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Final Fantasy Favorites

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  • Final Fantasy Favorites

    Favorite Game:
    Best Story:
    Best Music:
    Best Hero:
    Best Heroine:
    Best Villain:
    Best Gameplay:

    Simple enough categories. I'm curious to see some of the answers.

  • #2
    Favorite Game: VII. Although now overdone it was the first one I played and beat, and I have a special place in my cold, black heart for it. It introduced me to epic lots and pretty Japanese characters with massive peni- swords, I meant swords.

    Not only that but I like the gameplay, I enjoy the story and the characters (for the most part) and at the time it was made it looked good. Hell, I still enjoy playing it.

    Best Story: VIII is my favorite story. I think it's because I'm a sappy bastard, really. I really enjoyed the game, from the intro to the point where you're fighting Seifer and can just tell he doesn't want to be fighting anymore but keeps going anyway. I especially love Laguna and Raine's story. Again. Sappy.

    Best Music: I have no idea. Several of the songs ever really stuck in my head for long periods. 'Desperado' from VIII and 'Otherworld' spring to mind.

    Best Hero: Laguna. I'm a complete Laguna fanboy. I don't like most of the main characters as they tend to be a touch whiny and emo.

    Best Heroine: Rinoa. Dunno why.

    Best Villain: Everyone will say Kefka of Sephiroth, and I'm no different. I'm saying Kefka though. The man is an evil ass and loves every second of it.

    Best Gameplay: I have to say XII. It's the most interesting to play, sadly.


    • #3
      Favorite Game: VIII
      Best Story: IX (i know weird, but its probably the only one i can think of that safely rounded it all up by the end).
      Best Music: VII or VIII
      Best Hero: Balthier, who else.
      Best Heroine: hmm .. Terra probably.
      Best Villain: Judge Magister Cid from XII (or if you don't count him as a villain, probably Ex Death).
      Best Gameplay: Controversial choice, but i really liked XII's advancements.


      • #4
        Favorite Game: Overall, I'd say VII. There's still so much depth to it, and I only beat it recently. I really enjoyed it.
        Best Story: I adored X's story. It was well-thought-out and like Darkmoon, I was total sap when it came to the Tidus and Yuna love story.
        Best Music: Actually, I really like V's music. Clash on the Big Bridge, along with some really catchy town music and other things, like the kung fu-sounding flying chocobo song ("Hua!") sold me.
        Best Hero: I like Cecil. His whole "darkness to light" deal was great. And thankfully it didn't take too long for him to grind levels back to where he was as a Paladin... >_>
        Best Heroine: Yuna. Unlilke Aeris who died against her will, Yuna knew what was coming and accepted it. Thankfully she didn't have to go through with it; I would've cried. XD
        Best Villain: Zeromus! Nothing like hate incarnate to create a new slate of great hate!
        Best Gameplay: Hm... I'm going with V. The Job System was great in it, and the gameplay was fluid. Plus, you could finally see your ATB bar. Runner-up is VII.


        • #5
          Favorite Game: FFVI. It's the only one I really liked.
          Best Story: Same as above, although VII does have a good simple story.
          Best Music: FFVII.
          Best Hero: Locke Cole.
          Best Heroine: Terra. Yum yum.
          Best Villain: Kefka. Just because.
          Best Gameplay: FFXII. Really brought in some much needed improvements to combat and the exploration in that game was on an unprecedented scale.


          • #6
            Favourite Game: IX
            Best Story: I can't single out just one story. I think they're all in their own way fantastic.
            Best Music: VII has given me many favourites
            Best Hero: Vivi - You just can't hate him.
            Best Heroine: Rikku
            Best Villain: Kefka
            Best Gameplay: X


            • #7
              Favorite Game: final fantasy IX
              Best Story: Final Fantasy VII as its the only one ot make me cry ever
              Best Music: final fantasy X
              Best Hero: ViVi
              Best Heroine: Aerith, even though we only knew her for a while she brightened up my life for that short time
              Best Villain: seifer for just being an ass
              Best Gameplay: final fantasy XII for its gambit system
              seriously tell me im not the only one who cried when aerith died?
              Last edited by riderkid; 03-16-2009, 05:08 PM.


