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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

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  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
    YAY!Ayane's finally playable(fave char) and since I liked Sigma this is a must buy for me.Anyone else getting it?

  • #2
    I loved NGII despite its technical flaws, so hopefully this will redeem them (LOTS of slowdown and bugs). So yes, this is a day one purchase for me.


    • #3
      ^ Most of the slowdowns were fixed in a patch, not sure about the bugs though.

      Looks interesting enough, but I only enjoyed Sigma because I never played the original before it. I am not sure it will be the same case with Sigma2 unless they implement a lot of new stuff. I'm interested to see how Ayane goes in the game, since she didn't really feature in the game at all (almost). =/

      Still, looking forward to whatever other changes will be made.

      Apparently the game has network support - I am thinking leaderboards, but a co-op game would be even more awesome, though I am not sure a feat like that would be technically viable. >_>
      Last edited by James; 03-17-2009, 11:48 PM.


      • #4
        where's my next gen fatal frame you fuckers


        • #5
          Fatal Frame IV came out on the Wii and it's more than competent, and I haven't even played the better and more revised western release yet.


          • #6
            You need to get NG Black then, it's on the XBL Markeplace. Sigma had changes in the layout of some areas, got rid of some puzzles, and increased the speed (floatier too so juggles were more varied). However, it wasn't as polished overall with more bugs (including a Karma one).

            Worth a look if you loved Sigma to see what it was based on. They're still better games than NGII (and the upcoming Sigma 2).


            • #7
              I only have a PS3,GC and PS2 so I can't


              • #8
                you know what i notice in the other game sites? i notice that a LOT of ps3 fanboys keeps saying that "Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 sucks" or "Its going to be the worst game of the year" but now that they heard that its coming out for the ps3 they are all like "Im going to buy this game regardless!" or "this game is badass" and its the same guys that said it was going to be the worst game of the year!! I SEEING A LOT OF DUMBASS people now.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Umon Daisuke View Post
                  You need to get NG Black then, it's on the XBL Markeplace. Sigma had changes in the layout of some areas, got rid of some puzzles, and increased the speed (floatier too so juggles were more varied). However, it wasn't as polished overall with more bugs (including a Karma one).

                  Worth a look if you loved Sigma to see what it was based on. They're still better games than NGII (and the upcoming Sigma 2).
                  Oh no, I completed Black too, just did it in reverse (Sigma first) just as I was curious as to the differences.


                  • #10
                    I'm a big fan of Team NINJA games and specially Ninja Gaiden, but NGII has a lot of issues, if they can fix those issues and make Ayane a fun character to play (cof cof Rachel), this will be the best game in the genre.


                    • #11
                      What's new exactly with fanboys? Anything that's exclusive rules and if it's on the other platform, it sucks.

                      Originally posted by ValentineKnight View Post
                      I only have a PS3,GC and PS2 so I can't
                      You have to click that link. Sigma 2 is an upgraded PS3 port of the Xbox 360 game NGII released last June.


                      • #12
                        meh, DMC4 was a better game anyway


                        • #13
                          Nero's arm was the best addition to DMC4; the combat was awesome


                          • #14
                            I am sure Ayane will be more enjoyable to play than Rachael was. Who knows, they might throw in some Sonia missions too =P

                            (Actually, that makes more sense narratively speaking >_>)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by James View Post
                              I am sure Ayane will be more enjoyable to play than Rachael was. Who knows, they might throw in some Sonia missions too =P

                              (Actually, that makes more sense narratively speaking >_>)
                              Yeah I know as much as I love Ayane what exactly did she do in NG2 besides give Ryu some info?But then again pretty much all Sonia did was get captured from time to time for Ryu to save.

