I say we start hunting team members and sending them back in bits via mail until they release the damned game. It's the only way.
No announcement yet.
Deadly Premonition | Red Seeds Profile | Rainy Woods (PS3 Director's Cut in Q1 2013)
I hope thats true. If it is looks like Rising Star passed (says Mastertronic on HMV), do they not want money? Passing on this and No More Heroes HD is about the dumbest thing they could do. Ah well, their loss, as long as it gets released.
Originally posted by A-J View Post
Mastertronic? Interesting. Maybe RisingStarGames is just distancing itself from non-Nintendo platforms entirely (seeing as their non-Nintendo half has backed out).
Actually, if you filter content by "mastertronic" on HMV.CO.Uk, it seems like all RisingStarGames titles area listed as distributed by mastertronic... curious!
*edit 2*
A bit late (since most people are probably leaving their workstations in the UK right about now-ish), but I fired off some mails to both Mastertronic and RisingStarGames, questioning them about the updated HMV listing. Cross your fingers(RSG didn't reply to my previous mail
Thanks for your email.
Unfortunately I have no information I can give you at this time.
Thanks and regards,
Tristram DefriesLast edited by Carnivol; 06-18-2010, 12:30 PM.
I reallly wish they'll release it for the PS3. I've just started watching a Let's Play of it, and not only is the commentary funny, but this game looks right up my alley. Really bizarre and hilariously ridiculous at times, but still a good play.
FK...in, the coffee.
HMV's apparently taken down their listing for it, but other sites have started to list a September release date.
Rising Star Games has yet to announce the rest of their fall release schedule, and people who pre-ordered Deadly Premonition at HMV have not received the usual order cancellation notification that people normally get if an item gets delisted.
Can only keep on hoping!
At the moment, I don't think anyone wants to touch the PS3/360 version of No More Heroes. It's apparently filled with absurd loading times, weirdo technical issues and a handful of both easy to reproduce and random crashes.
(Though, if anyone brings it over, I hope they seriously do something cool with it, like letting you pick the graphics style + have the English lipsync from the Wii version put back in for when you use the English language track)