                          The FFXIII design team is [currently] to gaming what Britney Spears is[/was] to music
                          Last edited by Carnivol; 01-30-2009, 03:32 PM.


                          • #14
                            I saw the trailer and the game's getting better and better with each trailer this one is going to be awsome when I look back on the the history of Final Fantasy it's funny how each game has with in 20 years changed alot it's incredible.
                            Last edited by Sephiroth; 01-31-2009, 11:25 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
                              I saw the trailer and the game's getting better and better with each trailer this one is going to be awsome when I look back on the the history of Final Fantasy it's funny how each game has with in 20 years changed alot it's incredible.
                              Oh, the irony. It's quite tasty, really, but it gets boring after some YEARS.

