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Dante's Inferno

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  • Dante's Inferno

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    I think this game looks very promising. Has the same sort of interesting, Hellish environments as in the first Devil May Cry, and the gameplay looks similar to God of War. A lot of responses from the gaming community in general though (particularly GAF) seem to dislike it. I personally think it looks great and I honestly can't wait.

    Your thoughts?

  • #2
    I thought the trailer was very good, I hope the gameplay lives up to it. I will probably check it out once it's released since I'm a fan of the genre.

    I loved the artistic style in it too.


    • #3
      There's a thread already mentioning the game, but it also talks more about the literature and such. From what I've seen, it looks like a God of War rip. Yes it looks good visually, but then again most things these days do.
      Are you tired, Rebecca?


      • #4
        I see a sword, monsters that like monsters from shadow of the collosus oh and it looks like hell too me ¬_¬ so as a games design student all i need too do is create a game that is basically all dungeon and dragons with swords and fancy normal/bump mapping? GOW clone methinks
        Last edited by DXP; 07-04-2009, 02:36 PM.


        • #5
          There's no specific thread for the game so I thought I'd make one. I think it's a little unfair to say it's a GOW clone when the story, environment and everything is different, but the gameplay is similar. It's a good gameplay style and it shouldn't JUST be limited to GOW. Dead Space's gameplay was similar to RE4's gameplay, over the shoulder shooting, but that was generally a hit. Dead Space was EA does RE, and Dante's Inferno is EA does GOW.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
            There's no specific thread for the game so I thought I'd make one. I think it's a little unfair to say it's a GOW clone when the story, environment and everything is different, but the gameplay is similar. It's a good gameplay style and it shouldn't JUST be limited to GOW. Dead Space's gameplay was similar to RE4's gameplay, over the shoulder shooting, but that was generally a hit. Dead Space was EA does RE, and Dante's Inferno is EA does GOW.
            Taylor beat you to it a while ago actually, but it was about the book though.

            Anyways I agree with you, there needs to be more games in GOW's style anyway, I love that gameplay style so much so I am looking forward to this.

            And remember everyone, Silent Hill was called an RE clone before it's release. I think this game has every chance of being very good.


            • #7
              Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
              Taylor beat you to it a while ago actually, but it was about the book though.

              Anyways I agree with you, there needs to be more games in GOW's style anyway, I love that gameplay style so much so I am looking forward to this.

              And remember everyone, Silent Hill was called an RE clone before it's release. I think this game has every chance of being very good.
              i'll give this one a look over, the only thing i'm gonna say is if this game sells well get ready too see other GOW clones on the market instead of something original games companies now adays so damn lazy...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                There's no specific thread for the game so I thought I'd make one. I think it's a little unfair to say it's a GOW clone when the story, environment and everything is different, but the gameplay is similar. It's a good gameplay style and it shouldn't JUST be limited to GOW. Dead Space's gameplay was similar to RE4's gameplay, over the shoulder shooting, but that was generally a hit. Dead Space was EA does RE, and Dante's Inferno is EA does GOW.
                The game still looks as shallow as GoW was, offering a more visceral experience (see what I did there? >_>) than a more in-depth and enjoyable one.

                While I don't have high hopes for this one, I know I'll give it a try regardless. The artistic direction is a bit boring.

                As for your clone comment, if it has the same gameplay, pretty sure that constitutes it to be a bit of a clone.


                • #9
                  the PS3 version has been upgrade exclusively. it will retain the same price of $59.99 as the Divine Edition, containing these extras:

                  * Game
                  * Dark Forest PDLC pack FREE (available March)
                  * Wayne Barlowe Digital Art Book
                  * Developer Documentary
                  * Digital copy of the Longfellow translation of Dante’s Inferno
                  * 20 song soundtrack from the game
                  * Custom Divine Edition packaging
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                  • #10
                    haha, its games like this that get overshadowed if they turned out to be good. then people wonder why not enough new titles arrive for everyone to play, because everyone is too busy playing the same game of a sequel.
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                    • #11
                      If anyone wants to let me know what makes this different from every other God Of War wannabe (not i think it's the pinnacle of the genre, it's just what these sorts of devs are aiming for) out there please let me know?

                      I've just spent two minutes just hammering buttons, killing off drones that are never going to kill me whilst their are boats in the back ground firing at me...seems familiar...oh yeah that's right, Chains Of Olympus did it.


                      Still playing through anyway...oh look, gratuitous boob shot! Have just gone into a battle...and there's a fiery wall blocking the exit? A la God Of War once more?

                      I mean this could all be standard fare for the genre, i'm by no means the hack and slash aficionado like others on here will be...but if this game is going to stand out then i'd imagine it needs to be doing a lot more than this?

                      On the flipside, if EA are just trying to cash in on the God Of War 3 hype for themselves, they should succeed!

                      Anyway, i'm out. Throwing spritual crosses was the final straw haha


                      • #12
                        Anyone heard of game called Bladehunter? i'm sure i've got the name wrong, I saw it advertised looked like DMC and Zombie Hunter ripoff.
                        If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                        • #13
                          Good lord, I always thought this game would be a God of War rip-off, but for Christ's's even worse than I thought.

                          Square for light attack, Triangle for heavy attack. Hold triangle to thrust enemies into the air. Replenish your health from a green fountain. L2 to block any and EVERY attack the enemies can throw at you(at least GoW presents a challenge). A fire wall blocks your way and it doesn't dissipate until you defeat all the enemies. Oh yeah, and the QTE's to take down a boss/mini-boss are pretty much an EXACT replica from GoW. It's like they didn't even try to be original with the GoW formula with this game.

                          The hell setting is cool, and the game looks nice graphically, but the gameplay is boring and not challenging whatsoever(I played on the second difficulty). I'm gonna give this demo a big TWO THUMBS DOWN. Pass.


                          • #14
                            why its so similar is because the lead level designer behind God of War II is behind this title too. coincidentally, the same can be said for Bayonetta, with the original creator of DMC behind that title as well.

                            both titles are so similar to what can be considered a "spiritual successor", even if they aren't really exclusives.
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                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              The hell setting is cool, and the game looks nice graphically, but the gameplay is boring and not challenging whatsoever(I played on the second difficulty). I'm gonna give this demo a big TWO THUMBS DOWN. Pass.
                              Pretty much my feelings too. This thing is just straight up ripping off God of War. It's pretty shameless at parts too, when the controls and gameplay are basically the same as GoW, it feels like they shouldn’t have even bothered.

                              Watching the cutscenes felt really ackward too, it's trying so hard to be this epic Hollywood style film and is falling so hard on its face. I was cringing throughout.

                              And to think this is coming out against God of War III and Bayonetta, it really doesn't stand a chance. It's amazing to me how this game got this far into development, it shouldn’t have made it past the pitch. If you’re going to adapt the Divine Comedy into a game, this is a perfect example of everything you avoid.

