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Animal Crossing

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  • Animal Crossing

    Does anyone else here play this? I actually just found out about this game last night, and I was so excited I went and bought it today. The game itself is pretty basically get to make your own little down, design your own house, etc. The game is one of those types that can last you a looong time, since there's so many things to do and buy. However, this isn't what made me excited enough to buy it.

    One of the biggest reasons to play animal crossing, is that in the game you can buy/find NES games, which you can store in your house. There's quite a few titles to get so after awhile you might want to store them in your basement lol. I've been playing Mike Tyson's Punchout (it's just Punchout in the game) which is one of my favorite games of all time, an it simply rocks. The game's only about 16 bucks, so I think it's well worth it. Plus, it's a good way to get ready for the new Punchout and Animal Crossing on the Wii
    "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
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  • #2
    Had you really never heard of Animal Crossing? If you have a DS then you have to get animal crossing:wild world


    • #3
      Originally posted by Itchy...Munch! View Post
      Had you really never heard of Animal Crossing? If you have a DS then you have to get animal crossing:wild world
      But be warned, there are no NES games in the DS and Wii versions.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
        But be warned, there are no NES games in the DS and Wii versions.
        really? thats bad, not for me (I don't care for thoes), but for my friends (specially the one who owns the game).
        I love this game, last summer (not this last summer, the OTHER one) we played the game like adicts, it was really fun, compeating for who has the best house, more munny, who does the best pattern (most of them where from nintendo games, but I managed to spread the SONY/360 world into the nice plastic-nintendo-cube.
        I was told that Viva PiƱata is the equivalent for Animal Crossing, is that true? is it as good, fun, adictive?

