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It's here! Mega Man 10!

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  • #16
    Is it possible that the rest of the bosses will also use animal names?
    Considering the recently announced, Commando Man, it's unlikely.

    Seriously, though... names of animals for Robot Masters? Sheep Man?! WTF? I'm betting he's at mercy to Redneck Man's thrust punch.

    Very excited about this! I completed Mega Man 9 but interestingly haven't played any other Mega Man game - MM9 was my first. I gave the demo a go and simply thought: I need to have this. I'll probably try MM2 when I get the chance and have completed my many unfinished games, since its commonly regarded as the best in the series.
    I highly suggest just starting with the original MM1, then working your way up, from there. For me, the quintessential classic Mega Man experience is at-the-very-least playing through MM1-MM3. And if your not up to it, atleast give MM3 a try...
    Last edited by MeganGrass; 12-15-2009, 08:45 AM. Reason: corny joke
    I'm a blackstar.


    • #17
      Originally posted by IllGiveYouStars View Post
      Is there any word of a 360/PS3 release? I haven't seen anything yet, I'm sure it's inevitable though.
      Megaman 9 was first released on WiiWare, then on XBLA/PSN a while later. Guess this will follow the same type of release order.
      Just hope the XBLA/PSN versions wont have the same odd feeling of input delay and filtering Megaman 9 had. The Wii version looked cleaner and felt more responsive.

      I guess this means I'll be double dipping again (WiiWare+XBLA)

      Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
      Considering the recently announced, Commando Man, it's unlikely.
      Yeah, saw it. Makes me wonder what the rest of the cast are like now.

      Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
      I highly suggest just starting with the original MM1, then working your way up, from there. For me, the quintessential classic Mega Man experience is at-the-very-least playing through MM1-MM3. And if your not up to it, atleast give MM3 a try...
      Megaman 1 is pretty mean, though. It's not really very beginner friendly. Though, I guess Powered Up on PSP sorta fixed that in many ways (Powered Up for PSP is awesome. Replay value through the roof. Anyone who hasn't played it, but loves Megaman and has a PSP should go get it. Think it's available on PSN now, along with awesome Maverick Hunter X.)

      Anyway, for a beginner, I'd go Powered Up -> MM2-3 for the initial 3, but I'd probably toss in 4 too on the "should play" list.

      The annoying thing about Megaman 4-6 is that the Mega Buster's charge function just works too well as a replacement for the special weapons.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
        I highly suggest just starting with the original MM1, then working your way up, from there. For me, the quintessential classic Mega Man experience is at-the-very-least playing through MM1-MM3. And if your not up to it, atleast give MM3 a try...
        Thanks for the suggestion! I looked and the first 3 games are on the Wii virtual console.

        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        Megaman 9 was first released on WiiWare, then on XBLA/PSN a while later. Guess this will follow the same type of release order.
        Just hope the XBLA/PSN versions wont have the same odd feeling of input delay and filtering Megaman 9 had. The Wii version looked cleaner and felt more responsive.
        Interesting, I didn't realize there was any difference between the versions. I have a 360 and a Wii but I went for the 360 version because of the achievements (I'm not an achievement whore but it's nice to have an option, y'know?) and because of the absurd amount of memory on the Wii. But mainly because I prefer the 360 controller.


        • #19
          I saw the ninth one listed for download, so...


          • #20
            360/PS3 releases confirmed:

            GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love.


            • #21
              Megan Man 10 Details

              Also the game will be released in March for the PS3/360.


              • #22
                Robot Masters Revealed

                Commando Man: Attacks with a powerful explosive wave.
                Blade Man: Attacks with three swords.
                Nitro Man: Can transform into a motorcycle.
                Sheep Man: Splits up and creates lightning strikes.
                Solar Man: Absorbs attacks and attacks with solar energy from his head.
                Chill Man: Fires an icy shot.
                Pump Man: Has a water-themed shield weapon.
                Strike Man: Throws a powerful fastball.
                Last edited by aris13; 01-13-2010, 05:58 PM.


                • #23
                  I'll be definitely getting the Wii version of this one, just like I did for MM9 which was awesome.

                  MegaMan Maverick Hunter X & Powered-Up were awesome!

                  Powered-Up was so awesome I downloaded a MM9 level tribute to Galaxy Man's and
                  since my PSP has Custom firmware I used a plug-in that allows you play music while on
                  game, I played the level with Galaxy Man's Remix song that I found on Youtube.

                  Here's a video.

                  You guys should play a modded version of MM2 on the NES called "Rockman No Consistency"
                  it's way harder than MM9 by miles apart. o_O


                  • #24
                    I played X9 for psx (not totally sure about the #). It was one of my favorites.


                    • #25
                      I always though that Mega Man X, was the 10th ; I rather MEga Man X games than the original serie.


                      • #26
                        This is 400pts on the Marketplace right now.

