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The Official 'E3 2009' Thread

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  • Well they are similar RE5 already got some heat for using the same basic formula as 4 and you know why?Because everyone else had used it by then same story with action games how many titles are called God of War or Devil May Cry clones?Point is if it's popular and works it will be copied.and the FPS genre has suffered this too how many Call of Duty or Doom clones are there now?
    ...and RE has always been 3rd person(save for dead-aim) and I'm calling bullshit on your elitst comment check out the Metal Gear theard people don't want MGS to become a shoot em up hack&slash does that make them elitst or is it just convenient that you're targeting RE fans with your comment?
    Last edited by ValentineKnight; 06-06-2009, 03:00 PM.


    • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
      RE already is an FPS, just without the strafing function.
      Seriously now...where do you come up with this stuff?


      • Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
        Seriously now...where do you come up with this stuff?
        I take it you havent played any FPS games?

        ValentineKnight, believe it or not, but COD is not really a template for FPS games, neither was Doom.

        A little trivia. Which came first? COD or CS?


        • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
          I take it you havent played any FPS games?
          You know, the crucial thing for FPS is... first person perspective. And, not counting Survivor and Chronicles spin-offs, every RE game has third person perspective, so I'm with Big Stu here - wtf?

          If you think that all that RE requires to become a FPS game is strafing, then I think it's you who haven't played any FPS...


          • You know, the crucial thing for FPS is... first person perspective. And, not counting Survivor and Chronicles spin-offs, every RE game has third person perspective, so I'm with Big Stu here - wtf?

            If you think that all that RE requires to become a FPS game is strafing, then I think it's you who haven't played any FPS...
            No wonder its so easy to sell garbage to people. If all you really recognize and see is "First Person Perspective", then you need to process what youve got, a little more.

            Take Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter as an example (youve probably played Fallout 3 aswell, which would be an even better example, maybe Hellgate: London too). With a simple keytoggle, you switch between FPS and 3rdPS. There is nothing that separates these two views, not a single aspect, in most cases not even the HUD. You still use mouse (or left stick) to look around and W (or right stick) to move towards the direction you picked.

            No difference, except for that 3D image in the middle of the screen.

            Only a complete idiot would call that a drastic change and take it as a genre-definitive difference which they would take as an excuse to dish the genre and/or claim that its a mediocre and simple technical solution.

            So, in reality, once you add strafing function to RE4/5, theres no difference between the two games. Its only a matter of taste, do you like to see your character, or only the gun hes holding, in its high resolution.

            Despite RE4 PC mouse support being utter trash, it just proves the point.


            • Ok, so then what, according to you, is the difference between TPS and FPS if it isn't just a perspective? If you would like to classify games the way you're doing it right now, almost every TPS shooter could be a FPS game.


              • Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
                Ok, so then what, according to you, is the difference between TPS and FPS if it isn't just a perspective? If you would like to classify games the way you're doing it right now, almost every TPS shooter could be a FPS game.
                This. So Dead Rising is a First Person Shooter because you fire guns?

                That's like saying Zelda is a shoot-em-up because Link has a bow and arrow. Or that Silent Hill is a First Person Shooter because you can strafe and shoot/attack things at the same time.
                Last edited by Canas Renvall; 06-08-2009, 01:05 PM.


                • Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
                  Ok, so then what, according to you, is the difference between TPS and FPS if it isn't just a perspective? If you would like to classify games the way you're doing it right now, almost every TPS shooter could be a FPS game.
                  This according to your logic rpgs are the same as action titles


                  • Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
                    Ok, so then what, according to you, is the difference between TPS and FPS if it isn't just a perspective? If you would like to classify games the way you're doing it right now, almost every TPS shooter could be a FPS game.
                    Missed the point completely.

                    Argument: The difference between an FPS and RE4/5 fixed rear aspect camera angle TPS is negligible, with the lack of strafing function and a moving animation in the screen as the only real differences. So the notion that "RE doesnt have to turn into a *bland* FPS" is invalid.

                    If youre playing a certain TPS exactly as you would play an FPS, it would be hypocritical to look down on FPS games.

                    Its a really simple concept. And it has nothing to do with guns, bows and arrows. Just open your mind, if only a little, and hit a few rounds in Fallout 3 if you dont believe me.


                    • You guys all missed MOS's point completely.

                      RE5 is a FPS, that is not in first person. Surly you can see this? Can't you?

                      I've played plenty of FPS's and gotten rather bored with the genre now, and RE5, feels and plays just like an average FPS, if it had the straft ability there would be no difference between them.

                      I would rather RE not become a FPS, but i do think it possible that an RE game be made into a good horror game, and be played in first person, but still be less of a FPS than RE5 was.

                      also BTW, i heard that the game Six Days in Fallujah isn't canceled anymore.
                      Last edited by missvalentine; 06-09-2009, 06:22 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                        If youre playing a certain TPS exactly as you would play an FPS, it would be hypocritical to look down on FPS games.
                        Oh, ok. I've missed that part of the discussion, so sorry for the misunderstanding..

                        But still I'm not fully convinced with this fps that plays like tps argument. Yes, the controls and objectives (i.e. kill everything that moves) are usually the same, but... well, I'm playing Fallout 3 right now and, at least for me, there's still a difference in playing it in fpp and playing it in tpp.

                        Also, what I like about new RE games, that makes those games to stand out among other tps (fps), is the inability to move and shoot. Yes, some gamers find it as an annoying gimmick to make the game harder, but for me it gives the game some depth.


                        • Its OK, no probs. Im not going to adress the F3 TPP and FPP point as it seems to be personal preference, as for not being able to shoot´n´scoot being a good thing... theres a lot better ways to create immersion and theres better means to keep you looking for tactical advantages.

                          Missvalentine, thats damn good news.


                          • Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                            Missvalentine, thats damn good news.
                            Yeah it is, cause Six Days in Fallujah looks like a really promising game. Konami is no longer publishing it, but it's still in development, they just need to find a new publisher now.

                            Here is Six Days in Fallujah for anyone interested in it. It's a third person shooter game, that has elements of survival horror to it, and documents the lives of a group of marines over the course of six days during the second battle of Fallujah in Iraq 2004. Looks like it will be very good.


                            • Way too soon for a fucking Operation Iraqi Freedom video game, if you ask me. I also asked my uncle about this, a man who served two tours in Iraq just a few years ago, and he thinks it's pretty ridiculous as well. You want 'survival horror' and 'Iraq'? Join the military. It's still going on right now.


                              • Its too soon only because American hasnt won yet. I, for one, see a lot of potential in both use of modern warfare, aswell as marketing a game with controversial image.

