Originally posted by nemesiswontdie
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Hideo Kojima's New Project
Originally posted by aris13 View PostIt's not your call, if the studio wants to make a sequel they will do it even without you directing.
Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View PostMust every other post you make involve George Lucas or Star Wars? You like the films, you hate Star Trek, we get it.
Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View PostLawrence Kasden and Irvin Kershner feel heartbroken at the minute, they were for those that don't know - the writer and director of Empire Strikes Back ;)
Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
Originally posted by Rombie View Postmissvalentine - I'm shouldnt even dignify your message with a responce on the basis of your poor analogies. It's already been pointed out, but neither original Star Wars sequel was directed by Lucas - Irvin Kershner on Empire, Richard Marquand on Jedi (making it's comparison to Kojima's requirement to direct all entirely pointless). Personally I found Johnson's directing of JP3 was the least of it's issues, the real problem was its script and inherently some dubious pacing and acting choices - additionally I wasn't even a fan of the second because it deviated horribly from the novel and as much as I like Spielberg, JP2 is definently not anywhere near one of his better films.
Also i thought JP2 was great, i loved the alternate ending in it.
Originally posted by Rombie View PostAnd... and... if you're going to use any of the Alien's films as an example dear god use the last two... A comparison of the two that were good (and the fact that Aliens is considered a successful sequel since it's release entirely because its different than Scott's original) is a poor comparison piece here.
So if the Metal Gear series gets a new director and writer since I assume Kojima writes a lot of the story in the game too. Then there is a two in three chance it will be shit, and be totally different than what Metal Gear is. And even if it is good, it will be completely different that from the Metal Gear we know. And i for one don't want Metal Gear to change. And then with the next sequel there's gonna be a two in three chance it will suck too.
So either have only Kojima Direct and Write or have no new Metal Gears at all.
No disagreements specific here, I just want to reply with what I do agree with or expand upon ideas. You guys have been great debate discussion, I appreciate it.
Master - The thing otherwise is Kojima has very skilled and talented workforce, perhaps more so than most because major staff have been there so long. The irony of saying it's not shared work is that Kojima's team is like most close groups who get a lot of input into the games content. While Kojima will partner with someone for story a lot (and I'll get to that in a sec); the games art, mechanics, and the things which shine through and make the series what it is are more to even do with the team below him working together so well and suggesting ideas. I mean the fact we got a Ninja in MGS for example is just because Shinkawa drew a cyborg ninja and really wanted it in there... so Kojima added it as a character and wrapped an intended Grey Fox reveal into it. Another perfect example is since and including MGS2 every staff member is provided with a book to sketch ideas and these would be looked through frequently to decide on ideas to be put in the games. Kojima doesn't always need to make that decision though. His team know after working on so many Metal Gears what makes them that game.
Due to the close team, most of which (and as you roughly point out) have worked with the same team for well over a decade, I easily believe people like Shuyo Murata or Yoji Shinkawa know Kojima's style so well that they would be suitable directors with Kojima's script and him placed as producer.
Against what your saying this team isn't the usual "Hollywood" style issue at hand because I think the team deserves far more credit than that. Your consistency comment is truth to that, because while everyone may not agree on the series' weak point they probably will say they see consistent evolution with the series. But I think it's not analogous to any other team or creative outlet I think I have ever seen, I think the studio is that well built that Kojima could not direct and I think we'd get the same game we would more or less if he was.
I agree in the I don't entirely get the sequels thing with most fans entirely either. While Snatcher could (and for most, I do actually agree with the fans... should at some point) be revisited in the sense that Metal Gear was with MGS... Kojima didn't even direct Zone of the Enders (or it's sequel) so that's a possibility to go forward at anytime. Personally I don't even care if he made something else entirely new... I'd love to see what other ideas he has, what other genres he can work on or create. I'm still a big fan of Metal Gear, no question, but I'd rather see it have a break for a bit more than anything. Maybe after this one if we're lucky.
missvalentine - Firstly, yes you didn't say direct, but the implication intended in everyone elses convo is Kojima's position... and thus in comparison to Lucas, which intend 1:1 - as Kojima has directed ALL of these games (and thus the main crux of the whole issue pointed out about the fact he maybe should take a break from the directors chair)... In short it was a comparison in a debate over a directors hold over their series, which as we all know Lucas eased off from due to the stress endured while making the first SW film.