              • #8
                THEWY =/= FF

                Really good game though.


                • #9
                  Favorite Game: VII
                  Best Story:VII
                  Best Music:VII
                  Best Hero: Cloud,Squall,Zack Fair,Vincent and Tidus(they're all cool)
                  Best Heroine: Yuna,Rinoa,Rikku,Yuffie or Tifa(I can't decide)
                  Best Villain: Shuryin
                  Best Gameplay: X-2

                  PS: I've only played VII and X-2(and I love them both the same)


                  • #10
                    Fav Games: FF VII, FF VII C.C.
                    Best Story: FFVII CC.
                    Best Music: FF VII.
                    Best Hero: Zack, c'mon the last battle he took on everything.
                    Best Villian: I love VII and VIII bad boys, but i'm going to say Kuja from IX.
                    Best Gameplay: FF VII C.C, I still love the old school gameplay but XII and C.C bought this new fun style of play.

                    I've never played F.F XI, so I can't say anything on that game.


                    • #11
                      Favorite Game: VII
                      Best Story: VII
                      Best Music: VIII
                      Best Hero: Squall
                      Best Heroine: Ashe
                      Best Villain: Kefka
                      Best Gameplay: X-2 and Dissidia if we're allowed spin-offs, otherwise XII*

                      *Absolutely hated XII the first time I played it. Kept trying to get into if for a couple of years. Finally picked up a PAL copy last summer to give it a final go and it's quickly become one of my favourites.


                      • #12
                        Favorite Game: VIII
                        Best Story: VIII/X (SeeD and Ultimecia or Yu Yevon and Sin? Oh boy...)
                        Best Music: I loved VIII, but X has to take the cake here. (Otherworld and To Zanarkand FTW).
                        Best Hero: Squall/Auron (can't choose. )
                        Best Heroine: Quistis/Yuna/Rikku (again...can't choose.)
                        Best Villain: Seymour/Seifer (They're both the tits, IMO.)
                        Best Gameplay: VIII (I LOVED the junction system. So sue me.)

                        New addition...
                        Best Characters: VIII, hands down.
                        Last edited by Vector; 03-30-2009, 04:07 PM.


                        • #13
                          Favorite Game: VI
                          Best Story: VI
                          Best Music: VI
                          Best Hero: Locke
                          Best Heroine: Terra
                          Best Villain: Kefka
                          Best Gameplay: VI

                          I've only played IV, VI, and VII so they're all I can comment on.


                          • #14
                            Favorite Game: IX (due to pacing in general and the setting)

                            Best Story: VII (i don't know if i like the story or square made me like the story, either way it sure as hell sticks)

                            Best Music: VIII (opening theme warrants this all by itself)

                            Best Hero: Balthier (the man was all kinds of awesome)

                            Best Heroine: Yuffie (all the female FF characters seem underdeveloped to me, Yuffie is just memorable)

                            Best Villain: Thorn and Zorn

                            Best Gameplay: Crisis Core (People are probably gonna hate this but i like the battle system i think it's perfect for a portable. The limited areas can suck my noodles though)

                            Extra catagory:
                            Best intro: FF10 (This intro was possibly the greatest thing i had ever seen when i was 12)


                            • #15
                              Favorite Game: I whould have said VII It was the first one I played but not too long ago I played VI and VI is now my fave.
                              Best Story:Same again VII had a good story until I played VI
                              Best Music:IX
                              Best Hero: Clould
                              Best Heroine: Terra
                              Best Villain: Sephiroth no no no he was my fave until this person came along with his evil laugh and evil jokes and know how to put on a great show im taking about non other than Kefka he is a ture Villiain he's was not born as a God or someone out to get revenge he's just a nomal human who became a madman from fushing with magic and he start's off weak and has the story unfolds he becomes stronger until he becomes a God and rules the world for a year how meany villians in Final Fantasy have done that I said RULED not NEARLY RULED or NEARLY DESTROYED.
                              Best Gameplay:XII
                              Last edited by Sephiroth; 03-30-2009, 08:56 AM.

