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Marvel vs Capcom 2 coming to XBLA (and PSN)! ^_^

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  • #61
    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
    Did you even read my post? I quoted myself for a reason. I stand by my facepalm. It was 100% deserved. And by the way, you wanna talk about repetitive? Take a look in the mirror.

    Now if you wanna take this further, take it into a PM. This topic is about MvC2.
    Oh sorry, my bad! It is always good to retract you know. I guess I misunderstood your message. You know I hate when other people post stupid things like some people just did here... but oh well.. their funeral.


    • #62
      man im so glad, ive been wanting to get this game but everywhere it ranges from 80 to and absurd 400, any idea as to price? and i just noticed, Jill's hair is like the original RE not REmake or 3s


      • #63
        Surprise! The MvC2 demo is not available for the EU PSN. Who didn't see this coming?
        See you in hell.


        • #64
          It's now on the US PSN as well, at a whopping 198MB, I might add.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
            Surprise! The MvC2 demo is not available for the EU PSN. Who didn't see this coming?
            Ya you're right
            just downloaded the MVC2 demo from the US store, pretty uselless demo... it allows only 2player local matches.... wtf, no single player!!! this demo sucks!
            what a waste of time


            • #66
              At one point it was suck when fighting games tried to add online play, as it wouldn't work with the delicate and precise timing required for a fighting game. Now it's suck 'cause a fighting game doesn't have online.

              Don't anyone have local friends anymore?


              • #67
                That's not a question of online, i know this is just a demo while the final build will feature online matches, but the main issue is that the demo doesn't allow single player matches, how this can be possible? this doens't have any sense to me... only 2 player local matches!!!

                My friends don't live next my house you know... so my last chance to play this damn demo is with my.... oh well with my cat?!


                • #68
                  Pretty lame that the demo's only local multiplayer.

                  I don't feel like calling up my friend and saying "Hey man, wanna come over and play a DEMO with me?"


                  • #69
                    First Bionic Commando now this. Is Capcom trying to piss me off with these multiplayer demos ?
                    Sevket's Game Collection
                    PSN Gamercards


                    • #70
                      Capcom Exec #1: Hey, you know how those PS3 owners were complaining about us having a pro-360 bias? Well, here's something that'll put things right.

                      Capcom Exec #2: Oh yeah, what's that?

                      Capcom Exec #1: We'll give an exclusive demo to them of Marvel vs Capcom 2!

                      Capcom Exec #2: Sounds good. Wait, why are we being nice to them after all the bitching they did?

                      Capcom Exec #1: This is the best part! Basically, we release the demo only has local multiplayer!

                      Capcom Exec #2 Hahaha! Genius. They can't do a damn thing with the demo more or less, that'll show them!

                      Capcom Exec #1: Just a moment. There's someone here from Microsoft.

                      In strides this bloated, suit-wearing yuppie type with thick sausage-like fingers, he digs his greasy hands into his pockets, takes out a wad of scrunched up Franklins and casts them into the faces of the executives before smearing his sweaty palms, stained with semen, over the young female assistant who had moments earlier ushered his engorged carcass into the room. With a guttural roar, he forces out the words, "MARKET SHARE" before trundling back out the way he came in.


                      Of course, the above was nonsense. If you take any of this seriously then you're an idiot.
                      Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 05-01-2009, 01:23 AM.
                      See you in hell.


                      • #71
                        i really want to play this game now.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          At one point it was suck when fighting games tried to add online play, as it wouldn't work with the delicate and precise timing required for a fighting game. Now it's suck 'cause a fighting game doesn't have online.

                          Don't anyone have local friends anymore?
                          That's because controller's prices have soared up for this generation i guess.

                          But yah the lack of a single player mode for the demo is stupid. What's the point of putting up a demo if a gamer can't play it with a minimal setup (1 console + 1 controller)? Its pointless when the demo is inaccessible to the widest audience possible.


                          • #73
                            It's worth noting too, that those controller listings were unfortunately fake. Apparently there are no plans to bring out hardware with Marvel characters on them, Capcoms deal apparently only extends to teh digital re-release of MvsC2 and nothing else.



                            • #74
                              Jill Valentine!


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by xfactor View Post
                                That's because controller's prices have soared up for this generation i guess.
                                I guess controller prices are up a bit ('cause of the inclusion of all sorts of funky technology), but the controller durability of the two most recent generations of consoles are much higher than what they were before (or maybe I just didn't treat my controllers that nicely before... At least I think I burned through a good few too many NES, SNES and not to mention N64 controllers in my day... also a good pile of PS1 controllers have been worn out... also gone through a couple of DualShock 2 pads, an extra Dreamcast controller (dunno how that happened), but the GC pads, Wavebirds, Dukes and Controller S' all survived.

                                Originally posted by James View Post
                                It's worth noting too, that those controller listings were unfortunately fake. Apparently there are no plans to bring out hardware with Marvel characters on them, Capcoms deal apparently only extends to teh digital re-release of MvsC2 and nothing else.

                                that sucks
                                Hope we'll see more Street Fighter labeled ones (or just non-branded ones)