Ironically though what you have now written in response to STARSTyrant about Lucas is EXACTLY analogous to my suggestion in regards to Kojima still having a level of control without being the director. Work with a close team he trusts and know him well supervising as (co)writer/producer... which was exactly Lucas' role in those two sequels. So at least I agree with you on something, somehow.
As for Alien/Aliens, no I got that. But regardless people sometimes just have to put trust in the team, you know. Cameron could have screwed up and he didn't, things just worked. And somehow he even managed to do it again to a sequel to one of his own movies. And then managed to make an overly expensive flick that has made the most of any movie ever. No one could guessed that, hell Fox definitely didnt. They tried firing him from Titanic when it went overbudget. But thats the risk you take sometimes.
Additionally, Fox infamously interferred with Alien 3 so much, but Fincher otherwise has some amazing films under his belt... Who know what the final version would have been like if he'd been left to work on it as intended. But the difference here is as well, these movies were made by entirely different teams and directors each time. Metal Gear though, 95% the same team each time - usual difference is just people leaving there as a job.
As for your "chance" that it'll suck. There is still a chance even with Kojima in the chair it will anyway. But again, that could just be personal opinion. You and I having differing opinion on The Lost World: Jurassic Park is an example of that.
Say Kojima doesn't direct this one... it doesnt turn out right, he returns for the next knowing what went wrong. But what if it does. He knows he can write and produce with no issues, and nothing will stop him directing if he wants to still either. Less pressure expected to always direct which he seemed rather outspoken on having to make more metal gears and not anything else. No one can predict the future, but potentially being stubborn over a directing position when you dont entirely have to be because you have that sort of staff... just seems a little crazy to me. I guess thats just my view on the whole thing.
Originally posted by Rombie View Postmissvalentine - Firstly, yes you didn't say direct, but the implication intended in everyone elses convo is Kojima's position... and thus in comparison to Lucas, which intend 1:1 - as Kojima has directed ALL of these games (and thus the main crux of the whole issue pointed out about the fact he maybe should take a break from the directors chair)... In short it was a comparison in a debate over a directors hold over their series, which as we all know Lucas eased off from due to the stress endured while making the first SW film.
Ironically though what you have now written in response to STARSTyrant about Lucas is EXACTLY analogous to my suggestion in regards to Kojima still having a level of control without being the director. Work with a close team he trusts and know him well supervising as (co)writer/producer... which was exactly Lucas' role in those two sequels. So at least I agree with you on something, somehow.
As for Alien/Aliens, no I got that. But regardless people sometimes just have to put trust in the team, you know. Cameron could have screwed up and he didn't, things just worked. And somehow he even managed to do it again to a sequel to one of his own movies. And then managed to make an overly expensive flick that has made the most of any movie ever. No one could guessed that, hell Fox definitely didnt. They tried firing him from Titanic when it went overbudget. But thats the risk you take sometimes.
Additionally, Fox infamously interferred with Alien 3 so much, but Fincher otherwise has some amazing films under his belt... Who know what the final version would have been like if he'd been left to work on it as intended. But the difference here is as well, these movies were made by entirely different teams and directors each time. Metal Gear though, 95% the same team each time - usual difference is just people leaving there as a job.
As for your "chance" that it'll suck. There is still a chance even with Kojima in the chair it will anyway. But again, that could just be personal opinion. You and I having differing opinion on The Lost World: Jurassic Park is an example of that.
Say Kojima doesn't direct this one... it doesnt turn out right, he returns for the next knowing what went wrong. But what if it does. He knows he can write and produce with no issues, and nothing will stop him directing if he wants to still either. Less pressure expected to always direct which he seemed rather outspoken on having to make more metal gears and not anything else. No one can predict the future, but potentially being stubborn over a directing position when you dont entirely have to be because you have that sort of staff... just seems a little crazy to me. I guess thats just my view on the whole thing.
Originally posted by missvalentine View PostMGA and Snakes Revenge are non canon aren't they? So you wouldn't need Kojima to make it since it's not related to the main story. Besides isn't MGA a card game?
Snake's Revenge is not "canon", but still acknowledge as a good game by non-assholes (Kojima himself included, even though I think he sometimes belongs in the other group).
Ghost Babel (MGS GBC) goes back to the basics after taking a pretty huge leak on everything too (but not as big as the solid franchise did on the original two installments and then consequently on eachother). Whether you see it as a side story (canon or not) or as a piece of trash doesn't change the fact that it's more true to the formula than the two latest "canon" installations in the franchise were.
Calling Metal Gear Ac!d a card game would be an uneducated piece of slander of a pretty solid game (har har!). It's about as much a card game as UNO is a turn-based strategy game with heavy focus on stealth elements. If anything, Ac!d's more true to the "Metal Gear formula" than MGS3-4 ever will be.
As for constantly bringing Star Wars into the mix; the Expanded Universe would like to have a chat with you.
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostThat happened in MGS4, too.
So... did anyone see the hidden message in picture?
(c'mon! Koji-pros like some of you are should be able to interpret something as simple as that!)
Word of the day: Apocrypha
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostSnake's Revenge is not "canon", but still acknowledge as a good game by non-assholes (Kojima himself included, even though I think he sometimes belongs in the other group).
I've played it (it was my third Metal Gear [Solid] game, right after MGS and MG NES version) and although I've heard bad things about it, I wasn't spoiled by them and tried to play the game as "a game in MG universe" and not as a "bad fake MG sequel". And even so I can't say I enjoyed it. The gameplay choices in the game were weird (the beginning with running in complete darkness lit only by flares). I've only managed to get to the first boss fight (Ultra-Sheik Assault Unit) and didn't feel the need to play any further. Maybe will play the game again somewhere in the future.
Originally posted by missvalentine View PostYes! finally someone who agrees about MGS4 being crap and the stupid number of retcons within it.
Originally posted by Carnivol View Post"Main story" and "canon" are two of the most annoying elements I keep hearing put together by people talking about games.
Snake's Revenge is not "canon", but still acknowledge as a good game by non-assholes (Kojima himself included, even though I think he sometimes belongs in the other group).
Ghost Babel (MGS GBC) goes back to the basics after taking a pretty huge leak on everything too (but not as big as the solid franchise did on the original two installments and then consequently on eachother). Whether you see it as a side story (canon or not) or as a piece of trash doesn't change the fact that it's more true to the formula than the two latest "canon" installations in the franchise were.
Calling Metal Gear Ac!d a card game would be an uneducated piece of slander of a pretty solid game (har har!). It's about as much a card game as UNO is a turn-based strategy game with heavy focus on stealth elements. If anything, Ac!d's more true to the "Metal Gear formula" than MGS3-4 ever will be.
BTW i love Spin offs and Side story's. Id like to play MGAc!d.
As for constantly bringing Star Wars into the mix; the Expanded Universe would like to have a chat with you.
Someone could have a field day typing up elements from Snake's Revenge that are present in titles in the Solid franchise.
So... did anyone see the hidden message in picture?
(c'mon! Koji-pros like some of you are should be able to interpret something as simple as that!)
Word of the day: Apocrypha
People are really overanalyzing this shit. I'm sitting back and waiting for E3 while some people are creating images and driving themselves nuts saying that 'Raiden' is actually Sunny or Gray Fox, and that 'Big Boss' is actually Otacon. I'm just waiting for E3. It's no use getting worked up over.
It's probably still Raiden, though. And it's probably still Big Boss.