It seems the PS3 is having a few issues too (so much so that Sony fixed a few issues with Firmware 1.10 =P) like corruption of data and such.
No announcement yet.
Xbox 360 is an unreliable piece of shit
So I hear. And apparently it doesn't void warranty?
Either way this was to be expected. I took a massive risk buying a launch 360 but for something as expensive as the PS3 I won't take that same risk. Waiting for me. I'm only missing out on two games that I really want anyway. =P
Originally posted by Nemesis556 View PostSo I hear. And apparently it doesn't void warranty?
Either way this was to be expected. I took a massive risk buying a launch 360 but for something as expensive as the PS3 I won't take that same risk. Waiting for me. I'm only missing out on two games that I really want anyway. =P
The PS3's reported issues so far have been negligable and firmware related specifically with the backwards compatiblity, but nothing hardware-related. Importers like NCS who have had problems with the PS2 6 years ago are reporting no problems, and having seen the internals of the console, seems that Sony did a great job there. It really looks like a high end piece of equipment.
Best part of all is the full year warranty(not kidding here)
Thats actually not too long. I mean, at that rate, you could prolly get a 1080p LCD with a nice refresh rate in about 6 months, as the prices will most likely go down even further in the next year or so.
4months(for PS3, right?)+6months(for TV)=the only good way to play the PS3. That's actually how I kindof think about it. I'll get a 360 once they either drop way down in price or once they include HDMI and 1080p out. But that will most likely only be once I get a 1080p panel, as the day is inevitable...Though my fam's 1080i CRT is quite sturdy and seems like it'll keep on trucking til its 8 (its 4 atm), so that may be a while.
Likewise, but you do need about 42" of space to see a difference. Westinghouse even makes a 37" monitor
I'm not playing games as much, and I certainly don't watch a lot of TV either so it's quite pointless for me to even upgrade. IGN is reporting that current PS3 firmware doesn't allow you to upscale 720p signals to 1080i so it's a big turnoff for me.
Am I the only one that owns a 360 that hasn't had a single problem? =D
The only pooper about my 360 is that, while it doesn't overheat, it does get REALLY goddamn hot... so hot that the fans have to run full blast and I actually ended up taking the glass door off of my entertainment center to keep people from playing it with the glass door closed and causing it to overheat or have problems.
The PS3 will be the same way... however I won't be buying one for at least 3 years.
Wii is next!
22dB.. as quiet as the slim PS2 and runs as "hot" as the average 360 is supposed to. Quite a feat considering the fact that Cell is about 1.5X larger than Xenon and RSX is larger than Xenos as well.
Given the fact that I can't upscale old games, and the hardware is currently not upscaling 720p to 1080i coupled with the fact that there is no compelling game out, I'm skipping now. March it is.
I'm not getting a Wii until Umbrella Chronicles is out too.
What kindsof TVs do you guys have where you would want 1080i? Remember now, if you have a some TV supports 720p and only 1080i and NOT 1080p, it is actually deinterlacing and scaling all the 1080i signals to 720p, so unless you have a CRT which is native 1080i, playing at 1080i really doesn't make sense. Unless of course the game is meant to play in 1080i, as perfect dark was, which then it will most likely look better when it is done via the TV if it is a nive expensive TV with a good little video proc in there. Even ATi's budgety TV video proc, Xillion, is only alright and I can notice it upscaling my sources into with a little bit of stutter and artifacts and stuff. And thats not cuz I'm choking the TV, its got about a foot and a half of space, so its the proc itself...Last edited by metaleggman; 11-16-2006, 07:25 PM.
1080i > 720P
Then again my TV was 4K, so it probably has a better de-interlacer. Gears looks noticabley more sharp at 1080i as opposed to 720P. I dont notice ANY interlace lines or any screw ups with it. Will have to see how the PS3 does, though for sure Ill be running that in 1080P as it actually works unlike the 360 which botched the fall 1080P update.
Yeah, 1080i is undoubtly (sp?) the better resolution and Dot50's TV is... well, one of Sony's best right now, so enjoy you bastardYou got it earlier than you expected.
Well, my hunt was a bust to say the least.. quite the story too. Best Buy's servers are jammed here in Canada, so my overall chances are slim. But they are offering a GREAT 360 bundle so it might be wise for me to pick that instead.
Premium + 1 year XBL Gold + GoW + RR6 + GRAW + XBLA games = CDN MSRP ($500).
It's between that or picking up a PSP with Tekken DR.
EDIT: Got the 360, and Metalggman, I do have a CRT (nearly 5 years old).
Dot50, do post a picture of your new TV. It goes without saying that you're obligated to stand next to it with the standard big grin and thumbs up :pLast edited by Umon Daisuke; 11-17-2006, 04:29 PM.