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PS3 Exclusive Titles?

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  • PS3 Exclusive Titles?

    First off, this isn't a fanboy topic, so anyone wanting to rant, go elsewhere please.

    I recently dusted off my PS3 to play Infamous and Ghostbusters, so I was wondering are there any other good PS3 Exclusive titles worth picking up right now?

    I've already got:

    Ghostbusters *Currently its PAL PS3 exclusive*

  • #2
    Demon Souls (import it, it's all in english)

    and basically any game that comes from Sony's first party studio's since they're all pretty ace.

    also, why are you playing the PS3 version of Ghost busters ? it's supposed to be awful.
    Last edited by A-J; 06-24-2009, 10:11 AM.


    • #3
      They come back. They always come back, like a delinquent child who went to hang out with the "cool kids" on the street and forgot about his commitments to the family, only to run out of money and then come running back to the homestead with their tail between their legs, begging their father for forgiveness.

      Now, onto the games!

      I would avoid Killzone 2, despite what people say about it. While it may be one of the most graphically pleasing games on the console, graphics do not make a good game. It's very bland, though it does have some wonderful lighting effects. I would recommend Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and the upcoming sequel which will be out this Autumn. Lot of fun to be had. Then there's MGS4, which despite not being a fan of the story, it's still nonetheless a very well made game. Oh, and I would give the PS3 version of Ghostbusters a miss.
      Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 06-24-2009, 11:58 AM.
      See you in hell.


      • #4

        If you find anything there that piques your interest, post about it, and maybe some of us could give some input.

        Also, I know it's Wikipedia, so there are probably some games on there that aren't fully exclusive, but whatever.


        • #5
          Originally posted by A-J View Post
          why are you playing the PS3 version of Ghost busters ? it's supposed to be awful.
          Was gameplay affected? Anyway, randomwab imported the 360 version from the US (it's region free) to avoid the weird Sony exclusivity for an inferior product.

          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          Yeah (as you said), a lot of half-exclusives, or whatever, on that list. Can cross "Cross Edge" of the exclusive list too, 360 version was just recently announced (But ask yourself... does anyone actually care about Cross Edge?)

          Anyway, there's some PSN stuff on my list, along with Siren and Uncharted... as far as stuff I've kinda felt has been close to being worth a moment of my time goes.
          Last edited by Carnivol; 06-24-2009, 04:01 PM.


          • #6
            The wiki lists usually miss some games too.. NGS2 is mentioned yet NGS isn't (despite both being essentially enhanced ports).

            Gameplay for GB isn't affected at all, but the quality of the port is piss poor for today's standards. It's quite laughable; made even more amusing that Terminal Reality defended the lashing by just pointing out how it's dumbed down.

            It's a game you can only enjoy if you're a fan of the movies since it's pretty much last gen stuff at core. Anyway, my personal list:

            - Killzone 2 may not be revolutionary gameplay wise, it's a solid FPS with good multiplayer so it's definitely worth checking if you're into the genre.

            - T5 DR Online. T6 is a different game, but if you haven't bothered with DR on the PSP or arcades, this is the best version of the game and it's online.

            - R&C Future Tools of Destruction and R&C Quest for Booty. The latter is on PSN only... I think it may be on disc in the PAL regions.

            - Siren Blood Curse. Great horror game even if you didn't like the PS2 games.

            - Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I know you're not a fan but download the demo to see if the changes warrant another try. Some clever design choices were altered to make the game more bearable at its toughest parts, and some puzzles were eliminated too.

            - Both Yakuza games, particularly the official sequel if you can understand Japan. It's a real shame that we won't see either one localized for western markets.

            - RR7 if you can find it for cheap and don't own the 360 or PSP games. It's essentially RR6 director's cut with prettier visuals (and ironically still the only full 1920x1080 60 fps racer on the market).

            - GT5p. Definitely something recommended only if it's cheap enough since it's essentially a glorified demo.

            There are some hit or miss PSN games like Flower and Noby Noby Boy that are worth checking out. Some are reduced in priced nowadays too.


            • #7
              Time Crisis 4
              Resistance: Fall of man


              • #8
                How is little big planet Gene? I thought about picking it up because a lot of people were making "Resident Evil" themed levels, seemed pretty fun
                "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                • #9
                  Geez, totally forgot about LBP. Highly recommended.


                  • #10
                    That none of you have mentioned Valkyria Chronicles offends me. Offends me so bad I wish to inflict pain on your meaty bodies.

                    Seriously, it's an awesome game. A combination of turn based real time stratergy and action shooter with a few RPG elements thrown in as a taster. Also? It looks fucking glorious. Get the demo, get it now.


                    • #11
                      I would suggest the Ratchet and Clank games, there both really great platformers if your into that genre.


                      • #12
                        I really have my eye on heavy rain ever since I seen it on E3. It looks so damn awesome!!


                        • #13
                          Oh, and Super Stardust HD. It's on sale this week for a reduced price, only £1.99!
                          See you in hell.


                          • #14
                            Agreed with Darkmoon, Valkyria Chronicles is great. Very underrated despite it's general good reviews.

                            Not sure what the fuss is about Ghostbusters being "awful" on PS3 is all about. I have it for PS3, played the full game and enjoyed it a great deal. I noticed no issues that affected me at all. But then again, I don't sit here on game sites reading articles/rumors, fanboy rhetoric, and picture/video comparisons trying to get pissed/sour/uninterested and be a fanboy for a certain console to make decisions on which platform to buy it on or if it isn't technically superior on my preferred platform then stub my nose up at it. Console wars and technical vs. technical stuff is so bs.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by A-J View Post
                              also, why are you playing the PS3 version of Ghost busters ? it's supposed to be awful.
                              Yes its inferior compared to the 360 version, but I used money on my GAME card to get £14 knocked off the price, and I've not imported any games for quite sometime, truth really being I wanted something to play on the bloody PS3 for once! and its not really effecting my gameplay experience.

                              Can't find Valkyria Chronicles anywhere domestic, just got Dark Sector, Ridge Racer 7, Killzone 2, Devil May Cry 4 *just to have something to play I have the 360 version* Used for £56.

                              Won't bother with Tekken 5: DR, got it on PSP and waiting on Tekken 6 to come out before I commit to picking up Arcade Sticks for the PS3 *need a legit excuse to considering I have 2 hori ex2's for the 360*

