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LOST PLANET 2 (Title Update #1 Released!)

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  • #16
    yea i thought capcom said no more exclusives !!!!

    looks like the game is suing the resident evil 5 engine looks freeking amazing

    is t just me or is this capcoms year


    • #17
      Originally posted by alone-in-shadow View Post
      looks like the game is suing the resident evil 5 engine looks freeking amazing
      MT Framework:
      Dead Rising
      Lost Planet (+Colonies)
      Devil May Cry 4
      Resident Evil 5

      MT Framework 2.0:
      Lost Planet 2


      • #18
        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        MT Framework:
        Dead Rising
        Lost Planet (+Colonies)
        Devil May Cry 4
        Resident Evil 5

        MT Framework 2.0:
        Lost Planet 2
        oh right so the resident evil 5 engine was just like sooped up a bit


        • #19
          Anybody else here have a copy right now?

          Guess I'd be the only one then...damn reviews.
          Last edited by BBboy20; 05-12-2010, 12:29 AM.


          • #20
            I'm playing it on PS3. I haven't read any reviews so I don't know how bad they think the game is. Honestly...I've played lot worse.
            Are you tired, Rebecca?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
              I'm playing it on PS3. I haven't read any reviews so I don't know how bad they think the game is. Honestly...I've played lot worse.
              I just played Episode 1 and even I'm baffled how anybody would give it something below a 7.

              Oh and 360 version for me.


              • #22
                Got my copy on Thursday. So amazingly awesome.

                Also, irk, for anyone who misses the Lost Planet 1 controls/camera, set the game's "Bounding Area" option to ON and Camera setting to "Normal 2" <3

                And I find it funny that so many reviews (and people) bitch about the AI partners ruining the game (and listing them as something that detracts from the game's score), when you can turn them off if you don't want them.

                Also, man, the bosses... huuuuuge. And the cutscenes... realtime... At times it's almost hard to believe you're still watching stuff that's not pre-rendered (such as the Episode 3 intro)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  Got my copy on Thursday. So amazingly awesome.

                  Also, irk, for anyone who misses the Lost Planet 1 controls/camera, set the game's "Bounding Area" option to ON and Camera setting to "Normal 2" <3

                  And I find it funny that so many reviews (and people) bitch about the AI partners ruining the game (and listing them as something that detracts from the game's score), when you can turn them off if you don't want them.

                  Also, man, the bosses... huuuuuge. And the cutscenes... realtime... At times it's almost hard to believe you're still watching stuff that's not pre-rendered (such as the Episode 3 intro)
                  The only thing that really annoyed me about the game was the two or three quick time events. They were so few and so random that it felt rather like they were just tagged on. That, and the one hit kills from the core blob things when you were making your way to the final area. Other than those very small little things, I loved the game.
                  Are you tired, Rebecca?


                  • #24
                    Ahah. The QTEs were indeed random.

                    Fortunately, the game gives you plenty of time with them.

                    What happens if you fail them anyway? I failed the second one (when jumping between train carts) and I got a cutscene of my char failing the jump, but I didn't seem to lose anything from my battle gauge and I spawned on the other train with all my equipment...

                    What's really annoyed me so far is that the game uses the same "you shall not pass" system as the original. Where if you char hits something while zip lining, you'll fall (basically to prevent you from zip lining through small windows and stuff)

                    Dunno how many accidental deaths I've had on Episode 3 'cause of that... but, yeah, really annoying stuff that it still exists (it mostly just prevents you from cross-jumping between railroad carts. Only straight lines seem to be safe.)


                    • #25
                      The QTE's werent really bad...they were just out of place. In the entire game there were only what...4? I failed the train QTE once (pulled a quick one with an L2+R2 rather than the front)...I think you simply lost one of the guys with you. It doesnt really punish the player at all.

                      The train...oh god how could I forget the train. That was probably the single most frustrating level. I died there countless times because of the cannons/turrets. I thought destroying them meant know...they would be destroyed and progessing along the train they wouldn't come back and blast you off. That was the only level I really hated. Everything mentioned in the previous post was really just an annoyance that could be over looked...but the train...the train...
                      Are you tired, Rebecca?


                      • #26
                        Ahah. Yeah. It's pretty stupid that Ep 3 - Chapter 3 has DESTROY THE TURRETS as a sub-goal on the first part, then when you've seen the cutscene where you jump over on the other train... *BAM* they're back!


                        • #27
                          I'm currently playing this game. I could not fathom why Gamespot gave a 5.5!


                          • #28
                            Seems like Lost Planet 2's getting the "Easy Mode" treatment via an update patch (which apparently should be live in the PS3 version already, while the 360 version is still in certification or something)

                            Mainly stuff being made easier on Single Player Easy and Medium.

                            But there are some global changes too (all game modes), such as weapon tweaks, increasing running speed and some other stuff.

                            - Respawning points are changed - e.g. the player can start from the beginning of the boss fight, rather than start the level from the beginning and so on.
                            Applies to the whole game.

                            - The player's attacking power has been strengthened.
                            This applies when the difficulty level is set at either Easy or Normal and when only one player starts the game.

                            - The level of animations for the player being affected near by attack/explosion is lowered.
                            This applies when the difficulty level is set at either Easy or Normal and when only one player starts the game.

                            - The level of damage to the player is lowered.
                            This applies when the difficulty level is set at either Easy or Normal and when only one player starts the game.

                            - Harmonizer is adjusted to be more powerful.
                            This applies when the difficulty level is set at either Easy or Normal and when only one player starts the game.

                            - The level of animations for the enemies being affected near by attack/explosion is increased.
                            This applies when the difficulty level is set at either Easy or Normal and when only one player starts the game.

                            - Tip texts are added to the objects that require the B button action such as Data Posts.
                            Applies to the whole game.

                            - Weapons' parameters are adjusted - i.e. they became quite evenly balanced (not too strong, not too weak).
                            Applies to the whole game.

                            - The speed of the player's dash is increased.
                            Applies to the whole game.
                            Hope this also fixes the split-screen co-op balance (since multiplayer automatically ups the difficulty and on split-screen the AI partners have an odd habit of going AWOL) (Apparently there are some other split-screen issues too... hopefully they're getting fixed now or sometime soon!).

                            And, oh, the respawning thing there seems to be about now being able to hit continue on an Area, rather than getting kicked back to the start of the chapter if you get a game over. (This was one of the things the reviewers were crying and moaning about.)

                            And, oh, yeah, Map Pack #2 is out too <3
                            (I still haven't really started versus multiplayer madness, but having seen a video of a Lost Planet 2 nuclear launch... damn... do want! Also want that nuke in a single player episode... can I say Episodic DLC, please?)
                            Last edited by Carnivol; 06-07-2010, 09:22 AM.


                            • #29
                              Last night i downloaded an update about 15 MB, and i didn't notice any change. At least no the ones mentioned above. I think the ability of running faster was originally in the game... you have to press Circle... is the update i got last night the one you mentioned Carnivol?


                              • #30
                                The sprint speed has been increased beyond what it used to be before (holding O/B). And, yes, if you updated the PS3 version yesterday, this is that update.

