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The Official 'E3 2009' Thread

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  • - The downfall of Wii (With Microsoft's Natal and Sony's Dildo-mote, Nintendo's bringing what? A vitality sensor? WTF!).

    Atleast it wasn't as embaressing as last year's Wii music segment :p


    • Originally posted by zomBD View Post
      - The downfall of Wii
      Yeah, keep dreaming there, buddy.


      • Originally posted by Umon Daisuke View Post
        New Rockstar IP and that cart game. If anything the PSP Go's price was the show's biggest turnoff considering that a 3000 with a 16GB stick costs about $190 or so.

        Yeah, somewhat surprised by the stiff price and the fact that the system didn't sport some sort of cellphone (next evolutionary step, 'cause we can never get enough hardware revisions, or is Sony Eriksson saying no?)

        Bluetooth might mean it can use a PS3 controller... hope they haven't axed the TV out on it (and even if it's still there... sucks that I probably can't transfer my UMD games to it somehow and play them on the big screen then through the use of a controller)

        Also, I dunno if another new Rockstar IP is gonna do them much good in terms of hardware sales, but I guess the few who might care for more from the Rockstar name than just Midnight Club and/or GTA are happy.

        The cart game's editor looks pretty sweet in action. Been a lot of impressive interface and feature stuff that's been shown at the different conferences so far. Lots of stuff that is really interesting and awesome.

        However, I'm still somewhat surprised by how few games have been shown so far...

        But I guess some stuff was deliberately excluded to kinda potentially steal back any attention lost to competitors at the conferences. Still several days to go for people to reveal stuff on too (especially for those that don't have a huge mighty conference of their own)

        Already see that Perfect Dark XBLA is now confirmed for this winter and a Nintendo (Monolith?) Action RPG (Monado: Beginning of the World) have been revealed.


        • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
          No, they just showed the trailer for the DS game.
          yeah they just made a mistake so no wii KH...yet

          and still no info on if FF7 is coming to the PSP store
          Last edited by riderkid; 06-02-2009, 05:39 PM.


          • Originally posted by riderkid View Post
            and still no info on if FF7 is coming to the PSP store
            Didn't they say that was gonna go up on PSN... like... now/tonight/this-week?


            • yeah, they said it was gonna be up tonight.


              • Originally posted by A-J View Post
                yeah, they said it was gonna be up tonight.

                tonight? as in 6/2? please tell em your not pissing me?


                • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  Already see that Perfect Dark XBLA is now confirmed for this winter and a Nintendo (Monolith?) Action RPG (Monado: Beginning of the World) have been revealed.
                  Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 06-02-2009, 10:45 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Mesker View Post
                    So now that Sony's conference is over, is it confirmed that MGS Rising is exclusive for xbox360?
                    Wait for Konami's conference tomorrow for final word on that.


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post

                      Also, I dunno if another new Rockstar IP is gonna do them much good in terms of hardware sales, but I guess the few who might care for more from the Rockstar name than just Midnight Club and/or GTA are happy.

                      I'm certainly it's only a timed exclusive. Pretty much every so-called exclusive on the show floor will see another console release later on given the trend this generation.

                      Wait for Konami's conference tomorrow for final word on that.
                      Keighly apparently asked Tretton after the presentation and it's apparently confirmed as a PS3 game as well.

                      Incidentally, a lot of people missed that he also mentioned Lost Planet 2 on stage.

                      EDIT: As far as E3 demos on PSN at least, only NG Sigma is seeing a release this Thursday alongside FN Round 4. Wolfenstein 3D and SF Alpha 2 are out as well.
                      Last edited by Umon Daisuke; 06-02-2009, 11:42 PM.


