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Deadly Premonition | Red Seeds Profile | Rainy Woods (PS3 Director's Cut in Q1 2013)

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  • Deadly Premonition | Red Seeds Profile | Rainy Woods (PS3 Director's Cut in Q1 2013)

    Random game info (the "why should I care?"text):

    Deadly Premonition (or Red Seeds Profile, as it's known as in Japan) is developed by AccessGames. It was first revealed at TGS 2007 under the name "Rainy Woods," but would shortly vanish off the radar and re-reveal itself in a slightly redesigned manner. Now called Deadly Premonition in the US and Red Seeds Profile in Japan, the game is an open world adventure/horror game which draws heavy inspiration from David Lynch material, namely Twin Peaks, but also obviously lets murder/mystery series such as X-Files be an influence.

    Gameplay appears to be a mixture of survival horror and open world adventure gaming, with elements of puzzle solving, evidence gathering, shooting, fishing, time tracking, vehicle manipulation and survival horror mixed together. Combat appears to be yonder classic over-the-shoulder shooting segments, for when the baddies crawl out, with a few obvious QTEs thrown into the mix, and open world exploration of Greenvale's 8km^2 areal - where people seem to live their own little lives according to the arms of the clock.

    AccessGames is a Japanese studio containing staff who've worked on many mention worthy titles of the past. On the credits list for Deadly Premonition you will find people who's names appear in both the very first Resident Evil title, various Silent Hill titles, and even some who've been involved in the Parasite Eve franchise. AccessGames' previous title was the mighty spy genre homage called Spy Fiction. Which played like a mixture of Tomb Raider meets Metal Gear Solid meets Mission Impossible. Before this, most of the staff either worked at Deep Space or Whoopee Camp. Deep Space did the early PlayStation 2 title called Extermination, which again was a mighty homage to the movie and TV industry, mainly drawing inspiration from The Thing. Whoopee Camp was responsible for the critically acclaimed Tomba! franchise on the PlayStation 1.

    Deadly Premonition is set to release in the US on the 23rd of February at an MSRP of only $19.99, and is an Xbox 360 Exclusive in the US, but it will be available on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in Japan, but at a suggested retail price of 7,800 JPY (pre-tax).

    Trailer Links
    The TGS 2007 Rainy Woods Trailer
    The November 2009 Deadly Premonition Announcement Trailer
    The January 2010 Deadly Premonition Trailer
    The January 2010 Red Seeds Profile Reveal Trailer

    Other Videos
    Agent Francis York Morgan - Profile Video
    Emily Wyatt and George Woodman - Profile Video
    Ingram Twins - Profile Video
    Diane Ames - Profile Video
    Harry Stewart and Michael Tillotson - Profile Video
    Thomas MacLaine - Profile Video

    Additional Links:
    Official US Deadly Premonition Website
    Official Deadly Premonition (US) Forum
    Deadly Premonition (US) Facebook Group
    Official EU Deadly Premonition Website
    Official Deadly Premonition (EU) thread on RisingStarGames' forum
    Official Red Seeds Profile Website
    Deadly Premonition - Achievement List (may contain spoilers!)
    Agent York's Twitter Account
    Sheriff George Woodman's Twitter Account
    Official Japanese Red Seeds Profile Website

    Where to (pre-)order:
    US Version:
    DVD Box Office
    YesAsia - US version
    PlayAsia - US version

    JP Version:
    YesAsia - PS3 version
    YesAsia - 360 version
    PlayAsia - PS3 version

    EU Version:

    Random Game Stuff

    Welcome to Rainy Woods...!?

    I'm sorry, I meant to say;
    Welcome to Greenvale!

    Greenvale is a quiet fictitious town, hidden nicely within the state of Washington. It's not a large area. Covering only roughly an area of 8km^2 in size. It's a place with beautiful nature scenery, popular sights such as "Lake Knowledge", and is naturally the home of some lesser tourism and activity of an au d'natural-flavor. The town also has a clock tower, some larger mansions and estates, a small diner, and a sheriff's department. Once a small industrial town with over 6000 citizens, but now just the home to only a fracture of that number, thanks to the closure of local industry (such as the local sawmill). Those who didn't leave are mostly people who are native locals and grew up there.

