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Vanquish - Shinji Mikami's action shooting game (plz b PN03 d 2.!)

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  • #91
    Demo info & a bit of gameplay-related news from the PS Blog:

    Apparently the demo can be anywhere from 30-45 minutes long, but it seems it can also be beaten in 6 minutes if you're really good at it...


    • #92
      Demo is effing amazing. Mikami enthusiasists will love it.


      • #93
        Mikami is a great director and visionary. Not a writer.

        And the demo is pretty damn sweet.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #94
          Did they take everything Vanquish down from the marketplace or something?
          I can't seem to find the group, at all, on (it used to be there, I even had the US Demo link ready and all, but it's not appearing anymore.

          Trying to access it via the dashboard also just says "Sorry, this item is no longer available."

          Darn. Guess I'll just have to wait (don't feel like going through alternate routes to grab it)


          • #95
            Played the demo today, and it was pretty good. I tried the tutorial first, and then played the "game" 2 times in a row. First playthrough was close to 18 minutes, the second close to 11 minutes.

            It was pretty underwhelming to me. Granted, it was fun, but it felt like any other 3P shooter (not that that is a bad thing, because I enjoy that style of play). Well it felt the same except for the addition of the powerslide which is fun to do, but not exceptionally useful - at least in the very small, confined demo stage.

            The suit that (Solid) Sam wears is really cool looking and I like the idea behind it. I enjoyed the communication aspect with Elena, though it's funny to hear her transmission when you're in "bullet time" (I can't remember what they called it exactly in the game).

            I'm still looking forward to getting this game, as I know this demo is just a small sample of the overall product, but I think maybe they could have added at least one more stage to give it a bit more length. I wasn't blown away as some of the others have indicated in their comments, but I had fun. I found nothing revolutionary in the gameplay, but this is, after all, just a tiny sample and I'm sure the final product will be well worth the cash. *fingers crossed*

            Ugh, and I hope there's a point in the game where you don't have too many teammates around you - those guys kept getting in my way.


            • #96
              Story Trailer

              Epic music is also included.


              • #97
                And another trailer

                THE LAST GUARDIAN TGS10 HD TRAILER IS HERE best has yet to come! Mix Halo+GEARS+Bayonetta+Max Payne+Devil May C...


                • #98
                  SAN FRANCISCO IS GONE NOW!


                  • #99
                    Second Vanquish demo coming to EU/US

                    The demo, announced for Japan at the Tokyo Game Show last week, will be available to download from the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live after Vanquish is released on 22nd October.
                    This second demo will showcase "part of an extra game mode and a separate entity next to the main story," SEGA said.

                    "This mode will unlock as the player progresses, and we'd like players to earn this themselves by playing through the main game."


                    • I like demos that expand a franchise.


                      • I love everything about this excecpt for the actual game...


                        • Famitsu Review: 37/40


                          • I enjoyed playing it, and I had essentially the same reactions as Jill's Boob. Frenetic and chaotic, definitely a good way to spice up the cover-based system. Plus, yeah, my teammates don't do much for me except distract when their health is low. Haven't gotten past the second form of that gargantuan spider mech, because dammit the pace makes me impatient.

                            The environments certainly reflect what we've seen in the trailers, and I hope there's some variety in that regard. I wouldn't mind a couple of low-key, stealthy segments or ones where your resources/abilities are limited, just to mix it up.


                            • Game Informer wasn't kind to this game--and they usually now what they're talking about. 4 hrs? Seriously? That's pretty lame for a Shinji Mikami game. . .*looks at original RE games"

                              Oh wait. . .


                              • More reviews

                                Gamespot – 9/10

                                Eurogamer – 9/10

                                1UP – B+

                                IGN – 8.5/10

                                The Guardian – 4/5

                                Joystiq – 4/5/5

