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Hideo Kojima's New Project

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  • Hmm that sillouette rules out any remote possibility that this could be Snatcher.

    In all honesty every aspect of this marketting is pointing to a Raiden centred MGS.
    Now I love the series but I honestly want it to end with MGS4, there's no reason to continue it. The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
    Review and contributor for


    • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      Konami finally kicking out Iga and sending Kojima to the rescue?


      MSPaint to the rescue!
      Last edited by Carnivol; 05-24-2009, 04:31 AM.


      • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
        Hmm that sillouette rules out any remote possibility that this could be Snatcher.
        How does that sillouette rule out anything?

        I bet the companies that release this sort of thing love seeing people fall all over the place for the slightest little bit of news they release and all the crazed theories that spring up all over the place


        • From NeoGAF:

          It's from Konami's Lord of Shadow

          Yes, I know that those selected bits are parts of gate behind the character, but the rest of the sillouette fit nicely so it would be a huge coincidence if it would turn out to be something completely different.
          It just seems that someone who did that sillouette haven't noticed those details.
          Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 05-24-2009, 06:15 AM.


          • Wow, good find.

            I saw:
            in order.

            Meh, methinks it's a new IP but w/e.
            Or maybe it is that Lord of Shadow which will become a best seller because Kojima would be working on it...


            • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
              Or maybe it is that Lord of Shadow which will become a best seller because Kojima would be working on it...
              The likes of Snatcher, Policenauts, Boktai, Zone of the Enders, etc... would like to have their best seller status.

              But, yeah, it's probably true that whatever Kojima is doing from now on will receive extra fame and sales just because it's Kojima... but then again... there's always the likes of Clover and Capcom Five... which in total produced a total of one "best seller" (Resident Evil 4) out of like... 10 games or something (where even one got canceled post-announcement)

              But, yeah, people might've nailed the picture silhouette with Lord of Shadow (but for all we know, that might just be the magazine grabbing some random "similar/semi-related" asset to just use for their teasing)
              Last edited by Carnivol; 05-24-2009, 07:06 AM.


              • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                These developers create a following of enthusiasts and fanboys, and with fanboys come haters and the like
                Oh i don't hate him, i did like MGS1 and 2, and ZOE, i just think his name carries a little bit more cred than it should.


                • Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
                  From NeoGAF:

                  It's from Konami's Lord of Shadow
                  Yeah, I saw this the other day. Gaf misses nothing.

                  If this is what the game really is, a lot of people are gonna be disappointed.


                  • yha im gonna be pretty pissed if thats what its gonna be


                    • According to the source; first comes a cloudy plains followed by a thunder storm.

                      Nothing else in the flash files hints to what happens when the timer stops.

                      We wont know until the day gets closer and frame.swf is updated with the new set of instructions for the flash to perform for when the counter reaches 00:00:00.


                      • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                        Yeah, I saw this the other day. Gaf misses nothing.

                        If this is what the game really is, a lot of people are gonna be disappointed.
                        koji pro is reportedly working on multiple titles at the moment, so it could be ONE of those ..


                        • Just a little over 19 hours now before the weather changes and a new countdown begins. (=


                          • oh well lol VR will keep me busy


                            • *shits pants*


                              • HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

                                SO IT IS A METAL GEAR!

                                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key

