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Tomb Raider Undeworld - PS2 Version

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  • Tomb Raider Undeworld - PS2 Version

    Oh my! Oh my! I'm soooooooooooooooooo dissapointed! I just played the PS2 version, because I can't afford a PS3 and I'm totally upset!.

    What were they thinking? They made an ugly looking Lara, this game version lacked of life and emotion. I love the series and with this version they ruined the game. I know it won't look like the Next-Gen versions but the PS2 version looks even worse than Legend or Anniversary. I'm so sad, the controls are pretty hard, they ripped some levels, movements of Lara and they want to call this a game? It could have been a lot better...

    This version sucks. I hated every second I played of it. You can literally see the "cut content"-scars in the gaming fabric - like running through a long corridor where NOTHING happens except you getting three checkpoints in succession. FAST-regenerating health instead of pickups removes all challenge. Lot of Glitches and bad controls is what's left. No acrobatic moves anymore.

    See it for yourselves
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    See? The levels are just run and run, and run... they lack from life... the music is weird and there are some issues with the camera and movements of Lara...


    Graphics: 12/20
    The PS2 has shown several times that it could handle some very good things. Unfortunately Tomb Raider Underworld show us it can make laugh while being created in bad hands. Apart a few beautiful places we can see several graphical glitches, a disastrous animation, a lot of framerate issues and some cinematics badly compressed.

    Gameplay: 8/20
    With several elements of gameplay that seem to have been forgotten (foot kicks, adrenaline, ...), a lot of problems with the camera and a massive problem of framerate issues, the gameplay of Tomb Raider Underworld is simply a disaster. Incomprehensible when we compare it to what was made in Legend and Anniversary.

    Length: 11/20
    3 levels of difficulty are included for a total length inferior to ten hours, and only if you don't use the help of the tool included. The levels are a lot shorter on PS2 and the puzzles are mediocre. The technic and the gameplay are outdated like the points of savegame mismanaged, there's no risk for you to come back to them once you'll have completed the game.

    Soundtracks: 14/20
    Some musique as bewitching as the ones of Anniversary and Legend for a constant renewed pleasure. The french voice acting is perfect (...).

    Storyline: 14/20
    The storyline ends the trilogy started with Legend and Anniversary and gives an appearance of saga end while gathering a casting including Amanda, Jacqueline Natla and some other very good guests. The nordic mythology allows some eccentricities and a nice trip around the world but we can regret that Crystal Dynamics didn't developped more while adding more cinematics or polishing up the dialogues.

    Final score: 8/20
    But what the heck happened at Crystal Dynamics ? After having given us some beautiful PS2 versions of Legend and Anniversary, we can only be surprised in front of this Underworld giving us an impression of big laxity since the start. Destroyed by a disastrous playability, a diminished gameplay, some shortest levels, some basic puzzles and a catastrophic control of the savegame checkpoints, the result is astounding of mediocrity. No doubt the development didn't keep busy the teams at Crystal a long time, this proving as well a total lack of respect for the fans and the players. Shame to the developer and the publisher who will have a lot of difficulties to be forgiven for this funeral litany.
    Last edited by Jill Lover; 02-01-2009, 11:48 PM.

  • #2
    well obviously you can't expect them to keep putting the primary resources into the ps2 version ..

    if you want a good ps2 TR game, Anniversary is the best.


    • #3
      There's A LOT of bitching about the PS2 version on TR forums. Also, I heard that the cutscenes were just Bink video versions of the next-gen ones? That's pathetic. You could have used the in-game engine, to make the most of things.

      Also, one issue that points to the quality of the game is that on torrent sites, TRU PS2 is listed at under 2GB. WTF? Why leave out so many good things? CD had over 2GB of free space to do whatever, but obviously couldn't be bothered. Ugh, you guys suck sometimes. Also, we were waiting over 4 months IIRC for this version. Big dissapointment.


      • #4
        same thign happend with COD3 PS2 version, even though all versions sucked, COD3 on PS2 was just terrible, the grahpics were not even has good as COD2 on the PS2.


        • #5
          I really don't understand why they bother with PS2 versions of games anymore, just let the console die. I know the PS3 sucks ass Sony but you're gonna have to get in the grave you've dug for yourself sooner or later.


          • #6
            the only TR game that i enjoyed was anniversary,but if you look at TR it is the same thing in every game and now they are trying to make a prince of persia game but with lara croft=fail
            TR will never be as good as Prince of persia Warrior Within on ps2.


            • #7
              A. Sands of Time was the best. Warrior Within was good, The Two Thrones was better. Warrior Within just took a likable character and turned him emo (no, no, not Leon).

