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"Next gen" gaming (rant)

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  • "Next gen" gaming (rant)

    What are your thoughts on next gen games? I've had my PS3 for nearly 2 years now and to sum it up the only games I've ever played (that were actually worth while) are Dead Space and MGS4 (online). It seems (only guessing here) to me that the cost to produce these games are really expensive, it requires a lot of time also to create high quality graphics suitable for next gen games. This is understandable, but that doesn't explain why almost every game I've ever played for next gen sucks for me. You pay $60 bucks for a game, and the gameplay lasts for 5-6 hours at best.

    Also keep in mind, I'm not big for online games and FPS titles. So buying a $60 FPS just to compete with other players just isn't my cup of tea.

    Games I've had for PS2 in the past:

    Over 150, I lost count!

    Games I've had for PS3:


    Not to mention, lack of cheat devices and no chance one will ever surface anytime soon because of $ony's new policy against cheating is a huge disappointment. Cheating online is understandable, but I should have a right to cheat offline at my own free will. Sony apparently doesn't want anyone cheating AT ALL even if its for offline. The PS3's encryption is just too tough for the heads of CMGSCCC and Game Shark to handle. Sony upped the security on that one, apparently.

    By the way, using "cheats" isn't necessarily cheating anyway. There is such a thing as discovering hidden features that aren't normally in the game for pleasure and enjoyment. IE: Resident Evil Outbreak.

    Hackers that ruined games for everyone online is nothing but the developer's fault. Patch your games up every week and stuff like that won't happen. Just look at WoW, they practically patch it every week. Cheats are impossible on there apart from private servers and such..

    Oh well, who cares?

    I'm having more fun just playing my brand new PS2 slim.
    Last edited by VirusPunk; 08-28-2009, 04:04 AM.

  • #2
    I think last gen was a whole lot better.

    I think this gen, there is just way to much focus on Graphics and unimportant things, and especially on advertising.

    I wish they would put more focus back on Gameplay. It's the most important part. I think maybe games need a longer development cycle now. The time they get no is obviously to short. And games are too short. They need to be longer, and more fulfilling. And have good gameplay dammit.

    I can think of a ton of original idea's that I have never seen done in a game before. Yet there is nothing new, cause people only buy things that they have already played before. It's sad.


    • #3
      I think there are some awesome games this generation. I have a fair few, some of which are better than others of course. Honestly? This generation is no worse than the last one. There were series getting screwed up, bad games being released, and everything last generation that was happening this generation.

      There are two main problems. The first is that everything is starting to get stale. Most games just offer more of the same rather than anything new or interesting. Any game that takes place during World War II? I'm looking right at you. But even in other games it's usually more of the same stuff. That's not really this generations fault though...there are a limited number of ideas that can be actually used in games, after all, and it's simply gotten to a point where new ideas are rare as gold dust. Add to that the minor issue that doing something different is risky, and with the amount of cash that games cost these days, why take a risk when the same old American Invades Normany game will make money?

      The second problem is that games take longer and take more money to make these days. We're not getting the variety of games that we got last generation because they can't pump out the quantatity. That links to the above...they can't risk releaseing a crap game, but they aren't likely to risk doing something new and possibly unpopular either.


      • #4
        Uncharted, Resident Evil 5, MGS4, CoD4, Dead Space, LBP, GTA4, Resistance 1 & 2, MotorStorm and possibly Uncharted 2(!!!!!!!!), GT5, Heavy Rain, Saboteur, God of War 3, MG Rising

        Must I say more?!?!?!..........


        • #5
          BioShock, Mass Effect, Oblivion and Fallout 3.


          • #6
            Street Fighter 4 anyone?


            • #7
              Can I get a "GSDS!" up in here?

              (Golden Sun DS, btw.)

              Also, a sleeper hit for the PS3: Valkyria Chronicles. Great game.

              And my favorite survival horror game of this generation, and one of my favorites ever (alongside SH2 and REmake): Siren: Blood Curse. I can't say enough good things about this game. Download it ASAP.
              Last edited by Canas Renvall; 08-28-2009, 09:52 AM.


