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The Official 'E3 2009' Thread

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  • I've mentioned both because they're both relevent. There is a difference between a World War II game and this one, and that's time. In the case of World War II games I don't play them simply because I don't like the innacuracies. In the case of this one I don't like it because it's either going to hurt people for the cash or because it's going to innacurate in an attempt to not hurt those people...and while trying to do both will likely manage to be innacurate and hurt people.

    I admit, I think this game would be better released five or ten years down the line. Then people will have had more time to heal the wounds they've got. Time does make a difference in these things, I don't think anyone can argue that. Hence why there are now a trillion and one ways to invade Normandy. But given the difference is people's feelings...surely the developer should respect what the people involved feel?

    This isn't like some self advertising controversy like the RE 5 racism crap. Even that had some basis, but the people were looking at too small a section of the game and spinning it how they wanted to see it. Then they blew it out of all proportion. This is about people who lost loved ones and feel the game is cashing in on those loved one's memories.

    The War in Iraq is a loss, to my mind. We fucked up there and we fucked up badly. When we finally pull out it's likely to turn into a warzone.


    • MOS I'm really having to resist the urge to attack you what? you think if the US won it would make it ok?Try looking up the Vietnam War people were actually just glad it was over and EVEN the veterans that fought in it have mixed opinions about it's justification and I'm sick of your generalizing snarky comments Because they're alot of people who dislike this war and think they're loved ones died for nothing and dislike the notion of a vg being made off they're memories infact alot of people find it insulting but no let's disregard the pain they're going to feel just so we can get yet another war game on the market

      PS: I'm more worried about the US pissing off Korea and getting our asses nuked then I am about the outcome of this so called "war" it isn't even a war we're just occupying the place and getting bombed for it.


      • Irrelevant, media and statistics have already "proven" that US won the war. Just because you had to pull out doesnt mean the numbers dont basically say "you kicked some ass", and thats exactly what you did.

        For all intents and purposes, you won the war.


        • wow this thread got off topic fast...

          im most ecited for the new game brutal legend
          it looks so sweet


          • The Koreans won pal...

            Ontopic: Ninja Gaiden SIgma 2 is currently my only must buy title for the rest of the year.
            Last edited by ValentineKnight; 06-13-2009, 01:40 PM.


            • The US won Vietnam War? I thought they got there ass handed to them like they are in Iraq now the forces should get out of the middle east altogether it's an unwinnable war they'll never give up fighting didn't they learn that lesson in the 80's and 90's.
              Last edited by kevstah2004; 06-13-2009, 01:45 PM.
              If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



              • they did get they're ass kicked
                Last edited by ValentineKnight; 06-13-2009, 01:58 PM.


                • US 58,159 dead;[6] 2,000 missing; 303,635 wounded[7]

                  North Vietnam & NLF 1,176,000 dead/missing;[6]
                  600,000+ wounded[8]


                  • I love when people speak of wars and terms like "they got their asses kicked" are thrown around like it's a fucking video game. People died. No one "got their asses kicked." They got their limbs blown off and bodies burned beyond recognition.

                    Now we're really off-topic.


                    • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                      Now we're really off-topic.
                      QFT .

                      I just bought a copy of Crackdown today and I'm absolutely addicted, so another massively hyped game for me from E3 is definitely gonna be Crackdown 2. Fan-bloody-tastic.



                      • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                        I love when people speak of wars and terms like "they got their asses kicked" are thrown around like it's a fucking video game. People died. No one "got their asses kicked." They got their limbs blown off and bodies burned beyond recognition.

                        Now we're really off-topic.
                        Im glad that you completely misunderstood everything just to take a cheap shot at it. Get off your high horse, join the simple folks.

                        The point was that wars can be seen as victorious, regardless of whether or not they were a political success or not. 20:1 KDR gives most people a sense that US military kicked butt in Vietnam and as such, when it comes to videogames, playing on the US side does give most, if not all people, a sense of being on the "better" side.

                        I hope that explained it.
                        Last edited by Member_of_STARS; 06-13-2009, 06:20 PM.


                        • I'm not discussing war anymore but I just want to make one thing clear I don't hate my country(infact I think I'm lucky to be American) and I respect the men and women who fight on our countries behalf I just think maybe we shouldn't be so quick to jump the gun sometimes...
                          Last edited by ValentineKnight; 06-13-2009, 08:45 PM.


                          • Okay, seriously guys, get back on topic. You're more than welcome to make a topic about war if need be, but this thread is about this year's E3 event.

                            Please divert all war discussion here:

                            Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 06-13-2009, 07:18 PM.


                            • Sorry Alexia.I'm looking to seeing more of Last Rebellion,Trinity Universe and Atelier Rorona myself