              B. Tomb Raider has always been about platforming and puzzles from day one, and it was 3-D before Prince of Persia, so technically it's making a Tomb Raider game but with Prince of Persia. Still not fail either way, though. But that's comparing apples to oranges.

              I like both series in their own rights.
              Last edited by Canas Renvall; 02-02-2009, 04:32 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                A. Sands of Time was the best. Warrior Within was good, The Two Thrones was better. Warrior Within just took a likable character and turned him emo (no, no, not Leon).
                i liked the story in warrior within better,but the other 2 are good really as well.

                Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                B. Tomb Raider has always been about platforming and puzzles from day one, and it was 3-D before Prince of Persia, so technically it's making a Tomb Raider game but with Prince of Persia. Still not fail either way, though. But that's comparing apples to oranges.

                I like both series in their own rights.
                i played all the TR games except underworld,the first was good,the second was ok,the third was better than the second but not as good as the first one,the fourth and the fifth sucked in my opinion,the AoD sucked even more,Legend was decent and the remake(aniversary) was the best,but all the games are almost the same thing,they only add some new moves and that rope thing,and now in underworld they add some prince of persia moves,TR was 3D before PoP but i think PoP kind of inovated but like you said it is like comparing apples to oranges,i used to like TR but now i think it is dead.
                Last edited by ZERO; 02-02-2009, 05:06 PM.


                • #9
                  Four and five weren't very good, and yes, AoD is marred as probably one of the worst games I've unfortunately laid eyes on. Legend was just short, but it was still a breath of fresh air, a return to what Tomb Raider used to be. Anniversary obviously was a return, being a remake of the first game. Underworld, all I had issues with it was the enormous levels. That's not the problem, though; not being able to find where you're going is the real issue.

                  But I'm seeing a pattern. The original games were cranked out once a year until it degenerated into Angel of Darkness... The trend has already begun repeating itself...
                  Last edited by Canas Renvall; 02-02-2009, 07:41 PM.


                  • #10
                    I know we should not have expected so much, but this port looks terrible... while Anniversary and Legend are outstanding... I don't care about Graphics really, the screwed the port up because the ripped levels, they are shorter, and Lara looks "Creepy" in the FMV... Why??... Why?...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                      I know we should not have expected so much, but this port looks terrible... while Anniversary and Legend are outstanding... I don't care about Graphics really, the screwed the port up because the ripped levels, they are shorter, and Lara looks "Creepy" in the FMV... Why??... Why?...

                      Crystal Dynamics only worked on the 360 version. Eidos had two other companies port the game to other systems. The PC and PS3 version were done by Nixxes and I think Buzz Monkey did the Wii and PS2 version. That is why the 360 version of TR:Underworld is the best out of all the systems, it was made for it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
                        I know we should not have expected so much, but this port looks terrible... while Anniversary and Legend are outstanding... I don't care about Graphics really, the screwed the port up because the ripped levels, they are shorter, and Lara looks "Creepy" in the FMV... Why??... Why?...
                        only reason the game sucks is because they are BANKING on DLC....which sucks for PS2 users since new levels are being made for next-gen games. But yeah, them banking on DLC screwed over the company and the game itself...I'm a huge TR fan but this game really lacked the levels. The only thing I'm hoping for is the new mission, Beneath the Ashes, is more challenging and longer.

                        As for the PS2 game......oh mai gawd!!! graphics are bad, there's no enemies in certain areas, those little annoying bug things. Camera angles look bad when you line up for a leap off the ledge. and LOL at the player killing Lara.

                        When Lara stands idle, she crosses her hands, that's very annoying...oh well glad I picked up the game for the 360 at $40 cause it seems about right with how many areas they have lol.


                        • #13
                          Her moves are kind of annoying aswell. I mean, I know those are from the Next-Gen version but, they look weird. Also having her crossing her armas everytime she stands idle, is something I can't bear... the game is FINE for any TR FAN, but LEGEND is still my fav of all the series... with this port... I don't know If I prefer The Angel of Darkness or this one... The controls are a mess too... some serious bugs with Lara while climbing and stantind in a corner, also some bad attemps on fixing the camera angles... what a shame...


                          • #14
                            Of course you're dissapointed Jill Lover you played the PS2 version.


                            • #15
                              Indeed, but I mean... they could have worked a little but more for the PS2 users.
                              The game is terrible, and I wonder why they didn't pay attention on the bunch of bugs in the game, lack of enemies... and bad textures in the rooms... it's a mess... I really thought they would treat it like Legend or Anniversary... but they didn't.

