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L.A Noire

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BBboy20 View Post
    But wouldn't that take away the immersion that you're in Los Angeles in the 1940s? Seriously, the amount of research and development that went into recreating LA at the time is astonishing and they'd be damned if they're gonna showcase every asset and color available at the time. Defeating an army doesn't adequate the same for random acts of crime which you, the crime-solving player, have to deal with it's aftermaths so I'm not understanding why the Saboteur was brought up. But apparently people can't appreciate painstakingly recreated levels/people/atmosphere/mechanics/etc. and rather just have developers directly take away other games' ideas (specifically different publishing families) then just having developers do what they want and craft their own ideas.
    Way to blow things out of proportion. I know the crew have been working their asses off on this game. Saboteur was mentioned because I was simply using it as a reference of black and white done nicely in a game, and how it worked for the contents. I never said "LA Noire should copy directly from that".

    Some games allow you to play with different filters on how your screen looks. For example RE5's filter selection of default, classic horror, retro, and noise. All used to change how the game looks, but its completely optional if the player ever wants to change it. I simply think it could be an interesting spin on the entire noire aspect if they included a similar black and white effect (completely up to the player). Its strictly opinion. I dont care if the game includes it or not. If I wanted it in black and white so badly, I'd change the settings on my tv. Its no big deal.
    Are you tired, Rebecca?


    • #17
      L.A. Noire delayed into 2011


      • #18


        • #19
          Originally posted by A-J View Post
          I've talking with a Rockstar Tester game (2 months ago) and he say to me that videogame is awesome for facial animations (never seen nothing like that before) and totally different from any other game released until today.

          No Vaporware.
          I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


          • #20
            Originally posted by A-J View Post
            With all due respect, this Fall is already bloated as it is.


            • #21
              By all means this game should have been out many falls ago :p

              anyway, uhm .. Vaporware until I get to play it... is that better ? :p


              • #22
                What Rockstar did with Red Dead Redemption gives me hope that this game could be decent, but it's going to have to sell me on some new stuff not to have me playing any other similar titles from the past (Rockstar already with RDR, GTA, and similarly under the same publisher Take 2's Mafia titles, even EA's Godfather and... erm, whatever studio it is now-previously Universal, Scarface).

                Sony canned the PS3 Getaway even though the target render looked awesome... because it was too similar to other titles. And Warner Brothers seemingly canned This Is Vegas because it cost $50mill and wasn't any better than other games out there if recent rumors are to be true... I wonder how close Noire's come to the chopping block.
                Last edited by Rombie; 08-30-2010, 10:35 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                  Sony canned the PS3 Getaway even though the target render looked awesome... because it was too similar to other titles. And Warner Brothers seemingly canned This Is Vegas because it cost $50mill and wasn't any better than other games out there if recent rumors are to be true... I wonder how close Noire's come to the chopping block.
                  Sandbox adventure (mouse & click type)?


                  • #24
                    The game is officially delayed until the first half of 2011.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BBboy20 View Post
                      Sandbox adventure (mouse & click type)?
                      Sorry, what now?


                      • #26
                        New Trailer

                        The facial animations/expressions are unfucking believable.


                        • #27
                          Whoa. Yeah, the facial mo-cap in that trailer rivals Heavy Rain, if not surpassing it completely.


                          • #28
                            It does surpass it as Bondi uses technology that doesn't even require a motion capture suit or dimples.


                            • #29
                              I'm impressed by the animation and general detail, although some of the textures used for the faces are not as clean as the background, but while this shows story elements in what looks to be a decent gritty narative it's not yet wowing me on anything specific. But I'll wait for further trailers and actual gameplay before saying anything else.


                              • #30
                                Isn't a couple of Mad Men actors and crew members suppose to be involved?