    Cast (as seen on the US website)

    Age: Mid 30s
    Your avatar. Francis York Morgan is a FBI agent in his mid 30's and specializes in profiling. York has been investigating a series of murders relating to "red seeds," which has led him to Greenvale where a bigger mystery waits to unfold. York also has a habit of reporting all information to a mysterious contact named Zach which no one has ever seen or spoken to besides York.

    Click the spoiler tag to view the rest of the main cast listed on the US website.


    A. Exploration
    -You're free to explore and familiarize yourself with Greenvale and its surrounding areas, interact with its citizens and partake in local recreational activities.
    -If a distance is just too far for being traversed on foot, or you're in a hurry to meet a scheduled event or appointment, there's a vehicle at your disposal (going by the website, it seems like this might pack a radio with a variety of music)

    B. Investigation / Profiling
    -Since you're in Greenvale for a murder investigation, and not for leisure, gathering evidence and piecing together clues is your main task.
    -Interact with locations and citizens to learn more about the circumstances of things and examine crime scenes for clues.
    -Putting your nose into other people's business is a classic sport! Do it!
    -People have daily routines and such, everything wont lead you to a solution to the murders, but... hey... at least you're investigating something, right?

    C. Combat
    -When conflicts arise and talking your way out if just aint an option, you have guns. By now, people should know over the shoulder camera angles and QTEs.
    -The town has a bit of a horror story/urban legend going about an old axe murder case of the past. Should you run into that guy, consider preserving your ammo and GTFO.

    D. Other stuff
    -You can purchase vital equipment at stores, such as tobacco.
    -Should you acquire a fishing rod, Lake Knowledge might prove to be a place for a good catch.
    -Stalking and investigating is dirty business! Do your laundry, young man!
    -Stakeout means lack of a bathroom. Sure you wanna be seen in public with that 5 o clock? Your choice, man!
    -Word on the street has it that all the cool people eat lunch with the Sheriff's department!

    Some random media:

    Some old Rainy Woods stuff:


    Facebook banners:


    Facebook Ad:

    RAQ (randomly (re-)answered queries):
    Q. What's the gameplay like?
    A. Open World Third Person Action Adventure Survival Horror

    Q. 8km^2 sounds rather large. How do I get around?

    Q. I noticed I have a gun! Can I shoot something?
    A. Take a pick!

    Q. I don't like shooting, is this game for me?
    A. Possibly...

    Q. Is Agent York a bit of a cool guy?
    A. Evidently...

    Q. What's the release date?
    A. US seems to get it the 23rd of February, while Japan is set for the 11th of March. Autumn 2010 for Europe.

    Q. I didn't check the box, but what's the game's rating?
    A. Deadly Premonition is rated M for Mature in the US, CERO D in Japan, PEGI 18+ in Europe and BBFC 15 in the UK.

    Q. Will the US or Japanese release be region free?
    A. Only the PS3 version is region free, but it's Japanese only (English audio / Japanese text)

    Q. What languages does Deadly Premonition have?
    A. US 360 version has English audio and English subtitles, the Japanese 360/PS3 version has English audio and Japanese subtitles, the European 360 version has English audio and English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish subtitles.

    Q. I'm stupid - What'd you say the price was again?
    A. MSRP for the US is currently set to $19.99, EU is £24.99, and the Japanese release will be 7,800 yen (pre-tax).

    Q. Remind me of where I can order this, please!
    Where to (pre-)order:
    US Version
    DVD Box Office
    YesAsia - US version
    PlayAsia - US version

    JP Version
    YesAsia - PS3 version
    YesAsia - 360 version
    PlayAsia - PS3 version

    EU Version
    Last edited by Carnivol; 08-13-2010, 03:20 PM.

  • #2
    Deadly Premonition | Red Seeds Profile - Thread of Rainy Woods and more!

