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Game of the Year: Past, Present, and Future

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  • #16
    I said this year was either Uncharted 2 or Batman, but really it's been Assassin's Creed 2. Hands down.


    • #17
      I think it's got to be Dragon Age: Origins for me, but Batman, Uncharted and Assassins Creed 2 have been excellent


      • #18
        1996: Resident Evil
        1997: Goldeneye 007
        1998: Resident Evil 2
        1999: Metal Gear Solid/Silent Hill
        2000: (I think I spent most of this year in a coma)
        2001: Silent Hill 2
        2002: Metal Gear Solid 2
        2003: GTA: Vice City
        2004: Metal Gear Solid 3
        2005: Resident Evil 4
        2006: Shadow of the Colossus (other than that fuck this year)
        2007: Uncharted
        2008: Little Big Planet
        2009: Assassin's Creed 2
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #19
          1998 - Half Life, while it didnt revolutionize the genre, it took everything that made an FPS game good at the time, and polished/perfected all of its aspects. It also spawned some of the greatest mods of all time, and got a whole number of people into videogame industry. Its still my #1 favourite game of all time, closely tied with STALKER:SOCH

          1999 - Quake III, closely tied with UT99, two videogames which elevated e-sports and competitive gaming to its current level in the Western world. Being good in Q3 today is the ultimate credit in FPS skill. One of the best competitive platforms of all time, and a god damn fun game to play on LANs. Quake-Live, a browser based FPS game is basically Q3, its a free game and anyone with a PC should give it a whirl, as its a glimpse to videogame future.

          2000 - SIMS, one of the biggest commercial successes in videogame industry, tragically washed down and worn out with its numerous sequels. I actually played this game quite avidly in 2000-2002. Closely tied with Counter Strike, the most successful mod of all times.

          2001 - It was one a great year, DMC, GT3, Empire Earth, MGS2, GTA3, SH2 and Twisted Metal Black. I remember the biggest videogame event was the release of GTA3, my own personal favourites that year were DMC and GT3. Out of all games, the closest fight was between GT3 and GTA3, so Im going to give my own GOTY out to GTA3, but my personal favourite to this day is Gran Turismo 3.

          2002 - Resident Evil Remake , closely contested with WRC2: Extreme, still the most demanding rally game. Cyprus + 5 minutes = broken fingers.

          2003 - Burnout 2: Point of Impact, one of the most fun racing games for me, of all times. With lots of really cool effects in driving and the evolutionized crash model, the players had lots of Hollywood car chase moments. Some of the gamemodes were brilliant and took me back to the NES times. Closely

          2004 - MGS3, no contest, not even by Half Life 2, in my opinion.

          2005 - FEAR. At the time when all the hype was around RE4, this game managed to bring more horror into the mix, while delivering a much better story and much more engaging action. Graphical, physical and AI innovations elevated FPS standards for a lot of people, which is why FEAR 2 is largely a major disappointment for most FEAR fans. But it was a great year overall, with games like SWAT4 out, being the first tactical-realistic shooter to bind realism with actual fun. And of course Battlefield 2 and many others.

          2006 - Heroes of Might and Magic 5. It was the time when 3D in RTS started becoming more popular and it was the first of those which turned me over. I still dont think HOMM games are great against human opponents but the storyline was engaging enough to play through all the missions (which were all ultimately same).

          2007 - STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. My second most favourite game, showing just how talented Russian/Ukrainian videogame designers can be. Probably the most atmospheric game, being elevated above most FPS games with its active and enthusiastic modding community. Closely contested by Call of Duty 4, which is one of the landmarks for multiplayer gaming today and Mass Effect, which actually brought some fun into the "grinding" RPG genre.

          2008 - MGS4: Guns of the Patriots, obviously

          2009 - None for me, but I aknowledge Batman: AA-s presence


          • #20
            1994: Earthworm Jim
            1995: Mortal Kombat 3
            1996: Resident Evil
            1997: Clock Tower
            1998: Clock Tower 2 : The Struggle Within - Resident Evil 2
            1999: Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis
            2000: Dino Crisis 2 - The Sims
            2002: Resident Evil REmake - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
            2003: Silent Hill 3 - P.N 03
            2005: Resident Evil 4 - Hauting Ground (Demento)
            2006: Shadow of the Colossus
            2007: Uncharted
            2008: Left 4 Dead - Tomb Raider Underworld
            2009: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Resident Evil 5


            • #21
              Asking this on a forum that is biased towards Resident Evil games really doesn't make sense. In my opinion while RE games are good, none were good enough to warrant game of the year, even the precious RE4.

              I don't feel like looking up dates but I will do a few.

              2009 - Uncharted 2. I agree with the Spike VGA's on this one. This was an amazing experience.
              2008 - Fallout 3, if you haven't experienced it..go experience it. Its like Oblivion except it doesn't suck. I could put MGS4 here but honestly it wasn't that good of a game. Amazing story, but not amazing gameplay.
              2007 - Bioshock
              2006 - SotC

              I don't feel like doing the rest.


              • #22
                1998: LoZ: Ocarina of Time
                1999: System Shock 2, easily
                2000: Not Sure
                2001: Super Smash Bros. Melee
                2002: Metroid Prime
                2003: LoZ: Wind Waker (VERY close with Knights of the Old Republic). Oh the memories...
                2004: Halo 2 (sorry, HL2. Really am.)
                2005: Not sure here...
                2006: Pass
                2007: BioShock
                2008: Hard, but I choose Fallout 3
                2009: I don't know.

                So there...


                • #23
                  GOTY is a tie between Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Left 4 Dead 2, and Arkham Asylum.


                  • #24
                    Well I can't remember most of the dates right now so il just do my 2009 GOTY which was easily Dragon Age Origins


                    • #25
                      2009: Uncharted 2 - Among theives
                      2008: LittleBigPlanet
                      2007: Portal

