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Silent Hill or Dino Crisis?

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  • Silent Hill or Dino Crisis?

    Silent Hill or Dino Crisis?
    I am a bit short on cash right now, Which one should I get from ps1 classics? I haven't played ether of them, but I know the story and what happens in silent Hill.

  • #2

    I'd say Silent Hill. Tough call between them. If you want a challenge, Dino Crisis can be a bit tough at times.

    Either way, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Both are cracking.


    • #3
      If you're already aware of Silent Hill it's better if you spend your money on a fresh-er experience. Dino Crisis is a pretty good game too.


      • #4
        Silent Hill is my second favourite game series after Resident Evil.
        Silent Hill Homecoming however I did not like and hope they fix it with the next game.
        Silent Hill 3 was the best one in my opinion.

        Dino Crisis has dropped off the face of the planet. I liked Dino Crisis 3 and the others, but the series has not been seen for awhile now.

        Lost Planet i think has now taken over the roll of Dino Crisis.
        Still I hope capcom revive the series one day.


        • #5
          They're both fun. Depends what you feel like playing really. Silent Hill for the slower paced creepy horror, Dino Crisis for the more Resident Evil style action horror.


          • #6
            I don't know. I mean, I love me some Silent Hill, but from what I've heard Dino Crisis is resident evil(which I also love unconditionaly) with a few great tweaks and raptors. I can't decide.


            • #7
              If you have never played Dino Crisis, go ahead and get that. Silent Hill truly is amazing, but you should definitely give DC a chance. Or...depending on your up a bit of money and buy them both. Christmas is right around the corner after all. It's not too late to ask for one of those PSN gift card things.
              Are you tired, Rebecca?


              • #8
                I decided to revisit DC1 this week, i'm stuck though, I can't figure out how to convert the stuff printed on the chief keys into a six figure number for the keypad, 50L LOE
                A =1, B= 2 etc but I end up with too many numbers.
                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                  I decided to revisit DC1 this week, i'm stuck though, I can't figure out how to convert the stuff printed on the chief keys into a six figure number for the keypad, 50L LOE
                  A =1, B= 2 etc but I end up with too many numbers.
                  You'll have to

                  @thread poster
                  If you already know and like SH, why not try something new? DC1 is a really good game, and you'll want to get DC2 also (that's not on PSN yet, right? It probably will be soon, though.)! You can always get SH1 later. In my opinion, SH1 is a better game, but they are both great. Tricky indeed if you only can get one.
                  Last edited by Anders; 12-20-2009, 07:24 PM.
                  lostreleases // demopals


                  • #10
                    I really can't wait for Dino Crisis 2 to hit the US PSN. It's been too long since I ran through that game, and I seriously fucking love me some Dino Crisis 2. I enjoyed the first, but the second came out of nowhere and blew me away.

                    Thinking about Dino Crisis 2 makes the lack of an HD Dino Crisis hurt all the more.


                    • #11
                      I never played DC2, you're making me foam at the mouth.

                      For jagger, if you haven't played either, go for Silent Hill. The presentation more than makes up for spoilers. Dino Crisis is more challenging and as everyone said it's rewarding especially if you like RE though the aesthetics and some of the mechanics are unique.


                      • #12
                        Dude... you can't afford 2, $6 PSN downloads?
                        That's sad, man... Sad and tragic.

                        I'm tempted to send you $6 but seriously, unless you're living in a third world country (the fact you own a PS3 would mean you're not), I don't see how you couldn't raise $6. Go and ask your parents if there are some jobs you can do to earn this enormous sum of money.

                        But yeah, it's your duty as a survival horror fan to play BOTH games eventually, so it dosn't really matter which one you start with.

                        1000 posts!
                        Do I get a prize?


                        • #13
                          No. We just hate you slightly less than everyone else.

                          If I had to choose, I'd choose Silent Hill. Trust me. Knowing what happens in a Silent Hill game and playing it are two very, very different things. But then, I love me some Silent Hill.


                          • #14
                            No. We just hate you slightly less than everyone else.
                            Gee, um... thanks!

                            I guess that's better than the 'booby prize' of a 1 month ban along with the message, "You post too much. Go outside and get a life!"

                            "Booby prize"... that dosn't sound so bad actually. I like boobies.


                            • #15
                              Y'know, I saw a Jill cosplay in her RE3 outfit with her jublies on display earlier today. Ironic.

                              But, back on topic for us.

