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LOST PLANET 2 (Title Update #1 Released!)

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  • LOST PLANET 2 (Title Update #1 Released!)

    Capcom have today globally announced Lost Planet 2 via Xbox Live. The video features quite a bit of gameplay footage and is available from the main dashboard of the US Marketplace, but for now the marketplace is only displaying “Top Secret” and won’t allow a download. Here’s some details sourced from members of NeoGAF regarding the project and the video:

    * Has an introduction from Jun Takeuchi, taking of his Resident Evil jacket for his “other big project”.
    * Kenji Oguro is the director.
    * Powered by Version 2.0 of the MT Framework engine.
    * A “massive change in climate, which has melted the snow and created brand-new environments such as jungles.”
    * “Story won’t be focusing on one main character like Lost Planet: Extreme Condition did
    * “Have been some big changes in how the game plays”
    * Portable cover / shields similar to Gears of War 2
    * Mechs with passenger seats and turrets
    * Appears to be a co-op squad-based game
    * Story is told from the perspective of different factions of Space Pirates.

    As soon as we can, we will update you. For now, it looks to be a 360 exclusive. For those trying to fish this from the Japanese marketplace, the video weighs in at 435.62 mB and is using Capcom’s logo as the image.
    From Capcomunication
    Last edited by James; 02-23-2009, 06:15 AM.

  • #2
    So Takeuchi is the producer?

    Anyway Lost Planet 2 will look very good with the MT framework.


    • #3
      So the video isn't availible yet?


      • #4
        Video is up (stream still encoding):
        The secret Capcom game to be announced today on the Xbox Live Marketplace turned out to be the not so secret Lost Planet 2. But still, no one is going to complain! While waiting for the trailer to encode, here is some captures from the video. Update: Video is up! Update 2: Capcom finally announced the game officially, for the moment at least only on Xbox 360. 10 screens inside.


        • #5
          sweet, is this multiplat ?


          • #6
            One could assume that it was a 360 exclusive (I mean, if MT Framework ran slightly worse on the PS3, maybe the 2.0 upgrade can't run at all).

            But I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was for PS3 as well. It would certainly put the port to the PS3 into a lot more context.


            • #7
              My guess is that it is probably multiplatform, but with the 360 being both lead and in for some exclusive features and treatment. This thanks to the fact that there's still a really active community for the multiplayer demo, the original retail version, and the Colonies Edition.

              The trailer is absolutely fantastic and shows off some of the most fantastic multiplayer/co-op action I've ever seen in a game. This is how you do a sequel and a game announcement! *wave* Go Capcom! Go Capcom! *wave*
              Last edited by Carnivol; 02-23-2009, 11:15 PM.


              • #8
                The whole co-op element and the fact they look to be mixing in some elements of Monster Hunter / Shadow of the Colossus (lol yes I can dream) has really sold me. I always loved Lost Planet though - never really doubted that I wouldn't like a sequel.


                • #9
                  It looks amazing... I hope it will come to PS3 too...


                  • #10
                    shit 360 exclusive what the hell Capcom?Anyway wonder if Wayne and Luka will return.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ValentineKnight View Post
                      shit 360 exclusive what the hell Capcom?Anyway wonder if Wayne and Luka will return.
                      I doubt it's exclusive... Capcom made exclusive title like ages ago.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                        My guess is that it is probably multiplatform, but with the 360 being both lead and in for some exclusive features and treatment. This thanks to the fact that there's still a really active community for the multiplayer demo, the original retail version, and the Colonies Edition.

                        The trailer is absolutely fantastic and shows off some of the most fantastic multiplayer/co-op action I've ever seen in a game. This is how you do a sequel and a game announcement! *wave* Go Capcom! Go Capcom! *wave*
                        I just like the fact on how much they will improve the multiplayer area, in the terms of "bigger, better, and more bad ass", and it defiantly lives up to that degreee by this trailer alone. I am also glad to see it's 2.0 status on the engine, because that thing is a marvel to see.


                        • #13
                 this sucks... Hope it's not true..


                          • #14
                            Capcom said they're days of making exclusives where over so I doubt it. It maybe a "timed" like the first however...
                            Last edited by ValentineKnight; 02-25-2009, 10:47 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ValentineKnight View Post
                              Capcom said they're days of making exclusives where over so I doubt it. It maybe a "timed" like the first however...
                              They probably did say that but I have a theory that the new MT Framework works remarkably better on the 360.

                              Not to mention that the communities for Colonies and Extreme Condition are still pretty damn active on Xbox Live considering how old the games are.

