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Fatal Frame 4 translation patch! [Released!]

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  • Fatal Frame 4 translation patch! [Released!]

    Is anyone else excited about this:

    It's apparently just weeks, possibly just days, (hours?) away from release!

    It's really quite amazing that the whole game can be translated with just the use of an SD card in your Wii (your Wii dosn't even need a soft-mod).
    The English audio dosn't interest me, I'd much rather keep the spoken Japanese with English subtitles. The great thing is, you'll be able to choose which features you use.

    I've played through the game a few times but I havn't unlocked everything yet. This patch (presuming it all works well) is gonna give me a good reason to play through it a few more times. I can't wait!

    There's also some cool downloads already on the site: Movies, Art, Soundtrack and Save Files (if you wanna cheat and have everything unlocked).

  • #2
    I've completed FF4 once and haven't come back to it.
    But I know when the patch comes out, I'll be all over it in a flash.
    Ima get the version with voice acting. <3


    • #3
      Yama told me about this a good few weeks ago, and whilst the concept is completely amazing, i'm just not convinced that Nintendo won't just patch it out shortly after it's release.


      • #4
        I'm kinda curious to see how their patching system works. It seems interesting. Which reminds me... I've got work to do!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
          i'm just not convinced that Nintendo won't just patch it out shortly after it's release.
          Why would they block holes for a patch aimed at one game?
          Oh wait, I see, It's NINTENDO.
          But I doubt they will for a good while.


          • #6
            Isn't it useless anyway if you have the latest firmware since you won't be able to play the game on anything other than a Japanese Wii? Stupidest move by Nintendo in a long time blocking the Freeloader. This patch is pretty old news, it's been in the works for a long time and i think it's even had a beta release at some point though i might be wrong there. It's nice to actually see a project like this finished though.
            Last edited by rewak; 12-12-2009, 04:55 PM.


            • #7
              ^ You should read about the project:

              Will the patch run on my USA/PAL Wii?

              When using the included patching method, the patch and the game will be able to be run on all Japanese, US, and PAL Wii Consoles. There won't be any problems with different regioned consoles.
              Will different Wii updates make this patch non-functional?

              There are two different versions of this patch included, one for 3.2 - 4.1 version Wiis, and one for 4.2 version Wiis. Further Wii updates may break the patch, but we should be able to provide a workaround within a reasonable amount of time.


              • #8
                Oh. They SHOULD be able to? That's assuring haha

                And yeah, come on. Region free Wii gaming without the need for modification? Won't be long before Nintendo is all over that shit!


                • #9
                  Gecko OS still works fine for booting of import discs. All of Nintendo's efforts to block the Homebrew Channel have been pretty simple so far and only required minor adjustments/updates to the HBC before you're good to go on a new firmware. It's when you thread into the domain of loading backups and using the HDloader and stuff where things get rather tricky (as that requires you to alter system files)

                  (I've so far just updated my HBC before updating my system firmware. Worked fine all the way so far, and I'm on 4.2E w/Wii Shop upd. w/out using the "Safe updater", or whatever that thing is called. But I, of course, only use HBC for some random emulators and ScummVM)

                  Also, judging from what little I've bothered to check up on related to this patch, I suppose it'll require the HBC to work (or other homebrew capable methods). And I guess I kinda know how the "patch" itself works too.


                  • #10
                    ^Nope... As Gradon suggested, all these questions are answered on the 'Patch Info' and 'FAQ' sections of the site.

                    You don't need the HBC, Freeloader, a soft-mod or hard-mod or a Japanese Wii. The patch will incorporate region free loading.

                    What you WILL need though, is a legitimate copy of the game. They are not promoting or condoning piracy and apparently the patch wont work on a pirate 'back up' disk. So anyone interested in this who hasn't bought the game yet; you might want to do it soon... I've got a feeling that after this patch is released, it could become very hard to find the game.

                    I doubt that Nintendo would target this patch in particular. There are many applications out there that allow people to do all kinds of illegal things, which costs Nintendo money. And they havn't done a very good job of stopping them.
                    It would be a bizarre move to seriously target what will be (in the overall scheme of things) a small amount of people. It would be more effort than releasing the damn game! Something they couldn't be bothered doing outside of Japan, despite the outrage and petitions sent by Fatal Frame fans around the world.


                    • #11
                      By reading both the FAQ and the PATCH INFO, it sounds to me like it's a typical piece of homebrew. So unless you have a means for installing it as a stand alone channel via a typical savegame exploit, you'll ned the Homebrew Channel to launch it.

                      Everything on the site is just carefully worded to avoid potential issues + probably decrease the amount of time and effort worth spending on idiots who ask questions without reading the FAQ/Readme/Troubleshooting Guide first.

                      Also, based on how the patch comes in a 4.2 and pre-4.2 version probably means that once the current 4.2 compatible Homebrew Channel breaks in any potential future system updates, this patch goes down with it.


                      • #12
                        Well, you (we) can only speculate about that for now.

                        We'll just have to wait and see. (hopefully we wont be waiting much longer!)

                        I'm still on system 3.2 and have the HBC, Gecko, Preloader, Boot Mii etc. already on my Wii. I don't have it online and Preloader protects me from disc based system updates. But from reading about the patch it dosn't sound like any of that will be necessary.
                        From what I gather; you download the patch and put in on an SD card (or USB stick) then go to the SD card reader from your Wii menu. Then follow the prompts from there.
                        I know it kinda sounds too good to be true but they say beta testing is 99% complete.


                        • #13
                          I feel tingly in my special place.


                          • #14
                            At the idea of the patch...or the nature of this conversation? haha


                            • #15
                              Who knows? I deffintely want this patch though. Soon as I know it works I'm getting me a copy of the game.

