Capcom have today globally announced Lost Planet 2 via Xbox Live. The video features quite a bit of gameplay footage and is available from the main dashboard of the US Marketplace, but for now the marketplace is only displaying “Top Secret” and won’t allow a download. Here’s some details sourced from members of NeoGAF regarding the project and the video:
* Has an introduction from Jun Takeuchi, taking of his Resident Evil jacket for his “other big project”.
* Kenji Oguro is the director.
* Powered by Version 2.0 of the MT Framework engine.
* A “massive change in climate, which has melted the snow and created brand-new environments such as jungles.”
* “Story won’t be focusing on one main character like Lost Planet: Extreme Condition did
* “Have been some big changes in how the game plays”
* Portable cover / shields similar to Gears of War 2
* Mechs with passenger seats and turrets
* Appears to be a co-op squad-based game
* Story is told from the perspective of different factions of Space Pirates.
As soon as we can, we will update you. For now, it looks to be a 360 exclusive. For those trying to fish this from the Japanese marketplace, the video weighs in at 435.62 mB and is using Capcom’s logo as the image.
* Has an introduction from Jun Takeuchi, taking of his Resident Evil jacket for his “other big project”.
* Kenji Oguro is the director.
* Powered by Version 2.0 of the MT Framework engine.
* A “massive change in climate, which has melted the snow and created brand-new environments such as jungles.”
* “Story won’t be focusing on one main character like Lost Planet: Extreme Condition did
* “Have been some big changes in how the game plays”
* Portable cover / shields similar to Gears of War 2
* Mechs with passenger seats and turrets
* Appears to be a co-op squad-based game
* Story is told from the perspective of different factions of Space Pirates.
As soon as we can, we will update you. For now, it looks to be a 360 exclusive. For those trying to fish this from the Japanese marketplace, the video weighs in at 435.62 mB and is using Capcom’s logo as the image.