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Fallout: Vegas, now with more Obsidian, "Holy shit the family reunion megatonz!"

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  • #91
    The beginning of the game was horribly weak compared to Fallout 3 and due to it being Fallout 3.1 I started to get bored. After 4-5 hours it started picking up though and now 16 hours in I am loving it much as I did Fallout 3.

    Playing PS3 version and only technical issues I've had have been 2 freezes after loading into large open areas for the first time and moving ahead too fast when the area was obvious stil loading and chugging the game, Fallout 3 caused freezing for the same thing.

    I like the new companion system, I found FO3 companions not worth the effort of dealing with.
    Last edited by Dracarys; 10-23-2010, 04:56 PM.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • #92
      The beginning of the game was horribly weak compared to Fallout 3 and due to it being Fallout 3.1 I started to get bored.
      I would have to agree with that. I didn't care much for the doc and so on. They could of done more to help develop the character at the start. However, I'm quite used to just RPing a new character in the FO world so a few hours in and everything was immersive again.

      I'm about 26 hours in now, had to sacrifice some sleeping hours! I was playing until around 5:30am last night while drinking sarsaparilla and whiskey, awesome I reached New Vegas today (I explored a lot of the world before going there) and it really feels alive. It feels a lot like Shenmue II in some places, buildings with many rooms without any real purpose, I like that, good for mods too. You can also take a few little jobs like standing guard outside a shop and making sure none of them are drunk etc (also similar to Shenmue II when your waiting for customers for that gambling game).

      Also there are many more groups and factions and stuff, it's all starting to come together. My reputation has increased a lot so you get a lot of people coming up to you offering reprieves/consultations and stuff. Here's some screens of my journey so far:

      Took out one of the minor faction leaders - Papa Khan (screen not really a spoiler):


      New weapon.. (spoilers from repconn facility quest near novac)


      One of my followers.. Always gets out a machete (gladius one from the legion) when the ghouls get close! I love how he just lops off some guys head sometimes, the animation is awesome haha.



      • #93
        I'm currently at Vegas too, doing some of the quests here. I think the Shenmu 2 part on the activity around is quite a good way to put it, with how the world reacts during the day around you. Boone's way over powered though, it's as if Obsidian forgot to disable god mode on this fellow


        • #94
          He's good against humans (yes almost like god mode), not so good against monsters and such. I got pwned by a small group of super mutant masters, I didn't have any heavy weapons at the time and Boone didn't have any of my custom guns/ammo other than his rifle. Actually, it was the same area as that screen.


          • #95
            I got bored of Boone and swapped him for Cass, though that gets awkward later with certain quests.

            Anyway, it turns out the special stat twinking in this game is none existant and if you do not plan perks at character creation there are many you'll never access which kind of kills the fun of adapting a character as you simply can't. I've leveled up a few times and only had 1 new perk to choose from due to base skill requirements. Some perks are horribly designed too requiring special stats that have no real relation to the benefit.

            For example, the 'slayer' perk increases your unarmed attack speed and requires 7 Agility. But why the hell would you raise Agility like that when Unarmed benefits from the Strength stat for damage and Endurance to raise the stat?

            So why such a high Agility requirement?

            Lack of twinking ability has dampened my enjoyment of this game a lot.
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • #96
              Don't plan, just play Did you plan at one years old what you were going to do when your 20?

              I admit the stats need a little more work. Usually its hard to get it right on the first playthrough. I found the perks I received quite relevant to my character though. It also makes sense that unarmed speed is increased by agility, though having high agility is also the same as having high speed, kinda weird I guess.

              Just keep it in my mind for your next character..


              • #97
                The skills requirements have been heavily tweaked this time around so that your character will have a certain selected amount of abilities and skills to obtain perks in which go towards a more "class specific role" you wish to play with that current character in that setting.
                It's a lot like Fallout 2. This is to make the game more challenging in terms of what situation you might be in (certain lack of benefits to skills and you might be not at the right requirement so you have to either hit that skill level or find another way of getting around this) compared to how easy it was with the stats in Fallout 3 and the lack of consequences you could easily avoid because of how easy some of the perks were to obtain. I love this system myself because it makes you think on your situation and it influences your actions, in which you have to face during the course of the game. If you really don’t like it then you’ll just have to max your level further to unlock certain perks to boost your attributes (or the special items like in Fallout 3) but it depends on the taste of style you enjoy in what elements you wish to play around with.

                EDIT: Oh I forgot what with Scream has just mentioned above that certain things this time around (like certain speech options or choices) have definitely been spread in a lot of skills so you can't unlock all of them in one go (even for some that might sound much logical if they relate to another skill), which has its pros and cons for yourself. But again, this is purely on what you are going to role play as in the world.
                Last edited by Zombie Fred; 10-24-2010, 08:56 AM.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                  EDIT: Oh I forgot what with Scream has just mentioned above that certain things this time around (like certain speech options or choices) have definitely been spread in a lot of skills so you can't unlock all of them in one go (even for some that might sound much logical if they relate to another skill), which has its pros and cons for yourself. But again, this is purely on what you are going to role play as in the world.
                  Haha, yeah spoilers for retconn (sp?) facility near novac quest:



                  • #99
                    Just quickly updating a screenshot I have just taken in my current gear now. Got to be classy when you're in Vegas
                    Attached Files


                    • Ok, I've just come across the most fucked up (and very well written) vault of the fallout series, period. I wont say a thing since this is something not to be spoiled but head over to vault 11 and follow the story that is told. Prepare to be shocked and amazed on the journey in the vault!


                      • Sounds interesting, I haven't checked out any of the vaults yet.


                        • Well I've been playing a lot and so far:



                          • i'm nearing the end quest, I assume. You get so many options but some just do not make sense, even if I want to help the NCR for example doing a certain thing that I intended to help them with makes them shun me.
                            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                            • If you do too many missions for one faction (or yourself) you won't be able to get more missions from someone else.

                              Yes, there are many options, you really need to think about what your doing before selecting one. Do a bit of research before you work for someone.. I didn't like working for Mr. House, he told me nothing and I wasn't really impressed with what I heard.. Maybe I needed some blind faith, I dunno, but he's gone now.

                              I also like to do quests and stop before finishing them, for example the gangster casino family wanted something, I got it but they really didn't fit my style and I didn't like what they were doing so I just stormed the casino and took them all out. Gamblers and all (I ended up going for a shoot-first policy), got some reputation now but people are talking ;) I also tried to do the WGS quest but I botched the operation and ended up taking them all out too. A day in the life of a commando I guess...

                              Helloz Big Sal Lolz!

                              Last edited by Scream; 10-27-2010, 01:06 AM.


                              • I sided with NCR in the end, ending screamed 'DLC to continue'.

                                Anyway, I've explored various build options and the game is incredibly limiting given the requirement just to access some quests and/or perks. Saving some quests for 12+ levels time just because you want to follow a different path than you did before and are halted by a speech check is horrible design.
                                Last edited by Dracarys; 10-27-2010, 12:10 PM.
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

