It has been rumored for a while. Sony is lagging behind in the console race, a race that I myself don't give a shit about, but the fact is that they are deep in 3rd place right now behind the Wii and 360.
After a 'slim' PS3 had been talked about on the internet for months, a photo of the system's supposed box was 'leaked':

When Engadget posted the picture on their site, they received a cease and desist order from a 'mysterious' Chinese law firm:
Dear Sir,
We just find that the following web pages on your website contain some
confidential document and photos, which were highly possibly illegally
released and posted:
We are investigating this violation and will bring all necessary legal
actions regarding this matter. In order to protect the confidential
information and prevent you from further legal issues and
infringements, please immediately remove those pages and keep our
request confidential. If you have any question regarding this issue,
please feel free to contact us.
Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
Best regards
Soon after, another 'leaked' photo hit the web, this one showing the system off out of the box:

Then, not too long ago, a new PS3 bundle at Best Buy was announced. An 80GB console packaged with two of the best exclusive games the system has to offer, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots and Killzone 2:

A desperate attempt to move consoles, or a desperate attempt to clear the 80GB's off the shelves to make way for the new PS3's slim redesign?
And now...this new video shows the alleged PS3 Slim in the flesh, from some 'underground' store in the Phillippines.
Get it while it's hot, because who knows how long this will be up:
The PS3 is not even three years old yet, and an apparent redesign is on the way. What does everyone think? I believe, depending on the specs of the system, that this could really start moving some consoles. After that, all we have to wonder(if this is real) is just how much the console will retail for.
That's the scary part.
After a 'slim' PS3 had been talked about on the internet for months, a photo of the system's supposed box was 'leaked':

When Engadget posted the picture on their site, they received a cease and desist order from a 'mysterious' Chinese law firm:
Dear Sir,
We just find that the following web pages on your website contain some
confidential document and photos, which were highly possibly illegally
released and posted:
We are investigating this violation and will bring all necessary legal
actions regarding this matter. In order to protect the confidential
information and prevent you from further legal issues and
infringements, please immediately remove those pages and keep our
request confidential. If you have any question regarding this issue,
please feel free to contact us.
Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
Best regards
Soon after, another 'leaked' photo hit the web, this one showing the system off out of the box:

Then, not too long ago, a new PS3 bundle at Best Buy was announced. An 80GB console packaged with two of the best exclusive games the system has to offer, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots and Killzone 2:

A desperate attempt to move consoles, or a desperate attempt to clear the 80GB's off the shelves to make way for the new PS3's slim redesign?
And now...this new video shows the alleged PS3 Slim in the flesh, from some 'underground' store in the Phillippines.
Get it while it's hot, because who knows how long this will be up:
The PS3 is not even three years old yet, and an apparent redesign is on the way. What does everyone think? I believe, depending on the specs of the system, that this could really start moving some consoles. After that, all we have to wonder(if this is real) is just how much the console will retail for.
