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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed HD 720p

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  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed HD 720p

    Yup, another cutscene pack by me.
    (Check my profile for several others)

    This a collection of all the cutscenes from the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed which takes place between Episode III and IV.

    The game tells the story of "Starkiller" the secret apprentice of Darth Vader.
    It's story was supervised by George Lucas in order to fit into the established canon. Lucas also shared his thoughts with the development team on various aspects of the story, such as the motivations of Darth Vader at this period of his life.

    The story of the videogame was praised by most reviewers and gamers and some even consider it better than the story of Episodes I, II, III

    Here are a few screenshots from this release:

    Work done for each cutscene:

    1) BINK video -> .png images -> Huffyuv avi -> x264 mp4
    2) 2 (L+R) + 1 (C) + 1 (LFE) + 2 (RL + RR) wav audio -> 5.1 wav -> 5.1 AAC mp4
    3) muxed audio & video streams to mkv

    Quality Settings:

    Encoded at: 1280x720 (16:9) @ 29.976fps, YV12, x264 + 5.1 Surround, 48KHz, Nero AAC
    Encoding Quality: CRF18.5 (Very HQ profile - Slower preset) + LC 256Kbps (HQ profile)

    Download links:



    Note: Please do not reupload this release to any other website, or hosting service, or even sites like youtube. I will stop sharing cutscenes from games if I find out that this happened. Thanks.
    Last edited by doomed; 02-19-2010, 02:49 AM. Reason: fixed SW14.mkv

  • #2
    Wait! Are all cutscenes done realtime in the PC version of the game?

    In the console version, there's this mixed bag of them where some are realtime, some are pre-recorded with default in-game models and some are these atrocious high detailed CG models.

    Nice job on recording all (although I wont be downloading them).

    Pardon if I'm going off-track, but I kinda wanted to make a new Force Unleashed topic a few weeks back, but didn't 'cause I couldn't find time to write anything coherent, but here's a try! (Or more like a tiny rant)

    Man... the whole thing with this game's story... it's so terrifyingly bad at times
    Its implementation in Star Wars canon is so terrible too. Whoever wrote the story and supervised it made something that most of all, again, felt like a Saturday Morning Cartoon in many ways.

    I'm still pissed about the Hoth level not being available on the marketplace. I actually didn't buy the Tattooine one because of that, but ended up double dipping on the game by picking up a Sith Edition disc later (Man... they really went cheapo on that one too. The DLC levels are all playable via a separate disc on that one - rather than being installs or just DLC codes)

    The "dark side" ending to the game was a good idea, and I like the fact that they built upon it with the Tattooine and Hoth levels... but... man... when I had to fight ghost jedi and shit... (not to mention listen to the poor writing during those levels, such as the Jabba scene - I almost felt like committing suicide on the spot)

    Going back to the fighting system for the DLC levels after having played Bayonetta was also pretty painful (not that playing the game wasn't so to begin with. Still kinda puzzled by how on earth they managed to shift so many copies of it. 'Cause most reviews didn't exactly give it top scores.)


    • #3
      I played the demo and I thought it was a fun game. The way you can crush stormtroopers is really fun to watch.


      • #4
        Carnivol these are only the FMVs (from the PC version). I've played a couple of hours, and all the cutscenes (or at least the most important ones) were FMVs.

        But nevertheless the process of converting them from the original .bik files and recreating the 5.1 audio from the 4 audio files was tiresome.


        • #5
          The sequel is being done in-house it seems to fix the problems with the first title.

          It was really ambitious but the game play was... well a mixed bag. Could have been a lot better. But the story was definitely good.


          • #6
            The story isn't totally awful, at least in the aspect that Vader WAS looking for an apprentice (while the Emperor WAS looking to replace Vader).


            • #7
              I just don't why such blatant piracy as this gets a free pass whilst even the slightest mention of a ROM download gets a warning?

              Don't get me wrong, thanks, and i've got them qued for download but still.
              Last edited by Stu; 02-18-2010, 05:59 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Stu View Post
                I just don't why such blatant piracy as this gets a free pass whilst even the slightest mention of a ROM download gets a warning?

                Don't get me wrong, thanks, and i've got them qued for download but still.

                You're right, though.

