nemesis lover: The red ring works as a troubleshooter. Sorta like the light indicators some computers have on their motherboards. If the ring is entirely red, then there is some hardware that is not plugged in correctly (or totally missing), usually it's the HDD or the screen cable. If the light indicator shows 3 out of 4 rings, it's an internal hardware error.
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Xbox 360 is an unreliable piece of shit
Originally posted by randomwab View Post
For more fantastical Cross Examinations (AND MORE!) why not pick up Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, the new thrilling ride in the Ace Attorney series, available at all good retailers later this month!
As per Carn's "He did it to his own 360" No, I did not. The disc tray wouldn't open properly since day one at times, and it eventually got the point where I had to take the faceplate off and then flick the tray with my finger. How this somehow dislodges a heat sink is a mystery that only your mind knows the answer too.Last edited by Dot50Cal; 10-18-2007, 06:00 AM.
I want a 360. I really do. I'll need one because all the games that might have been worth getting a PS3 for are going to be on the 360. DMC4, RE5, MGS4 will no doubt go there soon.
I also need to get Gears and (don't fucking laugh) Dino Crisis 3. But 33% failure rate? That's horrendous. You have a 2 out of 3 chance of picking up a 360 that won't consistently flop on you. And I keep waiting for a revision but they really don’t seem like they’re going to get around to one. It IS Microsoft after all.
Both of mine crapped out before the store's return policy so I didn't lose anything. I'll get one again next year when NGII is out.
Niko, DC3 isn't on the backwards compatibility list yet, and doubt it's ever going to be. Given Sony's situation, I think it's more than safe now that they'll hold on to MGS4 with their teeth alongside FFXIII. I would've thought that the online MGS would be a better fit on the 360, but I guess SCEI does pay off when they want to.
Certainly it is a design flaw that is inexcusable and you have a right to be angry. It is dastardly that every 360 owner should be faced with the expectation that their system will red ring; however, Microsoft has admitted this fault and provided excellent warranty support. So while I hope Microsoft's technicians get a much needed ass kicking over this debacle I would suggest making the call and sending your 360 down for repairs/replacement and go on enjoying the fruits of Microsoft's first party publishings. Early reviews of Mass Effect point towards nothing short of stellar.
Edit: Looking at your screenshot it looks like you have a soldering error which was caused from a poor manufacturing partner, definitely worst of all the 360's ailments. Lucky you.
Last edited by Krispy; 10-21-2007, 07:55 PM.
I've had mine for 6 months and no RRoD yet. Playing it pretty sparingly though, no more than 3 hours at a time and always make sure its well ventilated.
My Ace Combat 6 was ring scratched to hell after my dog knocked over the 360. Luckily Namco has a policy to return defective disks within 90 days of purchase. I still have to wait 4-6 weeks for a new copy to reach me however.
Alright, maybe one of you guys can tell me what I need to know.
Yesterday, while playing Oblivion the colours started going funny. as though some of the sprites were going or something. Looked very strange. So I saved the game, turned it off, check with the Wii that it wasn't the TV or my mutli scart socket thing and then took the aerial lead from the 360, check it for dust and the like, plugged it back in and started the thing up again.
No picture came back.
Since then it's been the same, no matter what I do. I'm hoping it's a fault in the lead but can you kind folk suggest any other issue? I'm not getting a red ring so I'm really, really hoping it isn't a problem with the 360 itself.
I had something like that happen to my 360 while playing Dead Rising I right away called Gamestop (Where I got it from) and they told me to wrap a heavy towel around it, turn it on, and leave it going for 15 minutes. I thought it sounded crazy but I tried it anyways, and that was a little more than a month ago and it hasn't acted up since.
I really hate to Jinx my 360. But I have had it for almost 3 months and that was the only problem I ever had with it.
Only complaint I have about it is the very short battery life in the controlers. I mean no matter what brand of battery I put in it, they never last no more than a week -week and a half tops- before dying.
I have no idea what wrapping a towel around it does. I am starting to think the guy at GameStop was pulling my chain and the 360 happen to start working on it's own.
But this is what he explained: Find a heavy towel (like a beach towel) and wrap it side to side.. But make sure you front is still exposed. Turn it on and don't touch it for 15 minutes. When that time is up -turn it off and carefully unwrap the towel (The guy claimed it would be very hot. The towel and the 360). I did all that and it worked fine. I guess if I call back and he tells me to put my 360 in a chair and make it face the corner, I'll know he's been pulling my chain.