                      • Here's my most anticipated list following the three big conferences(with still more games to be announced):

                        1. Uncharted 2
                        2. Modern Warfare 2
                        3. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
                        4. God of War III
                        5. Darkside Chronicles
                        6. Final Fantasy XIII
                        7. Metal Gear Solid: Rising
                        8. Left 4 Dead 2
                        9. Resident Evil PSP
                        10. The Last Guardian

                        All of these games have me excited for different reasons. The new Uncharted 2 trailer looks fucking incredible and the game is gonna compete with Modern Warfare 2 and others for Game of The Year honors. Elena and Sully are back, Drake is bad-ass as ever, and Chloe Frazer looks like yet another awesome character.

                        Ah yes, Modern Warfare 2...I don't know what else to say here. The game looks amazing. If it's half as fun as COD4 and gives me HALF the amount of playing time that MW1 did, I'll be playing it a fuckload.

                        Peace Walker. Yes, I am excited for a PSP game. Why? The trailer looks like a fuckin' Metal Gear game...not like MPO. I'm really eager to see what's going on with Big Boss in 1974 and just what transpired in South America, leading up to the inception of Outer Heaven.

                        God of War III -- 'nuff said. That gameplay demo was off the fucking wall.

                        Darkside Chronicles...I was hesitant to put this so high on the list. I mean, it's an on-rails shooter, and they haven't even shown Chris or Wesker yet.'s still Resident Evil, and I'm still excited for it. Now, all I need is a Wii.

                        FFXIII. Don't ask me why, but I have faith in Squeenix to deliver their first great RPG since FFX.

                        Metal Gear Solid: Rising. If more isn't shown of this tomorrow at Konami's conference, then I don't expect to see anything until TGS. Such has been the trend for Kojima -- announce big games at E3, show big games at TGS. I'm just praying that this game is a prequel. Why the fuck would Raiden be all ninjafied after MGS4?!

                        Left 4 Dead 2. Another hesitation. I love L4D, I can't help but look forward to the sequel. Three black main characters? KUDOS, VALVE! (Isn't that what they wanted?)

                        Resident Evil PSP. I dunno what it is yet and I don't care -- ever since I played Silent Hill Origins on PSP a year or so ago, I've been craving a RE PSP game...and Capcom is delivering. A classic RE experience is EXTREMELY possible on the PSP and I can't wait to see what the game looks like.

                        The Last Guardian...looks like it will be absolutely mindblowing. While I think Shadow of The Colossus is overrated, I did enjoy the hell out of that game, so I can't wait to see more from its 'spiritual successor' that seems to also be inspired by NEVERENDING STORY.

                        Anyway, this list is subject to change -- E3 is not over yet! Good day.
                        Last edited by Vector; 06-03-2009, 12:10 AM.


                        • The Last Guardian really pinged me in the interest place, too. I've never played the other two games other than watch some friends play through some of SotL once, so I hope you don't have to be savvy with the other two to get this. XD;


                          • Originally posted by rewak View Post
                            The only thing that's interested me so far is Secret Of Monkey Island Special Edition and the new Monkey Island game.
                            Definitely. I'm really looking forward to them, these LucasArts SCUMM games bring back loads of childhood memories. I'm not to keen on the games being in 3D however, I hope it's not a disaster as MI 4 was.


                            • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              Anyone else intrigued by the lack of Chris Redfield in that DSC trailer? They showed Leon, Claire, Steve, Alfred and Alexia...but no Chris? He WAS in Code: Veronica, correct? Or are they retconning him out?
                              Chris and Jill were in UC and RE5, now it's Claire and Leon's turn to have a game.

                              Barry was omitted form UC, so Chris may be omitted form DSC.

                              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              Yep. I've been wanting one for years. It's the perfect opportunity to go back to the classic gameplay style.
                              Yes i know, i can't wait, i really hope it's in the classic style.


                              • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                                Chris and Jill were in UC and RE5, now it's Claire and Leon's turn to have a game.
                                What are you talking about? Chris was in CV he has to appear in DSC. However he didn't appear in the new trailer......I'm getting worried.