                I was lazy when reading the opening post.
                Just saw some screengrabs of cutscenes and download links.

                Missed the part where it was mentioned that they were movie files in the PC version and not recordings of realtime cutscenes as I thought they were at first. (Then it'd been an interesting study. 'Cause I'm still disgusted by the ugly look of the cutscenes in that game... especially considering how they're mostly just using the in-game models. I mean... seriously... Capcom pulled off all of their MT Framework games' cutscenes realtime and even the most broken of U3 based games have also used realtime graphics for anything that isn't obviously pre-rendered with state-of-the-art CG.)

                Aaaaaanyway - it's an ugly subject. We've had a pile of cutscene encodes for various stuff before (including what we have on the site itself too). I have to say that just converting/copying all files (as is) from a game is a bit icky too... better left as just a guide. Find the bottom note about not uploading them elsewhere... a bit odd... considering that all it is is a near automated process. (Not that fraps-ing some realtime stuff aint that too...)

                Personally, I wouldn't want THIA to become the "dump" for these sorts of things (I know there have been periods where bioflames more or less have been the anarchist playground for sharing of the most absurd stuff in order to save people 5 mins worth of trouble, should they actually have cared). Guess this is one of those things that'll have to be put into the subjects that needs to be touched when we evt. update the rules (and force everyone to read or die!)


                • #9
                  Is this why the PC version is 15GB? 'Cause they just threw all the cutscenes in as movie files instead of rendering them? Ugh.


                  • #10
                    Beats me... guess they threw them in with a higher bitrate... or maybe the few cutscenes that were realtime in the console versions are turned into FMVs in the PC version


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by randomwab View Post
                      Is this why the PC version is 15GB? 'Cause they just threw all the cutscenes in as movie files instead of rendering them? Ugh.
                      I don't know if the console versions had fewer FMVs but the answer to your question would be yes and no. While the FMV folder takes up a massive 8GB (a whole DVD-9!!) of space, the whole folder of the game takes up 28GB. So if we exclude the FMVs there are 20GBs of game data, which is ridiculous.

                      The code monkeys from Aspyr screwed this up badly. And the game is unplayable or at least not enjoyable at all with the 30fps cap they've put.
                      Last edited by doomed; 02-19-2010, 02:47 AM.


                      • #12
                        Aspyr? Yeah... those guys are best described as Code Monkeys
                        Since when did they start doing PC ports? I only really know them from their own attempts at making PC games on their own and several Mac ports of rather high profiled PC/Windows games.

                        Still don't get how the PC version can be so massive. 360 version is packing in at 6.8gb on the 360 DVD (and has 3 DLC levels that rank in at roughly 800mb extra each + a set of costume packs that actually are a tad bit absurdly large for their own good. By the way, I still hate how the Sith Edition has up 'till now been the only way to get the Hoth Level + how the extra levels in the Sith Edition are just played from the 2nd disc, rather than being installed or downloaded... and whoever designed the system for DLC levels in the game should be slapped too... and where is my Sith ending take on Return of the Jedi-take where I'll (hopefully) get to murder the Rebel Alliance(for good) on Endor + maybe fight a Jedi Leia and maybe also even beat up a poorly digitized Harrison Ford?

                        So, anyway, even with all DLC applied, TFU 360 is still only roughly about 10gb. So where do those 18 extra gb come from in the PC version? :s
                        (Okay, I see the FMVs are oddly expanded, but what about the rest? Texture quality from another dimension?)


                        • #13
                          They've ported some Guitar Hero & Tony Hawk games.

                          Take a look to the "List of games published/ported to the PC (from consoles)" part.

                          I know that the install of the Turok PC port was close to 14GB. It seems it's a trend of Aspyr.
                          Last edited by doomed; 02-19-2010, 03:46 AM.


                          • #14
                            I bought the Ultimate Sith Edition, played for like a week and then my 360 broke on me, but for what I saw, it has bad graphics and reeeeeally bad combat andthe story... well... I onlly finished the first part, so it hasn't gotten very interesting yet... yet... will it get interesting??!!!


                            • #15
                              I have searched all over for the original english .bik files for star wars the force unleashed on pc, just wondered if you could upload them or point me in the right direction to download them from somewhere? Thanks in advance.

                              Help me? the your my only hope