    Like a cheap mans Silent Hill

    Nyata terbukti untuk para ayah membeli susu bermain game online di situs gledek88 sini aja langsung gabung menang setiap hari


    • #3
      For those who're curious (and didn't read the news) - This is the game that was shown at TGS 2007 as "Rainy Woods". (I honestly had a moment of depression when I noticed a few days ago that the Rainy Woods site was taken offline... I thought it was canned after the whole THIS LOOKS LIKE TWIN PEAKS headline shit.)

      Of course it looks like Twin Peaks. It's made by AccessGames, which is basically a relabeling of the studio "Deep Space". Combined, their list of games isn't big, but they have a bit of a movie thing going, with their previous titles being PS2 masterpieces[1] such as Extermination and SpyFiction.

      Funnily enough, their staff consists of industry veterans. People who've even been with on and off with Capcom, having their names appear all the way back in the credits roll of Resident Evil 1 (The producer of Extermination was also one of the producers on Resident Evil 1). A lot of the staff on Deadly Premonition also have their names in the credits of various Silent Hill games (which doesn't really show too well in the graphics department, at least )

      Anyway, the game is launching for $19.99 in the US. No clue about the rest of the world, but damn... I want it! I believe both James and randomwab are hot for it too.

      [1]Subject of opinion


      • #4
        It looks...interesting? For 19.99 I'd be willing to give it a shot. While the graphics look iffy, that's never really a problem for me if it has an awesome story line to go with it.

        I'm just hoping there's something more to it rather than evil monsters running amok in a town though xD


        • #5
          I've got a premonition....a Deadly Premonition....


          Seriously though, the game looks fantastic. I was turned onto it by Carnivol after the TGS '07 trailer, and it looked like pure Twin Peaks awesome. We'd both moan at every free chance from then on about how we needed more information, and after seeing the news last night and linking Carnivol, we both almost blew out gaskets.

          A lot of people were complaining about how derivative it looked, but really this isn't new, not only for this developer but for a ton of popular games, so if it's done right as it looks to be here, I don't see the problem. Other people were moaning about the graphics, but this clearly isn't a AAA title, and they clearly know this based on how they are releasing the title at basically a budget title.

          My only worry is that at this price, the game might fall through the cracks, although Ignition seem like a pretty good publisher, and they seemed to do a decent job with Muramasa on Wii.

          I think it's time to break out Extermination again and maybe finally play through Spy Fiction.


          • #6
            It's over the shoulder and you have some big guns. I just lost all interest in this. Oh and you play a detective...

            EDIT The graphics look fine. Why you say it's cheap? Then again, I think Halo and Gears of Wars look like steaming p.o.s.. Who am I to know anything!
            Last edited by The_15th; 11-14-2009, 10:54 AM.


            • #7
              I'll just leave these here...


              • #8
                ESRB rates Deadly Premonition for PS3


                • #9
                  ...fuck no. Not fishing. I hate being made to fish. Zelda, I'm looking at you and I've got a hammer.


                  • #10
                    Heh. Wonder if the doors are still open on the PS3 version, or if it's axed entirely.
                    (ie. did they first pick up the title for publishing, to then axe the PS3 version for some reason... or did they pick up both, or just 360, with the PS3 version dangling in the threads of success weaved by the 360 version)

                    By the way, let's just dump some more random shots in here! These are all from the Rainy Woods days of 2007!


                    PS: Fishing mini-games are awesome!
                    Last edited by Carnivol; 11-17-2009, 02:01 PM.


                    • #11
                      Fishing just looks out of place with the rest of it but, whatever, if it serves some purpose in the story why not? I'm looking forward to this game, hopefully it'll be released over here (or be region free)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                        A supernatural thriller starring Naomi Watts


                        • #13
                          The Ring?


                          • #14
                            Colour me interested. When is this out over in the UK? Extermination was a great game.


                            • #15
                              The graphics are outdated, but since I saw that trailer in 2007 I've been interested in the title. And looking at those screens Carnivol has posted, the game doesn't look that bad.

