This new game from Capcom first got my attention a few years back when the "mediocre" trailer was shown. However, when I picked up the collector's edition of RE5, I rushed home with excitement and opened the case to find an ad for Dark Void. Ever since the game once again caught my attention I've been researching the game and I think it's shaping up to be a decent one. Apparently it's releasing next month, so I thought I'd go ahead and start up the discussion. One of the reasons I'm so attracted to this game is because for some of the "older folks" on here, it reminds me of a real gem from some of our childhoods, "rocketeer" .
Sure the story might be completely different, but the character is still an average guy with a cool jacket, hi-tech jet pack and a badass helmet
Here's a link to a short trailer for those of you who don't know what the hell I'm talking about.