I bought this yesterday and finished it today after a good five hours playing it this afternoon.
My score for the port: 5/10.
GRAPHICS: I'd say it's the equivalent of medium settings on PC. Looks alright, but there were times when the snowstorm seemed non-present Oh well.
SOUND: No complaints here, great audio all round. No cuts. I noticed a few very rare glitches that righted themselves after a minute or two, but that was okay
FRAMERATE: Nothing below 15fps, and it ran at a good 30FPS 90% of the time, so it's all good.
GAMEPLAY: The autoaim helped me drill down enemies a shitload quicker, which made it more fun in some respects, but it was always over too quick. I guess to make up for the shockingly inaccurate analog stick, they implemented the autoaim. On a side note, bullet time seemed slower in this version, but maybe that's just me. Also, enemy difficulty remained the same, so it wasn't too hard.
CONTROLS: Not too bad, but the analog sticks sucked, to me. I hate analog sticks, so that's just my opinion. I really don't like games that use them really heavily for aiming and stuff, but oh well.
LOADING: Real shockingly bad stuff. About 15-30 seconds per load, and you can only go through four or five small rooms or one or two big rooms before another loading screen appears. There's usually about three or four loading points per chapter.
VERDICT: Get the PC version if you can. Much better than the Xbox edition
(PS: I just had a revelation and realized that James McCaffery (the Max Payne VA) also done Edward Carnby in AITD5. Pure pwnage.)
My score for the port: 5/10.
GRAPHICS: I'd say it's the equivalent of medium settings on PC. Looks alright, but there were times when the snowstorm seemed non-present Oh well.
SOUND: No complaints here, great audio all round. No cuts. I noticed a few very rare glitches that righted themselves after a minute or two, but that was okay
FRAMERATE: Nothing below 15fps, and it ran at a good 30FPS 90% of the time, so it's all good.
GAMEPLAY: The autoaim helped me drill down enemies a shitload quicker, which made it more fun in some respects, but it was always over too quick. I guess to make up for the shockingly inaccurate analog stick, they implemented the autoaim. On a side note, bullet time seemed slower in this version, but maybe that's just me. Also, enemy difficulty remained the same, so it wasn't too hard.
CONTROLS: Not too bad, but the analog sticks sucked, to me. I hate analog sticks, so that's just my opinion. I really don't like games that use them really heavily for aiming and stuff, but oh well.
LOADING: Real shockingly bad stuff. About 15-30 seconds per load, and you can only go through four or five small rooms or one or two big rooms before another loading screen appears. There's usually about three or four loading points per chapter.
VERDICT: Get the PC version if you can. Much better than the Xbox edition
(PS: I just had a revelation and realized that James McCaffery (the Max Payne VA) also done Edward Carnby in AITD5. Pure pwnage.)