              • #8
                I'm loving this gen. LOVING IT. Why? Western RPGs (Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Alpha Protocol, Drakensang, Gothic, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., among others) and Fighting games (Street Fighter IV, King of Fighters XII, BlazBlue, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur IV, and I could go on) are FINALLY mainstream again. And I've missed them for, like, FOREVER!


                • #9
                  The next gen games i consider are still next year for the ps3 like FF13 and god of war!
                  Last edited by Guest; 08-28-2009, 12:08 PM.


                  • #10
                    PS2 graphics are more than good enough for me. Things I can't wait for are: more customisable characters, levels that can be played over and over with varying objectives, more games with true coop ie that means a system that rewards playing along with people, not against them.

                    Oh yeah, and bring back side scrollers, vary the camera shit. Have some games with classic adventure game cams like the old RE as an option.

                    LESS games in which you're regular muscular crew cut white dude with a huge array of guns on a mission from the president of the United States.

                    LESS games about terrorists.

                    Marketing in games should STOP making games for 4ch users.

                    Leave a dumbed down, cleaned up version of the cheat console in the shipped product so you can teleport to whatever part of the game you enjoy just too much. This is a big reason I stop using some games. Having to go through hoops just to play back a part I like.

                    Maybe this is embarassing, but I'd like it if there was a version of The SIMS that wasn't for dumbasses. Have them speak proper english and be a tad smarter. Make it so that there's more varied body types so it's possible to create a male Sim that doesn't look like a woman, etc... I think the cartoon SIMS are really cute though, but they're a bit past my age.

                    And what's with adventure games? They're devolving, all you can do is point and click. In the 90s you could kick, shoot, etc... Why are they so crappy that every action has to be done as a movie or a prompt?

                    *grabs cane, looks in the distance, gets off rocking chair* GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
                    Last edited by The_15th; 08-28-2009, 12:47 PM.


                    • #11
                      While last-gen had better games overall, I feel like this gen has quite a few fantastic games. MGS4, COD4, GTA4, inFamous, Uncharted, Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, and there are many others I haven't played yet. If there's something that's disappointed me this gen, it's the hardware.

                      My 60GB PS3 died 3 times before they sent me a refurb, and we all know about the RRoD. Too much failure. Before my PS3, I never ONCE had a console fail on me. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, N64, PS2 -- they all worked flawlessly.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                        While last-gen had better games overall, I feel like this gen has quite a few fantastic games. MGS4, COD4, GTA4, inFamous, Uncharted, Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, and there are many others I haven't played yet. If there's something that's disappointed me this gen, it's the hardware.

                        My 60GB PS3 died 3 times before they sent me a refurb, and we all know about the RRoD. Too much failure. Before my PS3, I never ONCE had a console fail on me. NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1, N64, PS2 -- they all worked flawlessly.
                        Well, at least the Wii doesn't usually have that kind of problem.

                        Like I've said before; the RRoD isn't really a death nail in your console's coffin. We've fixed ours and haven't had a hitch since.

                        Probably jinxed it right there.

                        But I wasn't aware the PS3 had any sort of major hardware malfunction; what happens to them?
                        A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                          Also, a sleeper hit for the PS3: Valkyria Chronicles. Great game.
                          I know only shame for forgetting this game. It's fantastic. One of the games that does do a lot of things in an origional way.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
                            But I wasn't aware the PS3 had any sort of major hardware malfunction; what happens to them?
                            The "Yellow Light of Death" that is much more frequent in the early models(60GB, 20GB) and is nearly nonexistent in the newer models. I got that twice. Oh, and my blu-ray drive failed on me once as well. After that, my PS3 could still read PS1 and PS2 games and DVDs, but no blu-ray movies or PS3 games.


                            • #15
                              This is why I stick to the older-generation games, anything PS2 or below. All they care about today is high-polished graphics and first person shooters. And if you don't think that is the case, take a look at all the first person shooter games that are out there. Beyond ridiculous.
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