WARNING: Don't try logging into PSN right now.
A wide rash of game-crashing errors is spreading among the PS3-owning community at the moment, most of which can be chalked up to a 8001050F error code. This has led to a variety of unfortunate side-effects for those affected, including corrupted trophy information and an inability to access the PSN. When combined, those two issues prevent players from launching certain games, such as Heavy Rain, without being kicked back to the XMB.
I was playing Modern Warfare 2 and not experiencing any errors, but read this online and decided to warn everyone. Looks like there's issues with PSN as everywhere I'm reading says that people can't log-in or even play single-player games. In extreme circumstances, people's data and trophies are getting corrupted.
I just tried to log-in on my own and got the same error code: 8001050F. People on Twitter are saying the problem is worldwide.
EDIT: Wondering out loud if this has anything to do with the newly re-designed(once again) PlayStation website:
A wide rash of game-crashing errors is spreading among the PS3-owning community at the moment, most of which can be chalked up to a 8001050F error code. This has led to a variety of unfortunate side-effects for those affected, including corrupted trophy information and an inability to access the PSN. When combined, those two issues prevent players from launching certain games, such as Heavy Rain, without being kicked back to the XMB.
I was playing Modern Warfare 2 and not experiencing any errors, but read this online and decided to warn everyone. Looks like there's issues with PSN as everywhere I'm reading says that people can't log-in or even play single-player games. In extreme circumstances, people's data and trophies are getting corrupted.
I just tried to log-in on my own and got the same error code: 8001050F. People on Twitter are saying the problem is worldwide.
EDIT: Wondering out loud if this has anything to do with the newly re-designed(once again) PlayStation website: