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Hideo Kojima's New Project

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  • It's a great series..wish I could play MGS 4


    • why cant you?


      • No job..broke


        • damn that sucks.MGS4 is a good game (imo) though there is some people here who hate it. due to a few minor changes.


          • minor changes? what like game mechanics or story stuff?


            • changes to a few characters i dont want to go into it if you havnt played MGS4


              • Oh..that's cool more switching sides I assume...So is it the sequel to MGS 2?


                • yup 5 years after MGS2 and 9 years after MGS1


                  • That's awesome. Hopefully I'll play it soon. What do you think of Kojima doing Castlevania. I've played those games forever so I'm so looking forward to this game. It might be the best 3D game translation of the series.


                    • i played one castlevaina on the ps1 i dont remember which one it was but i didnt really care for it. but i havnt really seen a terrible game made by Kojima so its gotta be good.


                      • yeah I haven't really like any of the PS2 or N64 games but I have high hopes for Hideo taking a shot at it..


                        • it should be pretty good.


                          • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                            still my point is, is that alot of games get milked. games are created by a company
                            companys want money and to get that money they have to put out games and after so long the creator will run out of ideas and start making up bullshit stuff.
                            You mean like Ninja Raiden?

                            Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                            i actually want the series to be over with but then again i dont. MGS was the first game i ever beat and it was my first game and the first series i ever followed (RE came 2nd)
                            i want it to end cause there is pretty much nothing more to the actual story line (the philosophers and the patriots and such not the Rising side story bs)
                            i dont want it to end because well its my favorite series and i dont want to see it end just yet if that makes any sense.(my mind is somewhere else atm)
                            Same here, I don't want a series to end because i love it to death, but i also love it so much i don't want anything bad to ever happen to it.

                            So it's either kill it in it's prime or let it fade into obscurity.

                            Originally posted by ganado View Post
                            The best thing to be is them creating a new arc, which in some series cases happens, with a comeplling story fitting in the world of Metal Gear, while still following the path of the universe. This is going to be the case for Metal Gear's future.
                            You could do that, the Ratchet and Clank series did that. Although the first series is better, the second is ok too.

                            Maybe Rising will have nothing to do with any previous MG games at all.

                            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            Tell that to the success of God of War: Chains of Olympus.
                            Chains of Olympus was made before, and set before God of War 3.

                            Originally posted by Harry Mason View Post
                            minor changes? what like game mechanics or story stuff?
                            There were many changes in MGS4. Overall it was a good game, but there were a lot of things in it that pissed me off. Namely the new camera, the focus on action rather than stealth, and the ungodly amount of retcons and references to past games in the series, plus the ruining of several great characters (Para-Medic, Revolver Ocelot, Raiden etc...). If you can get past that you will like it.


                            • Castlevania: Symphony of the night is one of my favorite games of all time,...probably my favorite right behind RE1,2 and the remake. If you're not familiar with the CV series I recommend you play it so you can at least have a feel for one of the best games that the franchise has to offer. Looking back at the "shadowy figure", it's quite obvious now because of the style of armor that you can see on the gauntlet. Castlevania games have always been great, but the side scrolling of course got old. When they tried to break into 3-d games over the past few years, they've suffered weak controls, meh graphics and "okay" VA's. They've mostly been hailed as "Crappy devil may cry's" lol. The basic plot of Castlevania has a lot of room for creativity so Kojima could really make this game epic. Also, Castlevania has had some of the greatest game music ever, right up there with MGS, RE and SH. I'd like to see the return of Alucard since it's always fun to have vampire powers but a good Castelvania game period would be a nice start. It's unfortunate that the movie will be coming out around the same time as the game, since it's mostly likely going to be garbage. It's being written by Paul Anderson .
                              Last edited by REmaster; 06-05-2009, 01:11 AM.
                              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                              • MGS4 summed everything up which is great. i dont really think it ruined any characters Paramedic was bad and experimented on people
                                Raiden was 100X better in his ninja stage than his MGS2 wanna be Snake stage.

