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  • #16
    Originally posted by A-J View Post
    ripper combined with stasis is a lot of fun, but unfortunately it requires you to be right up to the enemy, which can be very risky if you miss it.
    Yes. I try not to miss. Otherwise I do plan B: Run away! RUN AWAY!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      Yes. I try not to miss. Otherwise I do plan B: Run away! RUN AWAY!
      Yes, running away always seems to work, that is if you don't run into a bigger problem. (*chops head off*)

      Last edited by hellrizer; 04-05-2009, 10:54 AM.


      • #18
        Great game! Gets a bit repetitive when you're getting closer to the end, but still a masterpiece. And the best thing is the line that shows you where to go when you press the right analog stick down!


        • #19
          The Ripper is a great gun, there's nothing better than a buzz saw spinning incredibly fast, decapitating a bunch of alien monster scum.

          I thought the game became a bit...meh after the Stalker chapter however, which scared the crap out of me.


          • #20
            Originally posted by hellrizer View Post
            Hey, I'm really sorry to tell yu this, but that looks awfull, is that the PC version? I LOVED this game, played it 12 times (that is A LOT for me), sadlly, I havent played it for two months now, RE5 is too adictive


            • #21
              I loved this game as well. I had to sell it a few weeks ago but I will buy it again when the sequel is near. I thought both the comic and movie set a good pretone for the game. Nice backstory, big vibes of Aliens and Event Horizon...greatness.
              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


              • #22
                What scores do you give the game?


                • #23
                  dead space is what RE5 wasnt...scary


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by himher_elle View Post
                    Hey, I'm really sorry to tell yu this, but that looks awfull, is that the PC version? I LOVED this game, played it 12 times (that is A LOT for me), sadlly, I havent played it for two months now, RE5 is too adictive
                    I dont know i got the picture from google and it did not say if its the 360, ps3 or pc. I have played Dead space last night and it looked more better than the picture i uploaded.


                    • #25
                      I love Dead Space, it has to be my favorite game this generation.

                      it's just so awesome to express in words, everything abuot it is pure brilliance, it's sucess in being scary just makes RE4/5 fail even more. never did i think a behind the shoulder camera would work in survival horror but Dead Space did it. i really really love Dead Space.

                      i loved the story as well, and Kendra Daniels in my favorite character.

                      i cannot wait to play the Extraction and Dead Space 2.

                      also after i got Dead Space i showed my brother and my friend and now there really into it to which i think is awesome.
                      Last edited by missvalentine; 04-07-2009, 01:32 AM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                        I love Dead Space, it has to be my favorite game this generation.

                        it's just so awesome to express in words, everything abuot it is pure brilliance, it's sucess in being scary just makes RE4/5 fail even more. never did i think a behind the shoulder camera would work in survival horror but Dead Space did it. i really really love Dead Space.

                        i loved the story as well, and Kendra Daniels in my favorite character.

                        i cannot wait to play the Extraction and Dead Space 2.

                        also after i got Dead Space i showed my brother and my friend and now there really into it to which i think is awesome.

                        Yes it is, Well said missvalentine. Yeah cant wait to play dead space extraction too! When is it coming out?


                        • #27
                          Very good game. Got to say it surprised me when I first bought it. I hope the series moves on from here and gets even better.

                          Originally posted by A-J View Post
                          The game also has an amazing backstory to it, too bad most of it wasn't included in the game itself.
                          Just like a RE game, ain't it?
                          Last edited by Henry Spencer; 04-07-2009, 02:17 PM.


                          • #28
                            i just got it and cant stop playing its very addicting (pushes mouse to side, and picks up 360 controller)


                            • #29
                              Haven't played this for few months now, but i remember when i finished this for the first time the ending scared the crap outta me. I'm glad there's a Dead Space 2 coming.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by hellrizer View Post
                                Yes it is, Well said missvalentine. Yeah cant wait to play dead space extraction too! When is it coming out?
                                thanks, but i have no idea when extraction is comming out, i just hope i will have a Wii by then.

